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1、八(下) Unit 2 Travelling如皋初级中学2014-2-20Period 1Teaching content:Comic strip & Welcome to the unit.Teaching aims:1. To introduce well-known attractions in foreign cities and popular places of interest.2. To activate general knowledge about the world .Toidentify activities which people do on holiday.3.

2、To start students thinking about different places in the world. Important difficult points:To learn some popular tourist attractions .1. Show the pictures of the six places of interest on the page 21.Little Mermaid Denmark Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy The Sydney Opera House Australia Great Wall China

3、 Statue of Liberty America Tower Bridge Britain Lead them to read the names of places and countries.2. Practice and do A on P213. Show some words about these places and let Ss match and read them Step Three1. Listen to the tape and answer Whats special about it?Has Millie ever there?2. Work in pairs

4、3. Make dialogues. Activity Two Comic strips Step Five: Listen and answer1. Where is Eddie going?2. Does Hobo want to go ,too?3. Does Hobo bring a lot of thing with him? Step Six: Read Comic stripDiscuss: How does Eddie feel? Why? Step Seven:Work in pairs and act it outRead the dialogue after the tape. Practice the dialogue in pairs.Act it outActivity Three Class Work1.去南山度假2.加入你们3.做准备4.收拾我所有的东西5.带上这个包6.我认为 .不 .。八(下) Unit 2 Travelling如皋初级中学2014-2-207.的首都9.它有什么特 的 ?8.来自 .10. 你曾 去 那儿 ?Homework:1 Finish Period 1 in WB2 Preview Reading


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