计算机等级考试四级笔试试卷及答案(一)(Computer rank examination four level written examination paper and answer (1)).doc

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1、计算机等级考试四级笔试试卷及答案(一)(Computer rank examination four level written examination paper and answer (1))First, the multiple-choice questions (70 questions, 1 points for each subject, 70 points out of the question). Among them, (1) - (55), entitled Chinese title, (56) - (70) entitled English titleOf the fo

2、llowing four options, only one option is correct in the A, B, C, and D). Please insert the correct options for filling in the corresponding position on the answer sheet, not on the test paper score.(1) the input variables or gate for X1 and X2, the output variable is Y, the output of Y is 1 X1 and t

3、he value of X2 isA) 0, 0, B) 0, 1, C) 1, 0, D) 1, 1(2) if the binary original code for -0.0101, its complement(A) -0.0101, B) 0.0101, C) 1.1011, D) 1.1010(3) the so-called instruction cycle means(A) the time taken to fetch instructions and fetch operands, B) to execute instructions and store the res

4、ults of the operationC) fetch operand and execution time D) fetch instruction and execute instruction time(4) which one of the following applies to the queue?A) expression evaluation B) implementation of heap sorting algorithm(C) hierarchical sequence of tree traversal algorithm D) implementation of

5、 two tree symmetric sequential traversal algorithm(5) in the following statement about the generalized tables, what is correct is.(A) a generalized table is a finite sequence consisting of 0 or more single elements or sub tables(B) at least one element of a generalized table is a child table(C) a ge

6、neralized table cannot be its own child tableD) a generalized table cannot be an empty table(6) sorting the files of the N records quickly, and the required storage space isA) O () B) O C) O () D) O ()(7) the directed graph below. How many different topological sequences can the nodes be arranged in

7、to?A) 3, B) 5, C) 7, D) 9(8) as follows, a 5 order B tree, the B tree is now 2. After deleting key 38 from the B tree, the second layers of the B tree have a number of nodesA) 6, B) 7, C) 8, D) 9(9) let G = be any group, and the following conclusion is not necessarily trueA) a, B, x, A, equation a *

8、 x = B the solution is x = A-1 * BB) a, B, C, A, if a * b = a * C, then B = CC) a, B, A, then a * b = b * a(D) a, B, C, A, then (a * b) * C = a * (b * c)(10) let A, B be any two set, known A-B = A, the following conclusion1. B-A = B B = A 2. B A 3.Which of these is true?(A) only one B) only II C) on

9、ly III D) I and II(11) set A=1,2, R = x, y, A, and x+y3, and, C = 8 equivalent algebra expression isA) A3 connected C = 8 (sigma PI B (R) B (B) pi sigma A3 is connected with C = 8 (R)C A (B) PI, sigma A3 connected C = 8 (R) D) Sigma A3 connected C = 8 (n A, C (R)(35) a relation R (CITY, ST, ZIP) who

10、se function dependency set F = (CITY, ST), ZIP, ZIP, CITY, then the relation R at most satisfies(A) 1NF B) 2NF C) 3NF D) BCNF(36) there are relationships R, S and T as follows. Relationship T is obtained by what operations R and S are related to?(37) which of the conditions listed below is the discr

11、iminant relation model R (U, F) is decomposed into relational schema R1 (U1, F1), and R2 (U2, F2) is a sufficient and necessary condition for the decomposition of lossless connectivityA) I and II B) I and IV C) II and III D) II and IV(38) in relational database design, if the design documents mainly

12、 include E-R diagrams, which design phase should be formed in the document?(A) requirement analysis phase B) conceptual design phaseC) logical design phase D) physical design phase(39) backup the database, mainly for the maintenance of the databaseA) security (B), portability, C) integrity D) reliab

13、ilityThe following (40) and (41) questions are based on the three relations in the student elective course database:S (S#, SNAME, SEX, AGE), SC (S#, C#, GRADE), C (C#, CNAME, TEACHER).(40) find the database course scores in 85 points or more male students number and name, will use the relationshipA)

14、 S and SC B) SC and C C) S and C D) S, SC, and C(41) which of the following two relational algebra expressions can be used to find the names of all female students aged 22?(A) only I B) only II C) I and II D are not allowed(42) a computer system has N processing units and processes the same data str

15、eam and its intermediate results according to N different instruction requirements. Its conceptual structure is(A) SISD B) MISD C) SIMD D) MIMD(43) the pipeline can be classified from different angles. According to the pipeline whether there is feedback loop can be divided intoA) single function pip

16、elining and multifunction pipelining B) static pipelining and dynamic pipeliningC) synchronous pipelining and asynchronous pipelining D) linear pipelining and nonlinear pipelining(44) superscalar technology has been widely adopted in Pentium processors. The so-called superscalar technology is(A) ref

17、inement of pipelining and addition of series B) without multiple instruction delivery techniquesC) build more than one pipelining D) increase the frequency of the common pipelining(45) in the primary and secondary storage hierarchy, page replacement is required if all main memory pages are occupied.

18、 In several page replacement algorithms, the more commonly used isA) first in first out algorithm (B), the least recently used algorithm(C) non stack algorithm D) optimized sorting algorithm(46) in a high-speed parallel architecture, the higher the hardware performance is, the less the software requ

19、irements are(A) dedicated multifunction unit B) array processor(C) data flow computer D) multiprocessor system(47) in each of the following types of I/O technologies, the least dependent on CPU is(A) overlay technology B) interrupt technology(C) program control technique D) channel technology(48) wh

20、ich of the following is wrong in the following statement about the PCI local bus?A) the design of the PCI local bus is almost independent of CPUB) the design of PCI local bus is closely related to CPUC) the access delay of the PCI local bus is very lowD) PCI local bus can greatly improve data throug

21、hput(49) the biggest difference between a distributed computer system and a computer network is that there is a global system for managing system resources in a distributed computer system(A) application software B) operating system(C) search engine D) architecture(50) transmitting digital audio and

22、 video data requires the network to provide larger communication bandwidth. For a true color image with a resolution of 640 * 480, if each pixel is represented by 24bit and displays dynamically at 25 frames per second, the communication bandwidth required by the network should be achievedA) l8.4Mbps

23、 B) 73.6MbpsC) 184Mbps D) 622Mbps(51) the following description of the syntax of one of the three elements of the network protocol. Which one is correct?(A) syntax explains the meaning of each part of the bitstreamB) syntax defines the structure and format of user data and control informationC) synt

24、ax gives a detailed description of the order in which events are implemented(D) syntax makes explicit rules for protocol implementation(52) if the physical layer uses the Manchester code, then when the signal transmission rate is 10Mbps, the transmit clock signal frequency should beA) 5MHz B) 10MHzC

25、) 15MHz D) 20MHz(53) the physical address of the Ethernet network in line with the IEEE802.3 standard adopts the continuous encoding method, and the address length used for the network isA) 8bit B) 16bitC) 48bit D) 64bit(54) what are the 3 main problems that must be solved in implementing the distri

26、buted process communication in the network environment?Process naming and addressing methods II. Identification of multiple protocolsProtocol conversion IV. Model of inter process interaction(A) I, II and III, B), I, II, and IV.(C) II, III and IV D) I, III and IV (55) 10Gbps Ethernet are identical t

27、o those of 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps EthernetFrame format II. Logical link control sublayer protocolPhysical layer standard IV. Data encoding method(A) I and II B), I, II, and III(C) II and IV D) II, III and IV.(56) What, is, the, decimal, value, of, the, binary, value,?A) 16, B) 17, C) 18, D) 19(57

28、) In, a, computer, which, of, the, following, is, the, longest, period?A) Beat, period, B) period, C) Instruction, period, D) CPU period Machine(58) Which, of, the, following, is, not, an, AVL, tree?(59) Traversing, a, binary, tree, in, preorder, is, to, equivalent(A) Traversing, the, forest, corresponding, to, the, binary, tree, in, roo


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