牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能(Properties and physiological functions of taurine).doc

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牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能(Properties and physiological functions of taurine).doc_第1页
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《牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能(Properties and physiological functions of taurine).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能(Properties and physiological functions of taurine).doc(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能(Properties and physiological functions of taurine)14营养与日粮畜禽业190牛磺酸的性质及其生理功能刘莹胡建民富亮(沈阳农业大学畜牧兽医学院,辽宁沈阳110161)中图分类号:s816.7文献标识码:一文章编号:1008-0414(2006)01(下)- 0014-02摘要牛磺酸存在于哺乳动物的所有组织中,而且是在心脏、视网膜、骨骼肌和白细胞中含量最丰富的游离氨基酸,不能够合成蛋白质。它具有抗癌、抗氧化、降低血清胆固醇以及调节免疫等作用。就其来源、合成以及各种生理功能作一综述。关键词牛磺酸性质生理功能和牛磺酸的生理影响


3、rine,Tau)因1827年从1牛磺酸的性质及其来源牛胆汁中分离出来而得名,俗称牛胆牛磺酸是一种含硫的氨基酸,碱、牛胆素。1945年斯坦和穆尔在化学名称为2氨基乙磺酸无色,四。1975脑和脊髓中首次发现了牛磺酸。面针状结晶体,易溶于水,具有酸、碱两年海因斯发现,幼猫因膳食中缺乏牛性电解质作用。化学性质稳定、在动物磺酸而致视觉功能减退甚至失明,从体内多以游离形式存在,是体内含量而确立了牛磺酸在营养学中的地位 1 。最高的游离氨基酸。机体中牛磺酸主牛磺酸广泛存在于人和哺乳动物几乎要来自外界摄取,部分由自身合成。研所有脏器中,具有特殊的生理功能和究表明,在水藻及动物体内含量较高。药理作用,作为药物

4、、食品和饲料添加其中,海鱼、贝类含量最丰富,植物和剂而被广泛应用而且,牛磺酸缺乏会。细菌中缺乏,故动物性食品是膳食中对机体的许多器官、系统产生不利影牛磺酸的主要来源。体内牛磺酸的合响,并引起一系列的生理、病理和生物In the liver from cysteine cysteine dioxygenLearn to change.Cysteine - an oxidative metabolite of the enzyme - cysteineSulfonic acid. The latter fraction is in cysteine cystineReceived: 2005-11

5、-03 enzyme catalyzed decarboxylation. Because of the retention of sulfonic acid groupsBrief introduction to authors: Liu Ying (1980 -), female, Shen Hua of Liaoning Province, taurine can not synthesize proteins, and thus in fine,Yang, a basic veterinary medicine at Grade 2003 in Shenyang Agricultura

6、l Uinversity, was free from cytoplasm. Intracellular taurine is higher than the cellMaster of nutritional physiologyTens of times to thousands of times outside. Taurine has high chemistryIts stability and low metabolic activity are mainly from the bileAnd excreted in the urine.2 the physiological fu

7、nction of taurine2.1 the role of taurine in the cardiovascular systemTaurine is closely related to the cardiovascular systemCut, abundant in heart muscle, is the heart of mammalsAn amino acid with the highest content in muscle tissue50% of free amino acids. In recent years, found inTaurine is a myoc

8、ardial cell under ischemia (oxygen) and so onThe content decreased and was closely related to the degree of myocardial injuryOff.Protective effects of 2.1.1 on myocardial ischemia injury: TaurineIt is closely related to myocardial calcium and cardiac contractility. canIncrease the calcium utilizatio

9、n of the myocardium during systole to prevent calciumMyocardial injury induced by overloading. Research shows that the heart muscleTissues produce large amounts during ischemia, anoxia, or reperfusionOxygen free radical. Because the myocardial cell membrane is richUnsaturated fatty acids are suscept

10、ible to the oxidation of oxygen free radicalsDamage, resulting in the formation of lipid peroxides, membrane phospholipidsDegradation, thereby increasing the permeability of the membrane to Ca2+.Intracellular calcium overload activates phospholipase A2, too,Destroy the integrity of the membrane. And

11、 taurine is stable and fineThe function of cell membrane is to protect cell membrane phospholipids from degradation,Regulate the permeability of membrane to ion and resist calcium excessPhysiological effects such as myocardial damage induced by loading. From now onSome studies have shown that taurin

12、e has superior propertiesPhysiological effects are mainly mediated by their direct or indirect effectsThe Ca2+ channel and the Na+ channel are adjusted (Na+ )(Ca2+) exchange, thereby regulating extracellular Ca2+ concentrationRealized by degrees. Taurine is now believed to be calciumTransport regula

13、tion mainly with the following function: 1 when 2Taurine can be observed when the intracellular calcium is increasedIncrease the sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial calcium storage capacity. The cattleSulfonic acid stimulates the calcium activated ATP on the cell membraneThe enzyme transport ef

14、ficiency indirectly enhances membrane uptake of calcium.The opening and closing of a taurine can regulate calcium channelCheng. The taurine can inhibit calcium in the passive filmDiffusion. In addition, myocardial damage also makes mitochondriaStructural damage. Protective effects of taurine on mito

15、chondriaUse of enzymes to reduce malondialdehyde in mitochondriaTo improve the effectiveness of endogenous oxygen radical scavengersSuperoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidaseVitality, play an antioxidant role and maintain the mitochondrial membraneStructural and functional integrity, and this r

16、ole is also enhancedThe lipid fluidity of the myocardial cell membrane is very important to the myocardiumThe cell membrane plays a protective role. At the same time, taurine is modifiedThe Ca2+ binding site of the acid phosphate on the cell membraneThe quantity of calcium inhibits the calcium overl

17、oad in myocardial cellsTotal nutrition and ration 190th & 15 for livestock and poultry industry, 1, February, 2006The amino group in the sulfonic acid molecule can interact with the harmful factorsActing against the ion and water transfer of the membraneElectrophysiological protective effect.2.1.2 a

18、ntiarrhythmic effect: lack of lead in myocardiumDuring acid, the prolongation of Q T interval leads to arrhythmia.Taurine acts on the myocardial cell membrane through regulationMembrane permeability to K+ prevents loss of K+. ischemicThe number of alpha receptors in myocardium increases with arrhyth

19、miaAnti heart failure can be thought to be in the presence of taurineCa2+ and mitochondria, muscle fiber membrane and so onHe. When the intracellular exchange of Ca2+ is reduced, the bindingCalcium free, thereby increasing myocardial contractility.2.1.3 lowering blood pressure: study found taurineBl

20、ood can be affected by 2 mechanisms of central and peripheral bloodPressure. Hypertension and hypertension in primary hypertensive ratsThe blood pressure of patients has a significant reduction, but notAffect normal blood pressure, and taurine can change heartRemodeling of muscle structure, preventi

21、on and treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy and reduction of cardiac contractilityThe incidence of exhaustion. High potassium induced contractionThe low affinity site of vascular smooth muscle should be dependent on Ca2+Uptake increased, whereas taurine interfered with low affinity for calciumB

22、inding of calcium binding sites results in voltage dependenceChannel Ca2+ influx was reduced and vascular smooth muscle relaxation was observed,Vasodilation. The effect of taurine on K+ lowering blood pressureAlso matter. In addition, the acetate of corticosterone(DOCA) induced hypertension in rats

23、by taurineAfter treatment, the hypothalamus taurine and beta endorphinTaurine can be used as an inhibitorSexual neurotransmitter or neuromodulation affects sympathetic nervesThe activity of the system activates endogenous opioidsHypotensive effect.2.1.4 anti atherosclerosis and cholesterol loweringT

24、aurine not only has membrane stability, but also has good stabilitySection Ca2+ concentration, anti lipid peroxidation, clear freedomAnd the wide range of physiological functions such as immunoregulationBe able to participate in the absorption of fat and fat soluble substances in the bodyAnd it can

25、lower cholesterol and raise HDLWhite, to prevent atherosclerosis.YamoriY et al think taurine can be used as a treatmentAn adjunct to atherosclerosis to prevent atherosclerosisHardening formation. Taurine has obvious antioxidant activityAnd delaying senescence, and acting on moleculesSo as to prevent

26、 the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.2.2 effects of taurine on retinaTaurine is also widely distributed in the retinaRole. Such as protecting the outer segment of the rod and modulating the retinaCa2+ uptake, regulation of protein phosphorylation, and regulation of osmosisPressure, etc

27、. Studies have shown that taurine is associated with the retina of the letterInterest transmission is closely related. Light stimulates the retinaTaurine is released, and it can affect the retinaCa2+ ingestion and protein phosphorylation modulate visual informationSignal transfer. In vivo, the tauri

28、ne concentration in the retinaThe decrease will lead to destruction of photoreceptor structures, andAccompanied by severe visual disturbances and abnormal electroretinogramOften. Supplement taurine or stop hindering taurine absorptionAfter the drug was received, the electroretinogram returned to nor

29、mal. Except asThe lens, blanket, and optic axis of the optic nerve outside the omentumIt also relates to taurine.2.3 taurine and exerciseExercise, as a form of stress, is necessary for BiologyThe physiological function of the body has different degrees of influence.A large number of studies have sho

30、wn that exercise-induced fatigue and intracellular selfIncreased production of bases and enhanced lipid peroxidation,The damaged tissue, cell membrane, energy metabolism disorder, Ca2+Homeostasis dysregulation (intracellular calcium overload and intracellular organelles)Decrease in free Ca2+). Exper

31、iments have shown that supplementExogenous taurine can increase gastrocnemius muscle recovery in miceShrinkage force. Taurine is stable to intracellular Ca2+Regulatory action can influence sarcoplasmic reticulum to Ca2+Release and uptake. Schaffer et alThe coupling process of stimulation and contrac

32、tion of taurine and muscleThe regulation of Ca2+ metabolism in cells. Other researchThe results showed that the blood in the plasma after exhaustive exercise in ratsSugar reduces the lactate free radical metabolism in the bloodMalondialdehyde (MDA), phosphate kinase (CK), and asparagusAmino acid ami

33、notransferase (GOT) and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) were significantly increased. Taurine can fight movementThe decrease in blood glucose and elevated lactic acid levels in the bloodThe levels of MDA, CK, GOT and LDH in blood decreased obviouslyLow, it can improve the internal environment after exerc

34、iseWith the addition of exogenous taurine, it can increase the movementTaurine levels in rats and may be in motionThe body plays an important role. Studies show that the bodyTaurine is essential for the maintenance of motor performanceThe source of taurine in the development and movement of the body

35、Each link enhances athletic ability.2.4 hypoglycemic effectExtensive experimental studies have confirmed the systemic application of cattleSulfonic acid can significantly reduce the blood of diabetic ratsSugar. The study found that the rats were given a daily high blood sugar modelFeed Tau 300, mg/(

36、kg, w) can make blood sugarDecreased significantly. The mechanism of taurine lowering blood sugar, such asUnder 1: taurine has insulin like effect, can doUsed of insulin receptors, in hyperglycemic conditionsIncrease the skeletal muscle, myocardial and other target organs on glucoseThe uptake of the

37、 target organ is accelerated by the penetration of glucose,Promote intracellular sugar metabolism and glycogen synthesis. 2Taurine can protect pancreatic islet beta cells,Can obviously improve the serum insulin water of hyperglycemic ratsFlat, thus reducing blood sugar. Taurine asA new diabetes prev

38、ention and control drug is not only availableActing on the insulin receptor and displaying insulin like effectsInsulin should be combined with or superimposed on glucose metabolismThe regulatory effect involved in maintaining the body glucose itselfSteady-state。 As an endogenous cell protector and o

39、xidantTaurine can effectively reduce the blood pressure of diabetes mellitusTo protect the secretion function of pancreatic beta cell,A series of tissues triggered by the suppression of hyperglycemiaIntracellular environmental disturbance and structural damage to diabetes mellitusAnd its complicatio

40、ns have obvious protection and PreventionUse.2.5 effects of taurine on the central nervous systemTaurine is managed by God during brain developmentThe role of neurotrophic factors and neurotrophic factors. Can increaseLearning and memory function of rats and mice. In studentsThe central nervous syst

41、em of humans and mammals during the long development periodThe taurine synthesis capacity of the system is low, thereforeMust be supplied from food. During pregnancy and lactation,If the mother lacks taurine, it affects the offspringTaurine levels and neurological development. in vivoAnd in vitro ex

42、periments have proved that taurine can promote the nerveCell DNA, RNA and protein synthesis are improvedAcetylcholine esterase (AchE) is active and regulatedThe intracellular calcium concentration in the nerve cells makes it mildHigh, increased neuronal maturity. In addition, mercuryAcids promote ne

43、rve cell growth and stretch nervesCell survival time can promote cell proliferation and differentiationOf.3 application prospect of taurineBecause the production of taurine in our country started relativelyLate, the production technology, product quality, development and application are allAnd devel

44、oped countries have a certain gap. Taurine is currently availableManufacturers mainly concentrated in Japan, the United States, EuropeContinents and other developed countries. About taurine combination in JapanCheng Lida more than 20. Food and beverages in the United StatesConsumption of taurine rea

45、ched in 19856000 T, much more than traditional medicineConsumption。 The relevant departments of our country have worked out the foodThe hygienic standard for the use of nutritional fortifier stipulates the cowSulfonic acids in dairy products, infant foods, and cerealsAllowable addition of a product.

46、 It can be seen that taurine shouldUse is gaining importance. Our country is a populationIf the country, 1/3 children of cattleThe consumption level of sulfonic acid reaches abroad level, only this oneThe item costs 35 thousand T per year. Taurine, taurineIn China, there are huge potential markets and prospects for developmentVery broad.Reference documents (omitted)


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