实效管理品牌传播之道(Effective management the way of brand communication).doc

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1、实效管理品牌传播之道(Effective management the way of brand communication)The position of communication in brand building. Communication is the spokesperson of the brand. Communication is the link between the brand and the consumer. Communication is an important means for consumers to recognize the brand. The

2、communication has established the popularity of the brand and spread the image of the brand.The misunderstanding of brand building: excessive dependence on communication. It is because of the importance of communication for brand building, but also is the most intuitive performance, so conceal the d

3、eep connotation in the brand construction, causes the enterprise in the process of brand building and rely solely on the propagation of excessive dependence on the situation, so as to produce heavy form, light content speculation thinking. In fact, the function of communication on the external chara

4、cteristics and performance of the brand, it can enhance the visibility and brand recognition, the external image of a brand, but these are not directly promote sales, just a way, can realize the value of brand is the brand of customer loyalty and satisfaction, and these two important indicators are

5、not rely on communication can be built, more still needs to dig from the connotation of the brand, including product quality, price, purchase convenience, customer relationship, customer service service, additional benefits and many other aspects, is present in the whole process of marketing and bra

6、nd building.There are many failures to rely solely on the spread of brand building. For example, the enterprise level, Qinchi Confucian family, kongfuyan, love, giants, dragons, Asia etc.; the level of brand Onie, Royal Cong Rong, the God of the sun, the turtle, the life of nuclear energy, bully, Ch

7、ina, Macro, Rachel, havle; industry level health care products industry, warm clothing industry etc.Strategic thinking of brand integrated communication. Strategy integration communication must implement the overall strategy of the brand idea, to carry out communication according to the development

8、process of the brand, and not the blind pursuit of spreading Duanpingkuai type of speculation, the right thing to do and not do things right.Including strategic planning, brand integration: market analysis, competitive analysis, consumer analysis, brand strategy thinking, communication strategy idea

9、, brand positioning, brand development goals, communication strategy goal, propagation stage, spread in the form of integration, spread, the spread of tactical plan evaluation.Phased strategy of brand communication. Divided by period: the brand start-up stage, development stage, mature stage and dec

10、line stage; according to the characteristics of division: blank market, market growth, market competition, market maturity, market decline; seasonal division: market off-season market, season; according to geographical division: the central market and the surrounding market; according to the strateg

11、y of distribution, with the Listing Division: with the promotion, brand competition barrier etc.The choice of brand communication form. The form of brand communication: the dissemination of traditional media, new media, activities (PR, event sponsorship, etc.); the characteristics of various forms o

12、f communication in the current market environment: what kind of forms of communication for the industry or the product? Which form of communication is suitable for this market stage? Which form of communication is suitable for the current situation of this brand? Which form of communication is suita

13、ble for the current competitive environment? Which form of communication meets the current resource requirements of the enterprise? Which form of communication can achieve the purpose of communication? What forms of communication can be integrated?.The integration of misunderstanding of brand commun

14、ication form will integrate communication as a combination of the spread, tend to focus on whether the communication contains all of the forms, regardless of whether accord with the actual conditions of the enterprise, that transmission links are included, we can solve all the problems, in fact, thi

15、s is tantamount to self deception.Ignore strategy. That covers all the content, will have effect, thus ignoring the careful arrangement of strategy, in fact, if there is no unified strategy, together what is still lacking spirit of cooperation. Everything, no focus. Resources are limited, for all fo

16、rms of communication will be used to make the enterprise not to focus resources on the main aspects, can not form a competitive advantage, it looks like it is not what a loophole, but with professional competitors, it is lack of confidence.Ignore market conditions. Because of the integration of comm

17、unication depends, but the lack of correct ideas, so no effort put in the market, without clear aims of lack of real understanding, the market, no law for effective measures, finally can only borrow to cover up the lack of comprehensive attack.Waste resources. Because the distribution of resources i

18、s too broad, and the lack of emphasis and pertinence, thus causing the efficiency of resource utilization is not high, regardless of the final result of the spread of success in virtually all waste a lot of resources of enterprises.Ignore the characteristics of a product or an industry. Because of t

19、oo much emphasis on the combination of various forms of communication, often overlooked detail analysis of product and industry, the product or industry for what kind of communication is not clear, so it is hard to grasp how to effectively integrate all aspects of communication.Lack of media analysi

20、s. In the integration of communication, enterprises tend to take almost all forms of media, but they do not understand the characteristics and applicable conditions of various media, so there is a lack of clear media strategy. And this is the most frequently misunderstood aspect, that integration of

21、 communication is the use of all media, unless adequate resources, can be done as Harbin Pharmaceutical Groups products to the media without strategy strategy, otherwise it will cause the inefficient use of media.IMC is a reasonable allocation of resources for enterprises, each link organically and

22、in accordance with the goal and strategy of unified will propagate together, make the enterprise operation with the overall effect, rather than fight the enemy separately. Integration is in need of direction, and not just a goal can serve as the direction of integration. To achieve the integration o

23、f all aspects of communication, we must have a cohesive point, so that all the work carried out around a center, this convergence point is the needs of consumers. Only based on accurate grasp of consumer demand, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the communication work, have a reasonable alloca

24、tion of resources and the integration of meaning, or based on a wrong direction of the integration, will only accelerate quickly the failure of enterprises.The key to integrated communication lies in the high unity of goals, strategies and tactics. Integrated communication is the process of rational

25、 and effective allocation and utilization of enterprise resources around the right target, the formulation of clear strategies and the use of flexible tactical means. In this process, the key to see whether the application of resources according to the actual situation of enterprises, means whether

26、accord with the goal of the enterprise, whether it reflects the enterprises strategy, so as to determine the integration in what aspects; and not as long as the use of all that is in the form of integration, in fact, only a part of the form can also be effective integration.Integrated communication

27、performance is the whole process of unified communication integration must be unified, unified, unified strategy target image, the enterprise resources are oriented towards a common direction; for unity, will make the resources more reasonable, make the organization more professional and efficient c

28、ollocation, so as to spread the true with the overall effect.Integrated communication has a phased nature. The market is constantly changing, the enterprise is constantly changing, and the resources of the enterprise are changing constantly. Therefore, in the process of integrated communication, it

29、must be phased. Each stage due to the enterprise resources and market conditions are different, the corresponding marketing strategy is also different, so the specific forms of integration will also differ, have the form of integration of its consistent in different stages, and will not at any stage

30、 of marketing means all is called integration, all that is just the combination strategy .Proper use of integrated communicationGrasp the real situation of consumers. This is a prerequisite for the proper implementation of integrated communication. Through a lot of research, grasp the characteristic

31、s of consumer consumption psychology and consumer behavior characteristics, understand their life habits and the way of buying and consumption characteristics, entertainment and other details, according to dig out the appropriate communication mode.Understand the market development stage. Different

32、markets and different stages of development, will affect the integration of communication enterprises, because in different stages of market development, the market environment is different, a great influence on the enterprise operation of these external conditions, such as the face China current co

33、nsumer goods market environment and a few years ago literally different, naturally can not take this to cash in the operation of communication before the means of communication.Know about competitors. The situation of competitors is a very important external condition, and different competition cond

34、itions will affect the integrated operation of enterprises. In some ways, integrated communication should change as competitors change, for example, competitors media attacks are very powerful, which will force the integration of enterprises to spread their ways.Understand the operation characterist

35、ics of products and industries. Understand the product, the operation of the industry will be helpful for enterprise integration communication is more targeted, requirements for the integration of different products, the industry is different, such as medicine and food, is two different products, th

36、e industry, accordingly also need to integrate different communication mode, and some methods are not universal therefore, specific products, industry specific treatment is more important.Grasp the characteristics of the media. Different media for different products or industries, or in different st

37、ages of propagation, the use of the way and focus are different, so the integration of communication, must be on the prevailing market conditions for the use of the media in the form of a detailed analysis. And the media is constantly evolving. Previously unsuitable media may be just right now,All t

38、hese require enterprises to know the characteristics and application conditions of the media. Grasp the characteristics of various means of communication. Television, newspapers, magazines, radio, outdoor media, Internet and other forms, have different characteristics and conditions in application,

39、use each kind of form, the effect is different, but the same form in different market environments have different uses, so for the integration of communication in terms of that must correctly select the appropriate form of communication in the strategy under the guidance, but not all are to be used,

40、 just blindly combination, does not have the strategy, but also a waste of resources and.Analyze the resources available to the enterprise. The resource condition of the enterprise is the necessary condition for the integration of the existence of the communication. It is necessary to analyze the re

41、sources that the enterprise can provide, and to carry out the integration of various forms of communication under the conditions permitted. Each resource is an important problem faced by enterprises, and the integration of communication is carried out in the strategy under the guidance of rational a

42、nd efficient allocation of enterprise resources, and improve the efficient use of resources, to achieve the goal of development of the enterprise.Formulate correct and clear strategies. In the enterprise has the premise of full understanding of all aspects of the need, communication strategies are c

43、orrect and clear planning, including overall strategy, strategy and tactical plans will be formulated as the guiding ideology of integrated communication.After a large number of detailed analysis of the work, to the last stage of the integration of communication is ripe for success. In front of the

44、work to prepare more fully integrated communication easier, the key lies in the real difficulty of integrated communication is the integration of the idea is correct, and the specific method implementation is not the most difficult to solve.Note: This article is based on Mr. Jiangs strong brand engineering and brand management training course in China Brand Research Institute in twenty-first Century.


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