On the University to expand the curriculum in English(在大学扩大英语的课程).doc

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《On the University to expand the curriculum in English(在大学扩大英语的课程).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On the University to expand the curriculum in English(在大学扩大英语的课程).doc(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 On the University to expand the curriculum in EnglishAbstract: This paper mainly discusses the need to expand the curriculum in the new era opened for the college non-English majors, and the theoretical basis. The same time, this paper summarizes the investigation has been opened courses on the bas

2、is of the achievements and shortcomings, some suggestions for future progress of curriculum and teaching to improve. Thesis Keywords: College English, expanding the curriculum, content to rely on teaching philosophy I. Introduction In May 2007, issued by the Ministry of Education in College English

3、Curriculum Requirements >> (hereinafter referred to as “requirements >>: College English courses is not only a basic knowledge of language courses, but also to broaden the knowledge and understanding of world culture of quality education programs Therefore, when designing College English

4、 courses should also give full consideration to the cultural qualities of culture and international cultural knowledge to impart to students, enhance students cultural awareness, and to adapt to the needs of Chinas social development and international exchange. << >> also pointed out tha

5、t the University stage of English language teaching requirements are divided into three levels, namely, general requirements, higher demands and higher demands. various colleges and universities should be determined in accordance with the actual situation of the school teaching goals, and create the

6、 conditions so that English higher threshold levels, the school has spare capacity The students are able to achieve higher requirements or higher demands. Under the guidance of this requirement, in order to meet the higher demands of society and different levels of students own needs, colleges and u

7、niversities have introduced the corresponding curriculum reform measures, one of which is set up for the higher-level university students of English content-rich expansion of the curriculum such as the Nanjing Forestry University on the creation of the Journal of Intercultural Communication Introduc

8、tion >> << Profile of British and American Culture >> << Business English >> and other college English teaching reform to expand the course. China University of Mining and Technology opened its practical English translation of “senior English >> << English p

9、ractical writing >> << Profile of Chinese Culture (English >> University of English development courses. Wenzhou University, opened in 2010, American Society and Culture >>, << film spoken >> << interpreters >> development courses. Second, the creation

10、 of the need to expand the curriculum Professor Liu Runqing (1999), indicative of Chinas senior English teaching in the future turn to the content of teaching. With the rapid development of Chinas English education, college English and implementation for a long time to the examination for the purpos

11、e “,” from the language skills of teaching language skills oriented “concept of curriculum construction and teaching philosophy has been difficult to meet the needs of the community to the existing English language in education, teaching, fragmented, simple language skills training too much, the fac

12、e of the contents of the different levels of student curriculum the students knowledge of a single, and the resulting face narrow, lack of knowledge structure, weak capacity for critical thought, the overall quality of development is inadequate, the problem is becoming increasingly prominent. In res

13、ponse to the above-mentioned the problem, you must pairs of the the of College English Course to set up and the teaching mode to to make are as follows reform: (a to update the language teaching philosophy, structure of the the the original University of of the reform of English courses. In the the

14、under the premise of that the overall to training goal and the teaching time limit will does not change the, pairs of the course structure for revolutionary change, to change the traditional single language skills curriculum model, the content of courses - the integration of language courses, opened

15、 for students to choose from, a variety of development programs, expansion of the students knowledge, while improving students language skills, (b) development courses for their own potential, the content of teaching and language teaching organic combination of English as a medium systems professor

16、to expand the knowledge content, in order to expand the course content as the basis to improve their language skills in the process of using language to expand students knowledge surface, (three reform teaching methods and means, and comprehensively improve the language skills and overall quality of

17、 the heuristic, tasks, discussion classroom display, multimedia means of effective activities and subject matter teaching as to raise students language skills stimulate students interest, to develop students autonomy and creativity. Third, the theoretical basis CBI (Content-Based Instruction, referr

18、ed to as CBI) content based on education philosophy to expand the curriculum and teaching college English provides a good theoretical basis. CBI teaching philosophy abandoned the artificially isolated and traditional teaching methods of foreign language teaching, to promote a language and content of

19、 the organic integration of foreign language teaching mode, it is the focus of teaching language learning itself transferred to the learning of subject knowledge to learn the language, so as to achieve the merging of content and language learning, improve purpose. Share the free paper download cente

20、r http:/the CBI teaching philosophy in foreign language teaching around the world more and more attention since 1985, many schools in the United States and Canada, various types of CBI experiment and achieved remarkable results. In a short period of time, this new teaching methods to spread rapidly,

21、 as in Austria, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries have implemented CBI teaching mode. One of the compare typical teaching and learning environment there are professional the purpose of English Teaching, English for specific purposes teaching and the Vocational training English Te

22、aching. The last century, In the 1980s, the a variety of teaching methods been widely introduced into our country, the the the CBI teaching philosophy also followed them into the the a of Chinas Foreign Language Education workers field of vision. quite a few of the CBI-related papers have been publi

23、shed, the definition of the CBI, the theoretical basis, characteristics of the model are described in detail. At the same time, many scholars began consciously to CBI Chinas English teaching practice up in recent years, the CBI teaching philosophy began to be used in college English teaching and res

24、earch, such as, Wei Zhefeng of CBI teaching mode << New Horizon College English >> (2003). CBI has been defined as “content teaching and language teaching objectives of integration”, or language courses focus on students academic needs and interests, under the control of the content mate

25、rial, a series of language presentation and learning, inductive thematic language teaching (Theme -based language instruction in), to protect the content of teaching (Sheltered content instruction in), and additional language teaching (Adjunct language instruction in) three teaching model (Chang Chu

26、n Yue, Liu Li, 2009:81. these teaching model based on the need to exchange thematic language teaching is more suitable for college English teaching. the CBI to the task of teaching, experiential learning, constructivism, functional linguistics on language learning not only to learn the language usag

27、e, but also to learn the language used in the real environment, as well as related to the acquisition of second language learners in the context of the context through exposure to language input and language acquisition point of view as the theoretical basis to provide a scaffold (scaffolding Englis

28、h teaching framework and context for university English teaching, so that language learners meaningful communication activities to promote the language acquisition (Yuan Pinghua, 2008. Four have been the achievements and shortcomings Preliminary understanding of the situation to expand to other coll

29、ege English teaching, Wenzhou University, English language development courses of in-depth investigation, found that more than 70 percent of students were satisfied or very satisfied with the curriculum students feel the greatest achievement is to expand knowledge level, the pioneering and the field

30、 of vision. there is the the feeling English than before you want to interesting multi-. but the more than 60% of of of the students believe that to the the English language skills and the failed to get effectively improve the, in particular, yes the in the such as << the United States Social

31、and Cultural >> informative courses, student input, less output, is not conducive to the improvement of students language level. In addition, the students offered to expand the curriculum knowledge is poorly understood. This suggests that students relying on the language learning curriculum kn

32、owledge base weak students English proficiency and language learning model also can not promote the Curriculum Knowledge Learning Society and Culture >> course students learned on the course, teachers and their expectations. << statistical, more than 80% the students look forward to a co

33、mprehensive understanding in the classroom by the teacher teaches, of course knowledge. only a small portion (about 15% of students want the teacher to provide students with the opportunity to speak, the more students are accustomed to play in the classroom to listen to role, lack of awareness and a

34、bility to solve practical problems in English. as expand the class of College English Teachers of courses and teaching competence needs to be further improved. creation of College English development course the majority of English teachers is also a big challenge. especially in the early stages of t

35、he creation of the teachers to change their teaching philosophy and teaching methods, but also strive to expand their knowledge, improve teaching materials and teaching content. V. Conclusion << Requirements: college English teaching is an integral part of higher education, college English cur

36、riculum is based on language knowledge and skills, learning strategies and intercultural communication, how to build and improve the well-established university English as the main content. stage of the course system, to meet the learning needs of the new era students of language as well as national

37、 and social needs of the personnel training to become a growing concern of todays college English teaching management department to open the course of College English expansion, in line with < <requirements of the guidelines, and adapt to the higher needs of society, but also to meet a higher

38、level of students own needs, but to realize the purpose of courses still need more efforts to continuously improve the First urgent need to teaching management in departments, teachers, students to convey the need for curriculum reform, reform environment and conditions. Secondly, the use of science

39、 teaching the concept of reform to expand the teaching practice, and improve the teaching content, improve teaching methods implementation of the science curriculum assessment, and really play to the potential energy to expand the course. always student-centered courses to be able to meet the needs

40、of students, to stimulate students interest in learning, teachers should further improve and improve themselves, to adapt to the individual requirements of students, improve teaching methods, development of initiative and creativity of students, improve students comprehensive quality. problems for t

41、eaching and teaching effectiveness to be able to achieve timely resolution and tracking investigation, and constantly on the curriculum and teaching and more to make the appropriate adjustments and improvements. College English expansion to open the course to conform to the requirements of the times

42、 and the needs of students, as long as the continuous improvement inevitably to higher level students to develop a the new heaven and earth, in for the to their future to better adapt to of the the needs of society to do a good job reserves. Share 分享 Yu free of charge thesis download center http:/12


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