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1、大学英语四级高频词汇.资料仅供参考专升本英语必备词汇Lesson 01access ?ksesn.接近的机会 ;通道 vt. 存取 (计算机文件 );到达 Girls can gain equal access to education. section ?sek?nn.章节 ;部分 ;部门 ;截面If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information of your references, take it out.amount ?mauntn.量,数量 ,数额 ;总额 ,总数vi.合计 ;等同 ,接近T

2、heuseofdisposableplasticbagsdoatremendousamountofharmtotheenvironment.childlike ?t?a?ld?la?ka.天真的Her childlike enthusiasm delighted us prehension ?k?mpri?hen?nn.理解 (力); 理解练习资料仅供参考Thelatterrepresentshigherlevelsofcomprehension.deception d ?sep?nn.欺骗 ;骗局Only a minor deception is necessary to achieveou

3、r aim.opposition ?p?z?nn.反对 ;对手 ;反对党Opposition parties, the media and the public immediately voiced their support for the Princess.deal di:ln.大量 ;协议 ;待遇v.处理 ;做买卖 ,经营You cant deal with climate change without dealing with existing building, says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust. cause

4、k?:zn.理由 ;事业vt. 引起Paul the Octopus, who achieved global fame forcorrectly predictingthe outcome ofmatchesinfootball WorldCup died fromnaturalcauses in October, .资料仅供参考company ?k?mp?nin.公司 ;同伴 ;(一)群The company removed many negative posts about products on the Web.consider k ?n?s?d?v.认为 ;考虑 ;关心All thi

5、ngs considered, they didnt do too badly.involve in ?v?lvvt. 使卷入 ;包含On a positive note, fathers are increasingly involving themselves with their children. miss misvt. 思念 ;错过Our ancestral (祖先的 ) selves miss the naturalworld and long for contact with non-human life.economic ?k?n?mika.经济 (学)的At no time

6、should spiritual civilization be sacrificed in return for temporary economicdevelopment.effect i?fektn.影响 ;效果资料仅供参考Most obviously, there is the direct effect of education on the wages of female workers. view vju:n. 察 ;景色 ;概念But, back in London, her views were not shared by some members of the Britis

7、h government. fine faina.美好的 ; 微的 ;晴朗的 ;健康的n. 金 vt. 以 金She was fined 10 forbreakingthetrafficregulations.influence ?influ? nsn.影响力 ;有影响的人vt.影响All of these are influenced by the interaction ofyour genes and the environmentin which youwere raised.press presv.压; 迫 ;催促n. 者 ;印刷机 ;出版社Thephotographsofthede

8、legates werenotreleased to the press.create kri?eitvt. 造 ;引起资料仅供参考Johnson & Johnson, for example, has created BabyCenter, a stand-alone media property that promotes complementary and even competitiveproducts.image ?imid?n.印象 ;映像 ;形象It was thought that the breakdown of Prince Charles marriage to Dian

9、a damaged his image. issue ?isju:n.问题 ;发行vt. 分发vi.流出Retailers whore responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who arent so friendly.object ?bd?iktn.宾语 ;对象 ;目的 ;物体v.反对Manystudentsobjectedtowearingsilkstockings at school.potential p ?ten?la.潜在的n.潜力The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company.


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