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1、八年级(下)Unit3 重点短语1.放好餐具put away the dishes37. 对有把握be sure of / about 2.法国菜French dishes38. 为某人订购某物order sb sth = order sth to sb3.做鬼脸make a face / faces39. 提供某人某物offer sb sth = offer sth to sb4.弄错; 犯错make a mistake / mistakes40. 主动提出做offer to do5.谋生;维持生活make a living41. 顺便拜访drop by 6.嘈杂;制造噪音make a no

2、ise42. 顺便拜访某人drop in on sb 7.与某人交朋友make friends with sb43. 顺便拜访某地drop in at a place. 8.取笑make fun of44. 中途退学drop out 9.利用make use of45. 一滴牛奶a drop of milk 10.作出决定make a decision46. 解决问题solve the problem 11.过一会儿after a while47. 买饮料和零食 buy drinks and snacks12.偶尔once in a while48. 来自学校的压力the stress fro

3、m school13.生火make a fire49. 培养某人的独立能力develop ones independence14.让路make way15.前进;行进make ones way50. 浪费时间a waste of time 16.把弄乱;弄糟mess up51. 为某人提供某事provide sth. for sb. / provide sb. with sth.17.叠衣服fold the clothes52. 依靠;信赖depend on 18.洗衣餐具do the dishes53. 因为;由于as a result 19.整理床铺make the bed54. 越早越好

4、the earlier, the better 20.待在户外stay out55. 浏览;搜寻look through 21.做完finish doing sth56. 帮忙做家务help with housework 22.频繁;反复;一直总是all the time57. 目的是,为了in order to 23.闲逛hang out58. 介意做mind doing 24.随时;马上;在任何时刻any moment now59. 照顾take care of25.扫地sweep the floor60. 生病了fall ill26.从事;忙于;使用work on61. 同意(某人的观点

5、或看法)agree with27.扔掉throw down62. 在某事上尽职尽责do ones part in doing sth.28.整夜 / 天all evening / day63. 给某人写信drop sb. a line29.做家务do chores64. 浏览get through30.倒垃圾take out the rubbish65. 给予帮助;帮助.摆脱困难help out31.打扫起居室clean the living room66. 随时;马上any minute now32.顺便来访come over67. 做某事是某人的工作/职责Its ones job/duty to do sth.33.遛狗take the dog for a walk34.吃惊地in surprise35.给予帮助help out (with)36.令某人吃惊的是 to ones surprise


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