《论语》中的名言(Famous sayings in the Analects of Confucius).doc

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1、论语中的名言(Famous sayings in the Analects of Confucius)Famous sayings in the Analects of ConfuciusThe Analects of Confucius Zhong Liang 1, eight sinus Confucius said: isnt it a pleasure to study and learn? Its a delight to have friends coming from afar People not resentful, not a gentleman?Confucius sai

2、d, after school, do you often feel unhappy when you are a student? Are you happy to come from afar? I dont get angry when people dont know me. (Nao Nu) isnt that a gentleman?2, Confucius said: Xian Ren clever talk and an ingratiating manner.Mr Confucius said: blandishments, smiles, such people are s

3、eldom benevolent.3, Zeng said: I three times daily: Infidelity? Do not trust friends? What about passing?Zeng said, I reflect on myself every day: am I loyal to others for their ideas and actions? Do friends keep faith? Did the teacher teach the knowledge to practice?4, Confucius said: the disciples

4、 into the filial piety, is a brother, I believe, the love and benevolence. With spare effort to learn.The Confucius said: young people want to honor their parents at home, outside must comply with the teachers, you have to carefully speak to be honest, caring for everyone to have extensive, the man

5、of humanity. After doing so, if you still have the energy, then go to learn cultural knowledge.5, Confucius said: gentlemen eat without seeking full, living without seeking security, energy-saving, as Tao Yan, can be described as easy to learn also.The Confucius said: the gentleman, diet does not se

6、ek satiety, live comfort, work hard to speak but agile, careful, has someone to redress yourself, so you can say it is a good learning. 6, Confucius said: do not worry that others do not know, do not know who is suffering.Confucius said, dont worry about people who dont know you, but worry about you

7、rself and dont know anybody.7, Confucius said: you can be a teacher.Confucius said, when you review what you have learned and learn from it, you can become a teacher.Confucius said: 8, three hundred poem , to sum up in a word, said: the thought of justice. Confucius said, the first of the three hund

8、red (05) of the Book of Songs can be summed up in one sentence: there is no evil in thought. 9, Confucius said: I have ten five and willing to learn, thirty, forty and perplexed, fifty to know your destiny, and the ear sixty, seventy and no more than a moment have whatever is desired.The Confucius s

9、aid: when I was fifteen years old to learn to know; at the age of thirty; at the age of forty (to master a variety of knowledge,) is not confused; fifty know the laws of nature; what can be heard at the age of sixty; by the age of seventy is arbitrary, not more than line.10, Confucius said: you can

10、be a teacher.Confucius said, review old knowledge and then discover new knowledge.11, Confucius said: the gentleman villain than and not cooperate to do good deeds.Confucius said, gentlemen unite with each other rather than unite with each other. The villains collude with each other and are not unit

11、ed.12, the master said, learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous.Mr Confucius said: learning without thinking is very much puzzled; only dont bother learning will, and no income.13, Confucius said: he knows it by you! Know, admit what you dont know, is know.The Co

12、nfucius said: you, teach the correct attitude to treat you know or do not know! To know is to know, to know is to know, to know, that is true wisdom!14, the master said, but people do not know it too. The Yi no, no car Yue, the reason for it?Confucius said, a man without credit knows nothing. The bi

13、g car doesnt have the margin of the car. The small car doesnt have the stool inside the car. How can it travel?15, Confucius said: the seasons eight dancers in the courtyard, is can be endured, not?The Confucius said: hes the season with the emperors own dance team dancing in the temple, such a thin

14、g can be tolerated, what can not tolerate?16, Confucius said: Guanju joyous but not indecent, mournful but not distressing.Mr Confucius said: Guanju this poem, but not too happy but not sad sad theme.17, Confucius said: let bygones be bygones, not cry over spilled milk, let bygones be bygones.The Co

15、nfucius said: do not be commented before, dont talk about things done, the past is not to pursue.18, Confucius said: Wen Chao, die.Confucius said, in the morning it is worthwhile to understand the truth and to die at night.19, Confucius said: gentleman, Yu Yuli.Confucius said, a gentleman is good at

16、 morals, and a small man knows his own good.20, Confucius said: when one, see not capable oneself.The Confucius said: see sage, to look up to him; see no good people to reflect on their own (not like his fault).21, Confucius said: Fools grow without watering., a wall of dirt cannot be whitewashed, a

17、nd how to punish?The Confucius said: not all wood carving, painting the walls can not, how can I get him?22, Confucius said: to ask, is Bright as is fond of studying., also called culture .Confucius said, clever and diligent, studious, and not inferior to himself, who knows more than himself, is reg

18、arded as a disgrace, so he is called Wen .23, Ji Wenzi think before you leap. Son heard, said: then, enough.The text you have to think season three re action. Confucius heard it and said, two times, thats all.24, Confucius said: Ning Wu Zi, the state he is wise, the state no way is stupid. The wisdo

19、m and its also a fool to the third degree.Mr Confucius said: Ning Wu Zi the man, too clever, usually, the national turmoil, just pretend stupid. His clever can catch up, catch his stupid people.25, Confucius said: quality wins the wild, enterprise quality is history. Wen Zhibinbin, then gentleman.Co

20、nfucius said: a persons inner simplicity is better than outer literary talent, and his literary grace is more plain than plain. Only literary grace and simplicity, with appropriate, is a gentleman.26, Confucius said: those who know better than the good, good as happy person.Confucius said, he who kn

21、ows it is better than he who likes it, and he who likes it is better than he who is happy.27, Confucius said: water, benevolent Leshan; wise, benevolent wise, benevolent Shou Jing.The Confucius said: the wise love water, benevolent people love mountains; the wise man active, kind man is happy; the w

22、ise man happy, gracious people longevity.28, Confucius said: the silent, have an insatiable desire to learn, tireless in teaching others, what is there for me?The Confucius said: the knowledge memorization in mind; learning, not satisfied; teach people, do not feel tired: these I do what?29, Confuci

23、us said: bufenbuqi, not determined to learn, do not give a corner to corner against three is not complex also.The Confucius said: he is not to go for inspiration; cudgel thinking, not to say Speechless, do not go to enlighten. If one can understand many similar problems, dont teach him again.30, Sha

24、o Wen Qi, absorbed. Said: this is to map the music.The Confucius in the state of Shao to good, long time did not know the taste of meat. He said: I did not expect that the creation of music could reach such a high level.31, he asked Confucius Yu Zilu, who is wrong. Confucius said: Ru Xi said: not as

25、 a person, to me, I work so hard as to forget meals, old age?The Lord asked Zilu: Confucius is the kind of person, he did not answer. Confucius said: how can you not say: this man ah, forget to eat very happy, forget the sorrow, even his age do not know, Thats all.32, Confucius said: the three of us

26、 are walking together, there must be my teacher. Choose the good from it, the poor instead.Confucius said, a few people walk, there must be someone worth learning. Choose his strengths, learn from him, learn from his shortcomings, correct yourself, and tell others.33, the son to four teaching: text,

27、 line, loyalty, letter.There are four things about Confuciuss teaching: literature, character, loyalty, faithfulness.34, Confucius said: The gentleman is open and at ease., villain long Qi Qi.Confucius said, a gentleman has a big mind, and a small man is sad and sad.35, Zeng said: the bird is dying,

28、 its cry; people will die, his words are good.The bird said, when the bird dies, the cry is mournful; when a man dies, he speaks well.36, Zeng said: people can not Hony, go15. Ren thought it was his own duty Died, isnt it far?Zeng said, a man can not be ambitious and strong willed, because he has a

29、heavy responsibility and a long way to go. The implementation of Rendaodang do their tasks, not very important? Until death can give up, not too far away? The struggle for life, death, do not walk far behind?37, Confucius said: the disciples into the filial piety, out of whom, I believe, the love an

30、d benevolence. With spare effort to learn.Mr Confucius said: young people should be filial to their parents, respect teachers, seriously honesty, kindness, close to men and women with high ideals. It is easy to do these before you can engage in theoretical research.38, Confucius said: the function o

31、f ritual harmony. The first king of the road, for beauty, elastic. There is nothing to be done: to know and to do, and not to do so is not feasible.The son said: the use of harmony. This is the most beautiful tradition, applicable to everything. But only know that harmony is not in violation of law, and speak and is absolutely impossible.


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