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1、新标准英语三年级起点第四册下册Module 2 unit 1 London is a big city.教案一、 教学知识点分析:本课英国名胜景物的学习和表达更是挖掘了学生认知和表达的潜力,给学生一个“国外旅游”的平台,对英语有着极大的学习兴趣和强烈的表达欲望。 在老师的熏陶和潜移默化下,对西方的文化景观有了一定的认识。二、教学内容:1能听说、认读本课新单词London, capital, about, beautiful,Buckingham Place, Queen.2能朗读本课的对话。3使学生能够在一定的语言情景中用刚学过的语言进行交流。三、教学目标:1、知识目标:认读单词 city/

2、ship / beautiful/whose/queen/.2、技能目标 :运用句子London is a big city习。. 来进行会话练3、情感目标:增强小组合作意识,增进同学之间的友谊。四、教学过程:Step1 Warming upListen to the song“London Bridge is falling down.”(学生一边拍手一边唱)Step2. Presentation(一)老师手持一本自制的关于伦敦的书问同学们T: What s this? Ss: It s a book.T: Yeah, it s a book. It s a book about一本关于“伦

3、London敦的书。”出.示单词卡片a book about London 领读几遍,然后让学生个别回答,并给予表扬。T: Do you know London? Ss: Yes.T: Who can tell me something about London? Please put up your hands. S1: 伦敦是英国的首都。T: Yeah, London is the capital of England.(出示伦敦的图片,老师指着图片上的文字领读。)T: Follow me, please.Capital, capital, London is the capital.T:

4、 Who knows anything else about London? Ss:伦敦很大。T: Yes, London is very big.T: And it is very beautiful.(出示 beautiful 的单词卡片)Now please look at here and read after me. Beautiful, beautiful. Then ask some single student to read it one by one.T: Please follow me. London is the capital. Big and beautiful.

5、(二)呈现白金汉宫的图片。T: Oh, what s this? Do youw?knoIt is a palace.It Buckinghams Palace. (领读 ) Now let have a travel in Buckingham Palace. This is Buckingham Palace Square. This is Buckingham PalaceGate. How do you feel about them?S1: It s very big.S2: It s very beautiful.T: Yes, it s very bigveryandbeauti

6、ful. But do you know whose house isit? Is it Amy s house?Ss: No, it isn t.T: It s the Queen s house.(Show the picture.) Read after me, please.T: Now look at the screen. Now look at another house and answer my question.(1)Is it big? Ss: No, it isnt. It s small.(2)Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes, it is.(3)Is

7、 it the Queen s house? Ss: No, it isn t. It s Amy s house.T: Yeah, Amy s house is small, but it s very beautiful. Buckingham Palais big and beautiful, too. Now let plays a game. And let see which group is winner?( a game- pass word .1. It Buckinghams Palace. 2. It as book ofLondon. 3. It s the Queen

8、 s house. 4. It s the)capital of England.Step 3. ConsolidationNow boys and girls, let s look at the screen. A rhyme.What s this?What s this?Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace.What s this?What s this?The Queen s house. The Queen s house.What s this?What s this?Amy s house.Amy s house.It s small, but beautiful.Beautiful, beautiful.The most beautiful one is the capital.Step 4 Summary鼓励学生用英语介绍自己熟悉的一个地方。如教室、校园。并使用句型“ This is .Its.”Step 5 Homework通过网络、图书馆、咨询他人等多种途径了解英国,收集相关的文字和图片资料,并准备在下次课堂上进行介绍和交流。五、教学反思


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