运动解剖学(Sports Anatomy).doc

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1、运动解剖学(Sports Anatomy)Section 1 general introductionFirst, the viscera include digestion, breathing, urinary, reproductive system four.Two, the general structure of the viscera:1. The walls of the hollow visceral organs are divided into three to four layers: mucosa layer, submucosa layer, muscularis

2、membrane and adventitia.2. There is a capsule (connective tissue) outside the parenchymal visceral organ. The connective tissue goes deep into the parenchyma of the organ and divides the parenchyma into many lobules.The second digestive system (including the digestive and digestive glands)First, the

3、 digestive tract includes: oral, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus.1, the mouth has teeth, tongue (taste buds, sense of taste).2 pharynx is the common pathway of the digestive tract and respiratory tract.3, the upper part of the esophagus is striated muscle, and the

4、 lower part is smooth muscle.4: (1), and stomach in the left upper abdomen; (2): entrance structure, called the cardia (connecting the esophagus), exit pylorus, duodenum connection, there are many folds of gastric mucosa, there are many small folds, is the opening of the stomach. 3), the main functi

5、on: to accommodate the food; the secretion of gastric juice, preliminary digestion of food into chyme.5 bowel: including the small intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) and the large intestine (cecum, colon, rectum)Small intestine: the small intestine is the main organs of digestion and absorption: 1

6、), there are many folds and villi of small intestine mucosa, greatly increasing the digestion and absorption of intestinal villi in the area; the capillaries (absorption of sugar and protein based) and lymphatic capillaries (fat absorption). 2), common bile duct and pancreatic duct openings in the d

7、uodenum, liver secretion of bile from bile duct, pancreatic secretion of pancreatic juice by pancreatic duct into the duodenum, pancreatic juice can digest the protein, fat, starch, bile to help digestion and absorption of fat.Two. Digestive gland:(a), salivary glands: parotid gland, submandibular g

8、land, sublingual gland.(two) liver:1, the position and shape of the liver is the largest digestive gland in the human body, in the right hypochondriac region and epigastric region.2. Structure: divided into many hepatic lobules by connective tissue, the hepatic lobule is the basic unit of liver stru

9、cture and function.3. The blood circulation of the liver: the portal vein is the functional blood vessel of the liver, and the hepatic artery is the nutrient vessel of the liver.4, function: secrete bile, participate in material metabolism, detoxification, defense, embryonic period is the main hemat

10、opoietic organ; adult liver has stored blood, regulating the role of circulating blood volume.(three): located between the duodenum and pancreas, spleen; structure and function is divided into: 1), endocrine Department (called islets, insulin secretion, directly into the blood, regulating blood suga

11、r); 2), (pancreatic exocrine secretion).The third respiratory system (including the respiratory and respiratory organs)First, respiratory tract include: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, small bronchus1: nose: the mucous membrane above the nasal cavity is the olfactory region.2, pharynx: see

12、 the digestive system.3, on the ground: laryngeal pharynx, even under the trachea, composed of cartilage and muscle of larynx, two fold on inner surface of mucous membrane, a cry of folds, also known as the vocal cords, two belt between the fracture fissure of glottis. In the movement of breath is t

13、he first deep breathing, after the closure of glottis; breath is not the first deep breathing, closed glottis.4, trachea, bronchus, small bronchus:Two 、 respiratory part:The left and right lungs, located in the chest cavity. Its structure is: when the bronchus enters the lung, it branches into small

14、 bronchi at all levels, forming a bronchial tree, and finally forming an alveolus. The alveolar wall consists of a single layer of squamous epithelial cells. There are two sets of intrapulmonary vascular: one for lung nourishing itself; another is with the gas exchange function of pulmonary artery a

15、nd pulmonary vein, they formed capillary network around the alveolar surface, the gas exchange with the alveolar capillary gas: oxygen into the alveolar capillary, capillary in carbon dioxide enter alveolar.When the gas exchange between the alveoli and capillaries occurs, at least the four structure

16、s of the alveolar epithelium, the epithelial basement membrane, the capillary endothelial basement membrane and the capillary endothelial cell can be obtained. These four structures are called the blood and blood barrier.Fourth sections of the urinary system1. The urinary system consists of the urin

17、ary organs (kidneys) and the urinary ducts (each ureter, bladder and urethra).Two, kidney:(a) position: located on both sides of the spine, close to the abdominal wall, right kidney is slightly lower than the left kidney.(two) structure:1, the general structure: shape like broad beans; the inner edg

18、e of the middle concave inward, known as the renal gate; kidney central called medulla, surrounded by cortex.2. Fine structure: divided into two parts: urinary and excretory.(1) the urinary system consists of renal units, and the nephron is the basic unit of the structure and function of the kidney.

19、 The renal unit consists of the renal corpuscle (including the glomerulus and renal SAC) and the renal tubule.(2) the excretory portion includes the collecting duct and the nipple canal.(3) the formation and excretion of urine: 1) the blood flows through the glomerulus, which forms primary urine due

20、 to the filtration of the glomerulus, and the urine flows into the glomerulus. 2) the primary urine flows through the renal tubule from the renal capsule and, as a result of reabsorption of the renal tubule, absorbs the glucose, water, and salts in the urine into the capillaries, leaving the remaini

21、ng part to the collecting tube to become urine. 3) the urine flows through the renal papilla tube, the kidney small lamp, the kidney big lamp, the renal pelvis, the ureter, the bladder, the urethra, row in vitro.The fourth chapter is vascular systemSection 1 cardiovascular systemI. General introduct

22、ion(1) the composition of the cardiovascular system:1. Heart: automatic rhythmic contraction.2. Arteries (A): blood vessels that carry blood throughout the body.3, vein (V): move the blood from all parts of the body back to the heart.4 blood capillary: the fine blood vessel between the vein and the

23、artery.(two) blood circulation:1, systemic circulation: the circulation of blood between the heart and all organs of the body (except the lungs):Arterial blood containing much oxygenAll organs of the heartVenous blood containing much carbon dioxide2, pulmonary circulation: the blood circulation betw

24、een the heart and lungs:Venous blood containing much carbon dioxideHeart lungArterial blood containing much oxygen3 microcirculation: the circulation between arterioles and venules.Two, heart (hollow muscular organ)(1) position and shape: located in the mediastinum of the chest cavity, like the inve

25、rted cone, the size is slightly larger than my fist.(two) the morphology and structure of the heart chambers:1. Right atrium: three inlet (upper vena cava, inferior vena cava orifice, coronary sinus orifice), an exit (right atrioventricular orifice, three cusps on the periphery, preventing backflow

26、of blood)2. The right ventricle: an inlet (right atrioventricular orifice), an exit (pulmonary orifice, pulmonary valve on the periphery).3. Left atrium: four inlet (four pulmonary venous orifice), one exit (left atrioventricular orifice, peripheral mitral valve).4, the left ventricle: an entrance (

27、left atrioventricular orifice, the periphery has an outlet (mitral), aorta, aortic valve with peripheral).(three) the structure of the heart wall: endocardium, myocardium and epicardium.(four) the heart conduction system:1. It consists of sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, atrioventricular bund

28、le and its surrounding branches. The sinoatrial node is the deep epicardial surface of the junction of the superior vena cava with the right atrium, which is the normal pacemaker of the heart. The atrioventricular node can also initiate rhythmic excitation under abnormal conditions.2, function: prod

29、uce and transmit impulse, maintain the normal rhythm of the heart, make the atrium, ventricle, muscle contraction keep in harmony.(five) the vessels and nerves of the heart:1. The arteries of the nutrient heart have left and right coronary arteries, and most of the veins converge in the coronary sin

30、us and flow into the right atrium.2, the innervation of the heart is divided into: sympathetic nerve - excitatory effect, so that the sinoatrial node sends the impulse frequency increases, the heartbeat strengthens to speed up. Parasympathetic nerve acts contraryThree. Blood vessel(1) the general st

31、ructure of the wall of the vein and vein is divided into three layers: adventitia, tunica intima, and tunica intima.(two) the capillary wall is thinnest, the permeability is large, the diameter of the vessel is smallest, the blood flow is slow, and it is good for the exchange of substance.(three) sy

32、stemic circulation of blood vessels:1. Systemic circulation of the artery:(1), artery circulation: left ventricular - L - aortic arch aortic (issued three branches, from right to left: the innominate artery and left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery) - thoracic aorta - abdominal aorta

33、 - left and right iliac artery. Branches of the arterial trunk branch to all organs of the body.(2), right upper limb movement way blood: blood from the left ventricle, ascending aortic arch - - innominate artery - right subclavian artery - right axillary artery, brachial artery, right radial and ul

34、nar artery - right palm deep and superficial arterial arch of aorta.(3) the supply route of left upper limb movement: same (2), remove innominate artery and change right to left.(4), the blood supply way of right lower limb movement; blood from the left ventricle, ascending aortic arch - thoracic ao

35、rta, abdominal aorta, right iliac artery - right external iliac artery - right femoral artery - right popliteal artery, right anterior and posterior tibial artery, right dorsal, plantar artery aorta.(5) the way of blood supply for left lower limb movement: same (4), right instead of left.(6) the spe

36、cial structure of the vessel wall of systemic circulation:A, carotid artery ball: internal and external carotid artery bifurcation in the rear, a flat oval. Of or relating to a chemoreceptor that senses changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. When the concentration of carbon dio

37、xide in the blood rises, it can cause respiration to deepen and accelerate.B, carotid sinus: internal carotid artery at the beginning of the expanded part, the inner wall of the special sensory nerve endings, which belongs to the baroreceptor. When the arterial blood pressure rises, it can stimulate

38、 the receptor, which can cause bradycardia, peripheral vasodilation and blood pressure.2 、 systemic circulation of vein:(1) superior vena cava system(2) the inferior vena cava(3) the cardiac vein systemFour, the influence of physical exercise on cardiovascular morphology and structure(1) the effect

39、of exercise on the heart has a moving heart: thickening of the heart fiber, thickening of the heart wall, and greater contraction of the heart.(two) the influence of sports on the blood vessel, the thickening of the membrane in the artery wall, the increase of the capillary number, the abundant anas

40、tomosis of the branches and the thickening of the coronary artery caliber.The second lymphatic system (including lymphatics and lymphatic organs)Lymphatics:Two. Lymphatic organs:1 lymph nodes: filtering and defense.2, spleen: is the largest lymphoid organ, located in the left upper abdomen, mainly c

41、omposed of reticular tissue and blood vessels, with stored blood and destruction of aging red blood cells and immune response in vivo effects of antibody.3. Tonsil:The fifth chapter nervous systemSection 1 general introductionI. The composition and function of the nervous system:The nervous system i

42、s composed of the brain and spinal cord, and the surrounding nerves connected to them. The basic component of the nervous system is the nervous tissue.The functions of the nervous system: the brain and spinal cord undergo, store and integrate analyses, release information, and transmit information a

43、nd commands around the nerve.Two. The division of the nervous system: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.1, according to the location of central nervous system in the brain and the cranial cavity located in the spinal canal in spinal cord; peripheral nervous system includin

44、g 12 nerve connected to the brain and spinal cord connected 31 of spinal nerve.2, according to the scope and function of the distribution: somatic and visceral nerves, the two contain both motor nerve fibers and sensory nerve fibers. The motor nerve fibers are mainly distributed in the motor system

45、and the skin, and the internal motor nerve fibers are distributed on the myocardium, smooth muscle and glands, which are called autonomic nerves. The sensory nerves of the two are not very different in structure and function. Therefore, the peripheral nervous system is usually divided into three par

46、ts: the cranial nerve, the spinal nerve and the autonomic nerve.Three, the basic concepts of the nervous system:1 gray matter: in the central nervous system, the structure of neuronal cell bodies and dendrites is called gray matter. The gray matter that is distributed on the surface of the brain and

47、 cerebellum is called the cortex.2. White matter: in the central nervous system, the structure of nerve fibers is called white matter. The white matter in the brain and cerebellum, also called the medulla.Nerve nucleus: the central nervous system, the same function of neurons, cell bodies and dendri

48、tes, assembled clumps known as the nucleus of the nerve.Nerve nucleus: in the peripheral nervous system, the same function neuron, the cell body and the dendritic collection, the synthesis mass is called the nerve nucleus, also calls the ganglion.Four, the basic way of nervous system activity:1, the basic way of the nervous system function is reflex. Reflex refers to the reaction of the nervous system in regulating the activity of the organ


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