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1、同等学力人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试完型填空真题集资料仅供参考同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试Why do kids hate Brussels sprouts( 芽甘苦 )? Because Brussels sprouts are bitter,and kids generallydont like bitter tastes. But its not their _61 _. Researchers say that a dislike for bitter and sour is asurvival instinct ,since most toxic subst

2、ances _62_ that way too. On the other hand, sweetnesstypically indicates that something is _63_ to eat, so children are born with a _64_ for sweets.What we like to eat changes over time. As we age, we realize that _65 _ something tastes bitter orsour ,it wont kill us, and we learn to _66_ it. When w

3、ere older, we _67_ some of our smellsensitivity .Humans need smell to experience flavor, which is different from taste. With our sensesdiminished , well probably begin _68_ sugar and salt to our food,to heighten the flavor. _69_,theres a theory that the reason many especially big tasting wines in re

4、cent years have won awardsis that wine critics are getting older and finding subtle flavors _70_ to sense.If someone is_71_ to detect flavors at all , he may have a taste _72_ ,which can be caused by a tongue injury or brain damage. Or it could be a problem with _73_. The channel that separates the

5、mouthfrom the nose allows us to smell behind our nose and is _74_ enjoying most complex flavors. Thats why food seems _75_ when we have a stuffy nose-except chicken noodle soup. Its so salty.61.A. faultB. choiceC. habitD. regret62.A. feelB. lookC. soundD. taste63.A. strangeB. necessaryC. safeD. read

6、y64.A.B. preferenceC. awarenessD. considerationcapacity65.A. nowB. in caseC. if onlyD. even thoughthat66.A.B. improveC. treatD. alterenjoy67.A. formB. loseC. reduceD. gain68.A.B. balancingC. addingD. limitingputting69.A. InB. In conclusionC. In factD. In shortessence70.A. softerB. nicerC. worseD. ha

7、rder71.A.B. unableC. impossibleD. improbableunlikely资料仅供参考72.A.B. symptomC. therapyD. illusiondisorder73.A. moodB. tasteC. flavorD. smell74.A. subjectB. liable toC. crucial forD. beneficial forto75.A. deliciousB. flavorlessC. bitterD. smelly61. A解析:根据句意,但这并不是她们的错,故答案选A 。62. D解析:根据句意,研究员说不喜欢酸和苦是一种生存本

8、能,因为大多数有毒物质尝起来都是这个味。答案应选D。63. C解析:根据上下文,一方面,孩子们认为,有毒的东西又酸又苦;另一方面,安全的东西很甜。故答案选 C。64. B解析: capacity,能力; preference for对.偏爱; awareness,意识; consideration,考虑。根据句意,答案选B。65. D解析: now that ,既然;in case,以防; if only, 只要; even though, 尽管。根据句意,尽管有些东西尝起来酸或苦,但对我们并不构成威胁。存在转折关系,故选D。66. A解析: Enjoy ,享受; improve, 改进; t

9、reat, 对待; alter ,改变。根据句意,我们开始学习享受它,故选 A 。67. B解析:Form,形成;lose,失去;reduce ,减少 ; gain,获得。根据句意,失去嗅觉,故选B。68. C解析:add.to. 把 .加入到.根据句意,往我们的食物里加糖和盐,故答案选C。69. C解析:in essence,本质上;in conclusion,总之;in fact,事实上;in short,简而言之。根据句意,事实上,有理论表明.故答案选C。70. D解析:根据句意,很难发现微妙的风味,故答案选D。71. B解析:由 which can be caused by a ton

10、gue injury or brain damage能够察觉任何气味,故答案选B。可能由舌损伤或脑损伤引可知是不72. A解析:taste disorder味觉障碍,故选A 。资料仅供参考73. D解析:根据句意,或 也可能是嗅 的 ,故答案 D。74. C解析:subject to使服从; crucial for , 起决定作用的;beneficial for , .有益的。根据下文, 个通道起决定作用,故答案 C。75. B解析:根据句意,食物没有味道,故答案 B。同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试Zoos have become an important site for t

11、he preservation and protection of wildlife resources, _61_ those species that are endangered. _62_, many zoos displayed live animals for public entertainment. Presently some zoos have become scientific and educational _63_ that have contributed to the understanding and conservation of wild animal po

12、pulations. _64_ the challenges facing modern zoosare the cost of upgrading old facilities, the struggle to obtain _65_ operating funds, and the need to attract more visitors to new and entertaining exhibits.Many _66_ zoos in American cities have undergone renovation ( 翻新 ) during the last decades of

13、 the twentieth century. Among the recent trends in zoo _67_ is the construction of new enclosures that resemble natural habitats ( 栖息地 ). The replacement of traditional steel bars and concrete floors _68_ appropriately designed surroundings improves visitor appreciation of the animals. Such renovati

14、onsmay _69_ stress on animals and allow them to interact with one another more naturally.Several major zoos conduct captive propagation programs. A captive propagation program includes the breeding of _70_ zoo or wild animals to obtain offspring, usually for release to _71_ or for transfer to other

15、zoos. Captive breeding is one method of _72_ some species from extinction.Zoos have expanded and improved public education programs also, with education departments that develop programs _ 73_ zoo exhibits. Public activities include in-school programs, zoo tours, special events, and websites. The Zo

16、ological Society of New York, for example, conducted a major project with a Western African government to monitor an elephant herd _74_ it moved throughout its range.The importance of zoos will increase as natural habitats are diminishing. Through their efforts _75_ conservation, education, and envi

17、ronmental advocacy, zoos will continue to play a critical role in wildlife preservation throughout the world.61.A. superficiallyB .especially C. importantly D. supposedly62.A. By that timeB. By the time C. At one time D. At that time63.A. institutionsB. associations C. foundations D. corporations64.

18、A. AlongB. Toward C. Among D. Through65.A. limitedB. professional C. sufficient D. excessive资料仅供参考66.A. newerB. older C. former D. later67.A. managementB. improvement C. achievement D. assessment68.A. underB. for C. into D. with69.A. reduceB. cause C. increase D. avoid70.A. selectedB. sustained C. p

19、romising D. surviving71.A. naturalB. the natural C. wild D. the wild72.A. restrainingB. saving C. sheltering D. exempting73.A. attributed toB. opposed to C. referred to D. related to74.A. asB. as if C. so D. so that75.A. in search ofB. in honor of C. in support of D. in charge of61. B解析: especially

20、,特 地。本 指“特 ”是那些 危物种。62. C解析: At one time曾 ,一度。表示 去曾 做 某事,从后面句子中的displayed 一 判断,句子是在描述 去的事情。答案 C。63. A解析: association 会,公会。 institution 体,机构。 foundation基金会。 corporations 公司,企 。故答案 A 。64. C解析: Along 着,沿着。 Toward向,朝着。 Through 穿 , 。 among 在中。 里是列 物园要面 的挑 。故答案 C。65. C解析: limited 有限的。 professional 的, 的。 e

21、xcessive 度的, 多的。 sufficient 足 的,充分的。故答案 C 。66. B解析: 里指 多旧的 物园都翻新了。older 旧的,老的。故答案 B。67. B解析: improvement改 ,改 。 management 管理, 。 achievement成就。 assessment 价, 估。 里指 物园改 的地方。故答案 B。68. D解析: with在此 是表示附属关系,以手段做某事的意思。故答案 D。69. A解析: 里指减少施加 物的 力,故答案 A。70. A解析: survivingzoo 指代 物园中的 物。幸存的。故答案 A。sustained持 的。selected 的。promising允 的。71. D解析:the wild野外。本 是 把 物 放到野外。故答案 D。72. B解析: save. from挽救。 restrain.from除,豁免。 里指挽救搬危物种。故答案 限制,控制。B。shelter.from遮蔽,庇 。exempt.from免73. D解析: attribute to把 因于。 oppose to 反 。 related to 与有关。 refer to指代。 里指与 物展 有关的 展 目。故答案 D。


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