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1、 Unit 2 Can I help you ? Lesson 8. Teaching Aims and Demands1.Knowledge Objects (知识目标): (1)The Key Words toy train toy ship toy plane toy boat (2)The Target Language Can I help you ? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it ? Its fifty-six yuan.2.Ability Objects(1)Train the students overall abilities

2、,such as listening,speaking,reading and writing.(2)Train the students ability to use the target language to talk with others .3. Moral Education Help others in trouble and you will get more. Learn to pass love to others and the world will be better. Teaching Key Points1.Learn the key words, toy trai

3、n, toy ship, toy plane and toy boat.2.Learn the target language . Teaching Difficult Points 1.Master and use the key words.2.Master and use the target language to talk with others. . Teaching Methods1.Sing a song .2.Play guessing game and missing game.3.TPR.4.Pairwork.5.Chant.6.Group cooperation and

4、 competition. Teaching Aids1.Some real toys.2.Some cards and pictures.3.A multi-media player. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greeting and warming-up 1.Greet the whole students and talk about the date and the weather . 2. Sing “Number Song” . Step 2 Revision Review the words by doing quick response and p

5、laying a missing game .Stept 3 PresentationShow a picture of the toys and lead the students into a toy shop.1) Learn the words, “toy train,toy plane,toy ship,toy boat”by playing a guessing game .Then play hamster game to consolidate the words weve learned. 2)Learn the sentence “Can I help you ? Yes.

6、I want a .”Show a picture about the saleswoman and the customer who are talking about sth. in a toy shop.Then ask the students what the saleswoman will say to the customer and lead in the key sentences.Then write the sentences on the blackboard.Show pictures and let the students ask and answer.The t

7、eacher shows the real toys and let the students practice the sentences in different ways.3) Learn the sentence“How much is it ? Its . yuan.”Write the sentences on the blackboard.Play a guessing game.Show six golden eggs .Behind them,there are the pictures and the prices of the toys.Then let the stud

8、ents choose one and guess the price.The other students ask the student who guesses the price.4)Lets chant . Let the students chant along the music to consolidate the key sentences.5)Pairwork. Let the students work in pairs to ask and answer and then invite several students to show.Step 4 ListeningFi

9、rst, listen to the tape and answer the questions.Secondly, follow the tape and read it .Thirdly,deal with the difficulties.Step 5 Practice Groupwork.Work in groups of four and make new dialogues.Then invite several groups to show in the front by using their real toys. Step 6 Sum up1.Summarize the kn

10、owledge of this class.2.Which group is the winner?3.Moral education. Lets watch a video.We should try our best to help others in trouble and we can get more by doing this .Our world will be better because of “love”.Step 7 Homework Make a shopping dialogue with your mother and father and write it down.Step 8 Blackboard Design (板书设计) Unit 2 Can I help you ? Lesson 8 Can I help you ? I want a . How much is it ? Its . Yuan. boys girls Step 9 Reflection


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