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1、PEP Book8 Unit3 Where did you go?A Lets try & Lets talk Teaching content and analysis:本节课是一节对话新授课,内容是Unit3 Where did you go? A Lets try 和 lets talk。在这之前,学生通过第二单元的学习,已经能掌握关于过去式的概念以及相关过去式单词的运用,如过去假期询问相关句型,如How was your weekend ? It was fine What did you do ? I watched TV/stayed at home本课要求学生继第二单元来学习关于

2、过去式的使用方法,掌握如何用英语来询问假期并回答,如Where did you go?I went to ./What did you do? I .。因此,在教学中我需要给学生提供回顾讨论假期的机会。其次,学生利用新句型问答假期活动,总结单词过去式及原型等,是本节课教学重点亦是难点。视听、正误判断、小组合作总结等不同形式,激发学生学习兴趣,提高课堂学习效率。 Teaching aims:1.Language aims:能够正确听、说、认读Lets talk。能够正确听、理解、完成Lets try。能够找出并总结归纳本课时出现的动词过去式及原型,并能在真实的情景中灵活运用。2.Ability

3、aims: 能够听懂、会说、会表演talk的内容,并在真实情景中运用。 能够根据所给的信息,正确选择和完成Lets try.能够提高课文的理解能力、语言组织和表达能力。3.Emotional aims:能够将所学用于实践,询问他人假期生活,关心同学老师。 The important and difficult points:1.The important points:能够学习本单元出现的重点句型、动词过去式及原型,并能在真实的情景中灵活运用.2.The difficult points: 能够在真实的语境中灵活运用动词过去式,交流假期生活。 Teaching aids:PPT CD word

4、 cards Teaching procedures:Teaching stepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesSuggestionsStep one:Warm-up/Revision1 Sing a song. “Last Weekend”2 warming up: game.3 Free talk: How was your weekend? What did you do last weekend?Ss sing the song. Catch the plane.It was good/just soso/.I watched TV/sta

5、yed at home/.轻快的音乐让学生进入学习气氛游戏环节复习第二单元学习的过去式词组。Step two: Presentation &practice&consolidation1 T: Its time for class, but John didnt come, why? Listen and tick or cross.Lets try.Q: Why did John hurt his foot? What happened?hurt his foot hurt-hurt(过去式)rode a bike riderode(过去式)fell off his bike fallfel

6、l(过去式)Thats too bad!2 Lets talkAmy went to Johns home, what did they talk about? Watch the video.They talked about the Labour Day holiday.Teach: Labour Day holiday.Q: Where did he go?A: He went o Xinjiang. go-wentQ: What did do there? Come and look at his photos. Mt. TianshanMountainrode a horse rid

7、erode(过去式)teach: mule TurpanQ: Did you go to Turpan?Yes,We saw lots of grapes there, but we couldnt eat them. They wont be ready till August.couldnt (cant 的过去式)wont= will not3 read along4 listen and repeat5 role play6 retell7 Pair workA: Where did you go over your holiday?B:_A: What did you do?B:_Ss

8、 listen and tick or cross.Ss learn the new words:hurt his footrode a bikefell offSs watch the video and find out de answers.Ss enjoy the picture Did you_?Ss learn the word :rode a horse(ride a horse).Ss read alonglisten and repeatrole playretellpair work由free talk引出lets try 部分,通过lets try 来挖掘内容,学习新的知

9、识,又可以自然e地过度到下一环节。让学生带着问题看课文视频,找出答案。学生根据自己的实际情况来进行问答练习,把课文的知识运用到实际生活中来。Step three:Homework1.Listen and repeat p24 5 times. 听读对话5遍以上2.Finish work book Board design:Unit 3 Where did you go? A Lets talk Lets try A: Where did you go ? B: _. A:What did you do ? B: I rode a horse/bike. fell off the horse. hurt my foot. Feedback


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