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1、名校名 推荐Unit 4 My day同步练习一、单项选择。() 1. Do you have_ dinner at home? Yes. I usually have_ big dinner with my family at home.A. the; theB. the; C. ; D. ; a() 3. YOG ( 青奥会 ) comes _summer? Yes. And the 2nd YOG starts in Nanjing_ August 16.A. in; onB. on; onC. at; onD. on; in() 4.Walking is good_ and it ma

2、kes people healthy.A. exerciseB. activityC. homeworkD. practice() 5.I am usually busy_ the evening, but_Sunday evening I m free.A. in; onB. in; inC. on; inD. on; on() 6. The film starts at 7:15. Well, it is_ now. We have thirty minutes for a drink.A. half past sevenB. a quarter past sixC. a quarter

3、to sevenD. a quarter tosix() 7.I usually_ dancing for two hours on Saturday mornings.A. needB. practiceC. startD. dislike() 8. Tom isn t happy today. Do you know the? His dog is ill. That makes him sad.A. whyB. worldC. lifeD. reason() 9.The show If you are the one ( 非诚勿扰 ) is _21:15 to 22:45 at week

4、ends.A. atB. onC. inD. from() 10. I _eat in the KFC. I like Chinese food.A. oftenB. sometimesC. seldomD. usually二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Our school has a parents meeting(one) a month.1名校名 推荐2. My cousin _ (like) eggs, and he never eats them.3. Doing some after-school_ (activity) is fun.4. Jim is really

5、good at _ (learn) new things.5. I don t know how(make) my dog happy.三、根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。1. The students often have a _ (野餐 ) in the park.2. Our school day starts at a _ ( 一刻钟 ) to eight.3. My family want to visit a_ (博物馆 ) this weekend.4. _ ( 首先 ), we need to find a place to live.5. I seldom do my

6、_ ( 家庭作业 ) before supper.四、完形填空。Some students don t like cooking, and they_1_learn it. Some like it and they learn itfrom their _2_at home.In our school, students can have cooking _3_. So if ( 如果 ) our parents are not at home,we don t 4_ to go to KFCs for meals.I have great_5_ in cooking classes. Co

7、oking in class with the_6_ is interesting.But sometimes things don got on _7_. You know, we must (必须 ) take food for thelessons from home. Itsometimes not _8_to carry itin our schoolbag, because our_9_and pencil cases can get dirty. But I don t think问it题a).problemIts(10_great to learn to make food f

8、or our family!() 1. A. alwaysB. neverC. oftenD. usually() 2. A. parentsB. classmatesC. cousinsD. teachers() 3. A. gamesB. matchesC. classesD. schools() 4. A. wantB. hopeC. likeD. need() 5. A. funB. timeC. placeD. lesson() 6.A. parentsB. classmatesC. friendsD. brothers() 7.A. wellB. badC. goodD. nice

9、() 8.A. difficultB. interestingC. easyD. late() 9.A. foodB. clothesC. booksD. eggs2名校名 推荐() 10. A. sometimesB. seldomC. neverD. always五、阅读理解。My mother is a teacher. On weekdays, she gives lessons at school and on Saturdays she worksin clubs. On Sundays, she is still busy.On Sunday morning, mum gets

10、up at six. She cooks breakfast for us first. And then it scleaning. After that, she has breakfast with father and me. At 9, she goes to buy food for lunch inthe supermarket. She can have a short rest after lunch. In the a fternoon, mum doesn t go out. Shehelps me with my lessons. She does some readi

11、ng, too.Mother watches TV at about 7 when she finishes ( 完成 ) the housework. But at that time she isalways tired and falls asleep ( 睡着 ) in the sofa sometimes.() 1. Mother gives lessons at school _.A. every dayB. five days a weekC. six days a weekD. four days a week() 2. Paragraph (段 ) 2 is about_.A

12、. mother s SundayB. mother s workC. mother s school lifeD. mother s rafte-work activities() 3. Mother usually _first after she gets up.A. does some cleaningB. has breakfastC. wakes father and me upD. cooks breakfast() 4. Mother doesn ton Sundays.A. read booksB. buy foodC. go to the libraryD. help me

13、 with my lessons() 5. Mother usually watches TV_.A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. before supperD. after all the housework3名校名 推荐答案:一、 1-5 DCAAA6-10 CBDDC二、 1. once2. dislikes3. activities4. learning5. to make三、 1. picnic2. quarter3. museum4. First5. homework四、 1-5 BACDA6-10 BACCD五、 1-5 BADCD4


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