常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc

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常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc_第1页
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常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc_第2页
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常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc_第3页
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常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc_第4页
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常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training ).doc_第5页
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1、常志朗先生真传大成拳桩功练法1(Often Zhilang Mr. dachengquan zhuanggong from training 1)澶. Phi 垚鎷 worms and their 祽鍦 嗘 Masao and. Phi 娉曟 槸澶 垚鎷 worm 畩澶 氬姛 澶 Chuan Chuan 敾鐐 间腑 million ton crude 佺幆 鑺傘 would 傚畠 涓嶅 厜鏄 吇鐢 熸 and 涔熸 槸璇 no 嫵鐨 勬妧 鍑绘 and composed at? 锛? Stage 鐢 Hata ointment 佹眰 鍏荤 敓鏀 炬澗 鐩稿 绠 would 鍗曞 鏄擄 紝浣 嗘

2、 Kan 挎眰 寰楁 妧鍑 讳箣Darkness would 锛屽 gallium for preparation, would 氨瑕 佹眰 鍦 stage 叾浠 栨妧 鍑绘 and 娉曞 姛澶 book 娣卞 悗鏂 瑰彲 缁冧 model 锛? 澶. Phi 垚鎷 Chong 姛娣 辫 would 呭彲 浠 讳綍 Chuan Chuan 湪浠 among us 鏋朵 and 姹傚 緱鍚 勬 and 鏋舵 墍搴? 寰椾 箣鍔 涳紝 gallium for preparation, would it 鎴愭 Akira 撳 嫵鍙 竴妗 竴鍔 MMD would you 傞 鍏堬 紝涓 剼骞 宠 绔

3、?绔嬶 紝浜 岃冻 鐣 among beach 庤偐 锛岃 冻瓒 phrase 鏈夋 technique 姄娴 风坏 锛岃 韩浣 撶暐 Huan 悗闈? 锛? Forging 韩鍚 搫锛 屽 your 閮 鏈夌 粏绾 夸笂 鎷変 箣鎰 忥紝 beach 屾墜 鑷傚 緪寰 愪笂 鎶? 鍒伴 珮涓 嶈繃 鐪変 綆涓 嶈繃 鍢村 Masao 紝浜 屾墜 鑷傜 幆鎶 变簬 鑳稿 墠锛 屾寚 灏?鐩稿 锛岃 厱鍏 宠妭 鏈夊 鎸轰 笂鎻 愪箣 鎰忥 紝鑵 曢儴 beach 屽 it 绛嬭 鎸戣 捣锛? 鍗佹 寚鎸 囧皷 鍙 well 犵敤 collar flange composed at 涳紝 inf

4、ormation besides 鑲 儴灏 no story 鏀炬 澗锛 屼笉 鍘绘 兂浠 栵紝 鏃堕 棿闀 夸簡 tweezers 劧灏 变細 鏉句 笅鏉 million at the stage 傝吙 閮 鏇诧 紝鑷 would 閮 collection 笅闈 狅紝? Beach鑶濆 悜涓 婃彁 绾碉 紝浜 岃剼 鍚戜 笅韪 寜锛 屼絾 涓嶅 彲鐢 stage 姏锛 屾 beach 彲璋? 妗 姛涓 箣鎻 愰. 銆傝 韩浣 saturated boiler kusunoki 鏀 拺锛 屽彲 浠 ya 綋浼 bone 韫茶 韩鎶? 璧烽 ton 鐗 disease 鎶辩 殑閭 D pot f

5、lange 诧紝 淇濇 Shi Huan of 劅瑙 忛偅 Ken I 椂韬 綋鍚? 夛紝 Masao湁浠 kusunoki 鍏 information 尯涓 婂姴 beach 嗭紝 娌 C. 讳綍 鎵撹 Jiang 鐨勫 湴鏂 紝澶 friendly competition that Masao o 紝鑴? EI 愪笂 澶 瓔瑕 佹尯 Kan 忎簡 锛屼 綘鎶 times 鐗 ton 椂鏄 笉浼 氱缉 鑴栧 瓙鐨 勩 would 傚彲 鎰忓 Kang 鍙屾 墜鑷 傞棿 鐜 姳浜 屼釜 姘旂 悆锛 屼綋 浼氭 墜鑷 傛尋 鍘嬫 皵鐞 冩椂 Chuan million鏉句 竴绱 殑鎰 熻 锛屼

6、笉鍙 湡鐨 勭敤 flange 涳紝 鎰忓 ointment 佹 Kang million 讳繚 鎸佷 technique 鏈変 technique 鏃犱 箣闂 达紝 缁嗗 Isao Kan saturated fine 鎵嬫 帉鍚 勬寚 鍏宠 妭鍙 婅厱 鍏宠 妭寮 would 鍚堢 殑鎰 熻 锛? 鑲 儴瑕 佹斁 鏉撅 紝韬 笂鑲 岃倝 Ken would 鐐瑰 姏涔 熶笉 佺敤 锛岃 ointment 瀹屽 叏鏉 笅 clauseOne 鏉 紝鍙 敤楠 鏀 拺鐫 would 锛岀 瓔閫 愭笎 鍦版 寫璧 锋潵 锛岀 珯鐨 勮偐 鑶 would 鏉?鏉撅 紝浜 屾墜 濂借 thin 琚 嚎

7、鍚 婅捣 鏉 Ya Technology 鐨勩 would 傚弻 鑴氬 彲鎰 忓 Kang 鍚勮 俯涓 would 鏉?鑸癸 紝鎴 栭獞 鍦 竴澶 暱鏈 stage your 涓婏 紝杩 欐牱 鍙 繀閫 熶綋 浼氬 嚭澶 瑰姴 锛? 浠婂 悗浜 岃吙 intersection 杞昏 Ken would 澶瑰 氨鏈 夊 flange to my 啀鍔 犲姏 杩樿 兘澶 that 紝渚 挎澗 涓嬫 潵 beach 嗭紝 鍒濆 of 鑰呯 珯姝 and their 鏈変 竴瀹 氱殑 Kan saturated fine 鍚庡 氨鍙 涓婅 浆鍏 it 鎴 among?鎷虫 妧鍑 speed and 鐨

8、勭 粌涔 犮 ? 餫飩 鐔熺 粌杩 愮敤 鐐归 ton 韬 澗鏄 it 绉版 嫵娉 曚箣 鍏抽 敭鎵 would 鍦 紝鏃? 璁烘 帹锛 屾柇 鎵嬮 兘鍙 alternating 鍙戞 尌鍑 哄法 澶 殑濞 佸姏 锛屽 湪鎺 information 墜涓 鐗涳 紝 浠 some 兂鑶 婃牴 Bi 汉锛 岃繖 绉嶄 alternating 鑲岃 倝鎷 欏姏 鐩告 sister 鐨勮 繍鍔 笉鏄 one 鍥?Masao 湳锛 屾洿 涓嶆 槸澶. Phi 垚鎷 炽 million million 傛帹 鎵嬫 槸涓 Chuan 汉姝 姛鏁 Midori 綋姘 village 钩鐨? 鍏 潰浣 撶幇 銆

9、傚 湪鍙 屾柟 鎺 information 墜杩 囩 Chuan) 紝灏 忚噦 beach 掓惌 锛屾 劅瑙 夊 鏂? 鐨勫 姏鐨 勭偣 涓婄 殑鍙 birch 寲锛 屽 鏋滄 帉鎻 simplified 鐐归 韬 ton. 澗锛 屽垯 鏃犺 鎺?鏂 Nakamura 墜閮 藉彲 鍙戞 尌宸 stage it 濞佸 姏銆 傜粡 杩囩 偣閲 嶈韩 鏉捐 缁冿 紝浣 犵殑 灏? 鑷傚 垎閲 忔瀬 閲嶏 紝鎼 Nakamura 墜鏃 惰揩 Kan 垮 鏂硅 偄浣 撳兊 绱 紝鑰 岃嚜 韬 偄浣? 淇濇 Shi Kan 鏀炬 澗鐘 rudder face 侊紝 犵殑 鍏 儴鍔 涢噺 鏀惧 湪瀵 规柟

10、韬 笂 涓嶆 C 槸韬 綋鐨勫 would 氶潬 涔嬪 姏. 锛岃 繖绉 嶅姏 閲忛 潬鑳 宠唺 depletion 鐨勫 pot 忓 彸鎸 傛槸 鍖栦 笉寮 would 鐨勶 紝瀵 规柟 濡傛 嫄妫 嶄竴 鏍峰 湴鎵 樼潃 狅紝 Huan Jian 呯劧 鏃犳 硶鏀 炬澗 鏇村 仛涓? 鍑哄 悇绉 嶈韩 Kan 撳彉 鍖栦 笌鍙 based 姏锛 岃 would 屼綘 鏃犺 鎶栵 紝鏀 撅紝 鎷嶏 紝鎸 傜瓑閮藉 彂鏀 捐嚜 濡傦 紝浠 庡績 gallium for preparation 娆层 傜粌 million million million 鎷冲 骞寸 殑浜 哄線 Huan Huan

11、 鏈夎 繖鏍 风殑 saturated fine 锛屼 竴涓 Huan Huan 汉缁 冩椂 million million 寰堣 嚜鐒 讹紝 鍙戝 姏鏈 夎嚜 鎰熷 崗璋 冿紝 鍧? 鏁达 紝缁 欎汉 澶栧 湪鎰 熻 浼间 箮鐪 熺殑 flange 夸笉 鍙 尅锛 屼竴 鏂圭 arrowheads 粰涓?Youre just like ammonia. He should Lie, Li C a bang woo Mei Chen Yin chop. Atlas to debate arrowheads, Lie Zui Tu, compared with Lin Tao tweezers?

12、 Xi argon Gan, by this dangerous to Mike. Right? No, Juan Luo Gou has not read an Shanshan to Die version to disease Juan Jian Yi and Yun Juan e,? The new Nie. Juan and, just a into Tao Tao of an Mei e Ce. This heavens tears. Just this Nan Fen.Its because Juan and Ai coax to give you the surprise vi

13、sit in Wan Jing God. You think you Hant want the drama. At Dong. Shengve just Mei lawrencium record?And to tons of tons of Tao Bang why were liable to Cen Wan Jing God Yao all read. But Han drama. Zha Yang, Lu meat can Yi year I Qi Wu BangIn Zong fan reading places. Now Ba. Ren kettle JIAO Xun Juan

14、Juan effect not Cuo Cu e Jian to Wan river bank di Die. Read all the rainbow version?., Tao Jian Xuan Xuan Cui Li trying right, Ke Bang fabrics of ammonia and gallium Dao key but that Tao Dao. Sai. Yun, Mo? Ping Fu of the Han Wan An dim e leaves fall, press the Fu Han Yue Qian Cong Xiao. Ta Shan pre

15、ss also Juan and Ning were painted. I can grow. Wai.?Shu Lao an Bi, Tao Hong Tins Bi tweezers effect give a searing, leather, and Fen Juan for gallium and Ning, just keep Chi Zhang? Something in surprise, they Bao bang Liao follow sister four Ba tank to Lie, Juan do there. If he doesn Cheng Tao Hong

16、 do. The Jue, Yi Jian. Chi Juan behind each other? Indigo Liao. It just fell right to rule, to me, Yuan hiccup and Bi forceps, dont take this flower get right. Nan Ben?Juan and Ning Cen and Yi Gan Kang Nan Fens just an gauge, its just trying Sheng. You get You, key unit, and I He e Yun Cen tweezers?

17、 Fmem Lin that something new, large scale in the Suo Nan Fen Jiao. No, not Nou fine gauge and special Cen Nan Fen the bare and Zhi gallium Juan, Juan Hong? and the Tao Yun Ju Han Yu Jian, report on you with fine Xi and and dont follow. Be Lie, Jiao Ren. Fen resting.Qian Hao. Liu Ai Juan Lou Hufu dry

18、ing Zhuan Maos silicon, Tao Hong interim arrowheads Bi Wen Gan He and Juan, the Cuo tweezers prepared very Cheng Juan to Ju Bi Jie Feng, Im preparing gallium time Bi forceps Yi Gan Kang Wan Jing God Fen Nan Tao Hong chain Zheng gauge Tan Cen and me everything. Juan to me, its just this? I Tao Hong W

19、en Ren Ce Man do. Almost Tan and Yang Yu Shen, Han Qian. Arrowheads stamp I don Ce Si Juan?Its not just gallium Ce that read, Gou Bian Ji, Han Shu Ao She that you just fine on AO. That AR Ai tapestry? Juan and Tong einsteinium that Wan Jing God, to. Cu e Du chimney but I stretch for milk. Thats Fu G

20、A Juan Wan Jing God milk the opening Ze not that? Ben? Key, Hong, Tao Ju Ning Dao Bo Yue fall effect that Cu e Du Ao clothes or something. You can bang Weng year s time, the Zongzui JaneE to Ai Yi Gan Kang Guojiong at Kun were prepared Hu e compared Hu Juan the atlanto rudder sore points by Pi. One

21、year, Lu. Thats open, hook flower should just Yin black arrowheads for Meng e, but the fall, to Xia Juan Juan Yan thin by ammonia Lian Kui Juan Juan Ling Xun TA I Ju Gehu adze? Huandun Han Cheng Bi Feng Shou Bo, now require the shoulder. But Tan Hao. Juan Xun Juan to get hiccup. Suo Hong Ning Tao Cu

22、i kettle?It is, at Ce. Embarrassed, so for the press and Heicha gallium gallium Wan Jing God designed to engrave the, Mao Gui Gui just going to Lie Zan Zan to assess every adze? Zan Zan Jian Tao Wan Jing God now to assess, have I been just bang out Han Ju at the Ya tons of persons, ho Weng I Huhuan

23、the Lou Tao Wan Jing God just make a sound. Juan?. Xun. If you dont think the tears Yang e. Se with two new board, just this kind of by Wan Jing God. Juan, Shi. Nick tart?This Yun so.? were right now, he praised Hong Bangs cover know the negative in Xie Nan Ping Luo, drying, with Long, yuan?.?. hes

24、bald and Liao Shi, Yin. Juan, insert it Gan. Juan, I break. Yao Zhi key just Chu Shu e Yu and hydrogen Han e?Read every Shi. Gan Haos family, with Yang world, it Gan. Juan Mei request release. And preparing Fus cover in by wedge spinning for Nan Ping? Ben?Hao Cong, Yin with it on Gan for change . A

25、few Qian Bo, Zhang Jiang Bi, Huat. Its with her to Yang Nan Nan. Deep and vast Jian? Shoulder. Di Nans version. Roulian Liao Hong, the preparation of Li ridge e going to carve by Fus cover for in spinning, all right Mei pad Jiang Rui, you prick her milk? Ya change with milk. Yi He Jiang Rui Wen Bo,

26、that Lie Zha C, Yuan Nan had got worms. Just apps on Han Ga?Its an advanced set of to Fan bang, monkey key bald Fu chain, of mustard wedge from which that deposit Fan, the Zhang Bang monkey. Xi times Hua gallium from e, a surname trying out of Bei, Nan inserted just. Zhan trying. Its Ke Nan period o

27、n gallium Han Xuans cover. The? Cant bare the Hans cover, meat Xiu e, with Gan. It leaves by trying. From, just, I can report this Hong, bang bang?This year Su Bang were Duo it. If you dont which we Xing from Nan Nan, and that I want to smell the Qi trying Lang Fen Nan Tao Hong. Zhan gauge at Zheng

28、person, chain. Just trying, ye Quan. Chop tight flaw maybe change chain Zhu Juan Nan the, e strain. Duo were bald Qu Kun bang, Hun Ya Ke Suo Zhuan. If you destroy by negative but I Xi bang Gan Man 7th Qu. If you destroy you. Ke Suo?Man pulled to raise you Ying Gehu version, Juan places Qu Qian. Flow

29、er color tight Ye Nan Leis which to carve out. Ta. This cant Chen Juan? Just to distinguish Ren Hao Lang like that. Why the constitutes Bang effect Ting dont rub the Mobei and Cong Jane, I Im Ai Lu Village every Qi lumira. Dont flatter to Tong drinking vessel made of crooked wood Qi Ping haze Ya Nou

30、 woo adze bare large chain and Peng mutual praise Zhu Xi Xi Chi Hong.?Just like reading. The effect of every Ai. I Qi Wu I argue Yu having fine color I stretched into nya nya Chi and Yu argue in Chu Fen. Like old atlas for punching Lie. Suo Cui Juan Ju kettle effect. This thesis makes a new Juan Min

31、g e surprised, just it. Lie. Yang Guo Huo Cun Juan 2000 a surname Wan Hua. Liao? E out each other just Ju Mei. At Suo. Tao, to play. That night, and Quan Chuai Ta. Zhan. Just tin searing atlas, to each otherMan do have Suo Bao. Zha meat. By mutual beauty. The lack of Liao Shut Ren Zhu, a negative Bi

32、 di Ting Die Xi dont do pure hydrogen? Dont Li Shu Lian Jin Juan, Lao by Zui Se to read the latest freeze just He Ju brand Ji Zhu tin behind its negative Kan just Ju key? Just Shan Bangs. Then, Ji swell. Tin, by Chi and field section behind the effect Bi Yi I hold, I Yao tweezers fried at Zui dark?B

33、ut the new tank Li Guo Zhu Juan. Monkey is effective, milks Juan Yi period, gallium Ce. Compared with group Jiu just Pi Juan at Zhang mutual fierce Bang Tao, a surname Hong Zhang wells Xiao Tan, Han Yang fierce, just as holiday period Gui or Yao fistula and to boast Suo Yun Ce Xi Yi Wan Jing God, Sh

34、u Yi Gan Kang that Chi? Ling Juan and Yi group chain Ning, I can change a chain Ce Xi, Yi Wan Jing God. You know what that group of, an Mei well?An up just at Zhou clothes or something, and it leaves a Juan and more, Han Shan Hai Cen cans. Pet Ba something hip Zi Shan Juan chimney at it Shan Zan? So

35、mething Wu gallium Shu Min Cen and more just freeze to crack wells Heng Feng, Yang Bi Huan Zhi Tang Xing. Pure tin then d Ya Chen Guo Juan?I Su ship shore Cang Shan tin Ce Juan e, behind me everything. And then Cang Se a tin, just like Qiang 9 and more. Atlas Cen?. dont they.The collapse of every vi

36、llage. You guys tweezers Shu right. That leaves nya Di hydrogen Han. Juan Lou Hao, and bang. Dont Tong that Lao? Huan Zhu Qian Cun Guo Huan Zhi fmem C atlas, there have to master, just like Lang e. A new fall dont stretch an. Here the Tao Juan e, wheres the tea chain chain change disease butt you Li

37、 e AI at Chi ridge river bank, bare Ya Yuan and the GA Bang bake dont e here?To Tang and Taos fierce intos Chi Xi Wan Jing God, I Long, Yin e Nan Ping Wens Li cant simply ammonia, and the bang? But at Tongs an effect at all Ling ammonia Juan a surname Liao Xun Shu Ping haze has baked beauty. The Ce

38、Yang gallium extraction Di fine Juan at Nie and now the key, and more for the Qi. And Bao insects. Monkey accumulate several purple milk Qian fine holmium gallium Nie hammer custard wedge Du Qian Juan Zhi Tuan hammer?Dont think? Xian Han Ying Zi Liao Fou Cen widow out at the Ba? Holmium Guo effect h

39、as the disease can save Qian Ba, Luo Ju Cuo chain. So because that a? The effect we Chan Shu Pu Lao nya widow ammonia blemish Die Xian Han Jian Luju do want I argue Yu adze Im an Ming, Suo Cui Hong, an ancient sedan chair.Juan. Die. Jue, Cha, a surname, Gore, new Jian Fu Jian, new, bald, and the new

40、 Ta Mei flower. Jane, should lawrencium sentence? E Xiao LV pin song turn not to like atlas version has the Man Pan yourself, cant he just want to just Qin. Das request to Chi, an effect that is reactive. Bee ammonia that Juan the BA Yao Jiao I bare. Song Yi wind welding, ammonia Moxiao clock Tuolu

41、hold Jane sickle Cui said Han XianThats the right moment to break Beng, dont think. Mei stamp them Qi lawrencium too to be Yuan to sentence and ammonia., just a wedge Du new effect Pi Xuan this thesis makes a new sister? How Ji of atlass Chi chain were trying, Feng Chen Yi Yi Ce at Jiong tons of pro

42、ducing it, think and with Hao. If he doesn Hong Huo to mix with? Yun Fou had just frozen Juan Li Xiong tons and more to the Ta Heicha on this train Yin Cen you e Shanshan wind heat up, four Ba Shang, Jane, sister?For gallium. If you accumulate in Ying Wan Jing God to bare Ya Hong Yang Tao Fen Ying i

43、n Shi get out Lu, Zuis u still keep in touch Shandong in Chi Weng Tao? Or Yao Xiao Mei Liao Ju Yong Jiang milk. We have beaten the so effective in Lao time widow nya Ju with Cuo Dao Fen cheek pouch you killed Ke with Shan Yun Er Jian inside, no, but the chain Tiao Ying Liao in the tin of milk Ce Wan

44、 de Ke incompletely report, Han Wu. Lang to Wan dont?You just press the meat Zha Han Jiang Kun Qi Yuan fine for the year. Juan Bi Feng Qian, worm charily time to his bare Cheng Juan, arrowheads behind Chinese Xia? And Yu. We inserted gallium Jiang Yan Juan Ju Ou Bi peak Tuanju large, the Ao, it is s

45、till, so the disease you you Yuan bin Yu, Ke GA with it Gan e tears at the sisters Juan just didnt really gallium with her Ling. Of the Lie Cen and liable for emergency braking, handling a c e a surname?You Li were compared with Ce Nan Ying Ho ridge e inserted just. For me everything. Just should ha

46、ve prepared that were so Shandong have beaten Tong Juans aunts adze? I can you at night. Fine hung there for ago just pad Shan Zhang Guo Gou, mutual, I can Yi Ren Jun Juan. The Suo say. So het quenching were awarded for now. Get Geng Cong Cong Fu Xi and Wu bang and Yi. Adze? Ho Wengs trying? Juan? N

47、an?Ben?It Chuo key Tiao Ying Chu Ying bang, Xiang collapse, which still trying 1 Nan Jiang Ying Chu, Jin widow tons from Quan Ji, perfect requirements put inside those ago?Dont Lie. The bank can Ling Ai drop from the gas or adze? Read Jiao Ao Liao Chu Ying Mei pick up, press the bare Qi technology L

48、iao chicken adze e inserted Liao arc that fall calm and adze? On the rope? The caterpillar tank Cheng Se holmium concentrated there. Trying their Lin adze inserted forceps Mongolia, mistress Zhu couch from their Su holmium Guo block forceps at?,?This drama tin Yang Ao Ying Su searing adze looking for my special fissiumfs Juan. The Ning to return. But Ju Ji. Ao Wei immediately hung the chains adze? Well, with Yi Fu HSI community in


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