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1、汉语教师海外志愿者需求申请书Application for Overseas Chinese Volunteer teachers一、 申请机构概况I. Applicant institutions background information说明本机构的基本情况、机构特点、在当地教育界影响力、课程设置、整体师资和学生规模等。Please provide a basic overview of your institution, including the feature of your institution, its influence in the local educational c

2、ircles, the curriculum settings, your faculty and the scale of students enrollment, etc.二、 申请机构汉语教学现状及发展规划II. Your Chinese language program: current status and development plans说明本机构目前汉语教学师资和学生情况、汉语教学大纲及课程设置、汉语教材使用情况;未来汉语教学发展计划,预期学生数量和学生汉语水平、所需汉语教师数量和支持志愿者项目的资金预算等。Please provide specifics regarding

3、your current Chinese faculty and students, your Chinese teaching syllabus and curriculum, and the Chinese teaching and learning materials; your future development plan for Chinese language teaching, expected number of students and the proficiency they can get, the number of Chinese language teachers

4、 needed, budget for supporting volunteer teachers, etc.三、 申请汉语教师海外志愿者的理由III. Reasons for requesting overseas volunteer teachers.四、汉语教师海外志愿者岗位要求IV. Job descriptions说明拟聘请汉语教师海外志愿者的人数、条件要求、任教期限、教学对象、课时安排及其他工作安排等。Please specify the number, qualifications, tenure of service, students, teaching hours and

5、other work requirements of the overseas volunteer teachers.汉语教师海外志愿者需求申请表Overseas Chinese Volunteer teacher Application Form申请机构Applicant Institution名称 Name国家 Country_ _州State _省province _市city地址Address:城市Urban 郊区Suburban 农村Rural申请机构性质Type of Institution公立Public 私立Private幼儿园Kindergarten 小学Primary Sc

6、hool 中学Secondary School大学University 孔子学院/课堂Confucius Institute/Classroom其他Others(请注明please specify)申请机构联系人Point of contact of the applicant联系人Name of Contact Person:职务Position:电话Tel.传真Fax:电子邮件Email:申请志愿者类型Type of volunteer teachers requested普通海外志愿者Common overseas volunteer teachers孔子学院/课堂海外志愿者Confuc

7、ius Institute/Classroom overseas volunteer岗位描述Job description汉语教学Chinese language Instruction文化推广Culture Promotion行政管理Administration其他Others(请注明Please specify)人数Number任期自 年 月至 _年_ _月From (year) (month) to (year) (month)每人每周工作量Weekly workload of each volunteer teacher教学课时Teaching hours 小时(h)其他工作other

8、 work hours 小时(h)班级数量Number of classes 个, 学生数量number of students 个其他(Others)教育类型Educational program offered学历教育Degree program 非学历教育Non-degree program汉语课程层次 Level of Chinese language courses offered初级Elementary 中级Intermediate 高级Advanced教学对象Learners targeted幼儿Pre-school 小学生Elementary 中学生Secondary 大学生P

9、ost-secondary 成人Adult申请机构为志愿者提供的条件Compensations provided by the applicant institution生活补贴每月Living allowance per month _美元US医疗保险Health insurance 意外伤害保险Accident insurance工作交通Work-related transportation 工作餐Work meals申请机构外方负责人签字 职务 日期Director of the Applicant Institution Signature: Position: Date:申请机构中方

10、负责人(仅指孔子学院/课堂)签字: 职务: 日期 :Chinese Director(Only for Confucius Institute/Classroom) Position Date备注Notes:1.请将此申请书邮寄或传真至中国驻当地大使馆或总领事馆教育或文化部门。Please mail or fax the application to the Education or Cultural Office of the Chinese Embassy or Consulates in your country.2.每位海外志愿者每周教学课时不超过20课时,每课时按照45分钟计算。The weekly teaching load of each overseas volunteer teacher shall be no more than the equivalent of 20 class periods, at 45 minutes per class period. (注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。可复制、编制,期待你的好评与关注)


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