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1、四年级下册单元测试一第一部分:听力,4大题,共40分。一listen and circle. 听音,圈词10分。1. A、on the desk B、on the chair 2. A、Under the chair B、under the desk3. A、near the desk B、near the chair 4. A、in the box B、in the desk5. A、fan B、map 6. A、blackboard B、light 7. A、map B、schoolbag8. A、blackboard B. Light 9. A、map B. They are 10. A

2、、on the chair B、crayons2 Listen and choose 听音,选择你所听到的句子。10分。1. A、 Is it in your desk? B、Where is my pencil box?2. A、 Thanks a lot! B、Here you are.3. A、Where are the maps? B、No, it isnt here.4. A、pass me the fans, please. B、Where are they?5. A、Where are the pens? B、They are in my desk.3 Listen and ju

3、dge. 听音,判断。10分。1. Where is the fan? Its near the chair. ( )2. But where are they? They are in my desk. ( )3. Is it in your desk? Yes, it is. ( )4. Here you are. Thanks a lot. ( )5. Where are the crayons? They are on the chair. ( )4 Listen and link. 听音,连线。10分。1. Here you are. A. Its on the desk.2. Is

4、 it in your desk? B. They are in my desk.3. Pass me the maps, please. C. Thanks a lot.4. Where is the light? D. No, it isnt here. 5. Where are they? E. All right, Miss Liu.第二部分,笔试,三大题,共60分。5、 write the words. 写单词。20分。1、 书包 2、 灯 3、地图4、 on the desk 5、Under the chair6、 风扇 7、黑板 8、in the desk9、 near the

5、chair 10、 on the chair6、 look and write. 看图,选择20分。1. Where is the fan? A. Its on the desk. B. Its on the chair.2. where is the schoolbag? A. Its near the chair. B. Its on the chair.3. Where are the giraffes? A. They are on the desk. B. Theyre on the blackboard.4. Where is the panda? A. Its on the de

6、sk? B. Its on the blackboard.5. Where is the pencil box? A. Its on the desk. B. Its in the desk.6. Where is the light? A. Its on the door. B. Its on the desk.7. Where is the map? A. Its in the desk. B. Its on the door8. Where is the book? A. Its on the blackboard. B. Its on the desk.9. Where is the

7、monkey? A.Its on the chair. B. Its on the blackboard.10. Where is the picture(图片)? A.Its in the books. B. Its on the blackboard.7 Read and complete. 补全对话。20分。A:Gee, thats funny. Where is my pencil box?B: -.A: No, it isnt here.B:-.Here you are.A:-.A: please give me a hand.B:-.选项:A. All right.B. Is it in your desk?C.Thanks a lot.D. Look, its on my desk.


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