论会计估计变更的审计(Audit of the change of accounting estimate).doc

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《论会计估计变更的审计(Audit of the change of accounting estimate).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《论会计估计变更的审计(Audit of the change of accounting estimate).doc(14页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、论会计估计变更的审计(Audit of the change of accounting estimate)Audit of the change of accounting estimateAccording to the enterprise accounting standards issued by the Ministry of Finance - accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and accounting errorsCorrection: a listed company may, according t

2、o the latest available information, be uncertain of the relevant transaction or matterChanging accounting estimates. In order to ensure the accounting information in the enterprise, the accounting information is guaranteed to the maximum extentComparability and usefulness for financial reporting use

3、rs to better understand the financial position, business results andCash flow and other accounting information, CPA must pay attention to the accounting statements contained in the enterprise accounting statementsAudit of change of plan.I. audit objectives of changes in accounting estimatesIn accoun

4、ting, an accounting estimate is changed due to the inherent uncertainty in business activitiesIt is inevitable. In order to ensure the authenticity and reliability of accounting information, the CPA should strengthen the accounting estimateChanges in the audit, its audit objectives include:(1) the i

5、mportant items in the accounting statements of the audited entity that require the change of the accounting estimate areNo, the corresponding accounting estimates have been changed.(two) the changes in the accounting estimates made by the audited entity are all relevant to the circumstances in which

6、 they are locatedSensible.(three) whether the process of accounting estimate changes completed by the audited entity conforms to the accounting standards for enterprises;Whether or not the accounting estimate changes have been properly and fully disclosed in the accounting statements.Two. Audit proc

7、edures for changes in accounting estimates(1) to evaluate the completeness of the changes in the accounting estimates made by the audited entity;In assessing whether the audited entity is important to all accounting statements and requires changes in accounting estimatesWhen the project has been cha

8、nged, the CPA has to investigate some external factors,If the audit unit is in the industry, the relevant state policies and regulations at that time, should also consider the implementationFollowing audit:1. Investigate the items included in the financial statements and confirm the items that requi

9、re accounting estimates to changeAnd then evaluate whether the audited units have made any changes in the accounting estimates of these items.2, evaluate relevant information obtained during the implementation of other audit procedures in the same audit business, such as:(1) information about the ch

10、anges made or planned by the audited entity for its operation;(2) information about the industry under which the audited entity is situated;(3) information about changes in the data collection methods used to determine the effects of what has happened;(4) information relating to confirmed proceeding

11、s, claims and other or contingencies;(5) information obtained from the minutes of the shareholders meeting and the board of directors of the audited entity;(6) information contained in reports submitted by the audited entity to the relevant regulatory authorities, as well as from these pipesInformat

12、ion about the audited entity received by the management institution.Certified Public Accountants collect relevant audit evidence and use professional judgment to analyze the above information,The evaluation will help to evaluate the completeness of the changes in the accounting estimates made by the

13、 audited entity.3, to audit the management of the unit, when the week to ask whether there is an abnormal situation exists. The existence of such a situationThat means a change in the accounting estimate.(two) evaluate the rationality of the change of the accounting estimate made by the audited enti

14、tyIn evaluating the reasonableness of the changes in the accounting estimates made by the auditing entity, the CPA should focus on the followingAudit in all aspects:1. Audit the change process of the accounting estimate of the audited entity(1) is it reasonable to evaluate the reasons for changes in

15、 accounting estimates?. The certified public accountant shall be responsible for the accounting of the audited entityEvaluate and evaluate the reasons for the change. In the audit process, should pay attention to identify:Does the basis of the accounting estimate made by the auditing entity change?.

16、 Business accounting estimates,Always depends on a certain foundation. If the basis for which it depends is changed, accounting estimates should be madeChange. Such as,The amortization period of an intangible asset of an enterprise is scheduled to be 8 yearsThe beneficial period asset has been less

17、than 8 years, an enterprise should in corresponding changes in accounting estimates, reduced amortizationAge limit.Whether the audited units have gained new information and accumulated more experience. The enterprise carries on the accountant to estimateThe plan is based on the existing data on the

18、future, and as time goes on, it is possible for companies to acquire new lettersIn this case, the enterprise may change the accounting estimate. For example, enterprisesThe industry used the average number of years method, according to 15 years of depreciation of fixed assets, and later according to

19、 the new information, solidIf the economic life of the fixed asset economy has declined, the enterprise shall make changes in the accounting estimate and shorten the depreciation period.(2) review the calculation and accounting process during the change of the accounting estimate. Certified public a

20、ccountants should set upTake into account and implement the appropriate audit procedures for the calculation and accounting of changes in the accounting estimates of the audited entityCheck. In the audit process, we should focus on the following aspects:Evaluation of the accounting estimate modifica

21、tion procedure and related internal control of the audited entity DThe complexity of the calculation procedure in the course of the change in the accounting estimate. In accounting practice, there are manyAccounting estimates are calculated by the audit unit using formulas. In this case, attention s

22、hould be paid to the identification of the meetingIs it reasonable to estimate whether the formula used in the process of change is consistent with the actual situation of the audited entity?. thisRequire the application of the formula before the audited entity, and the corresponding practice of oth

23、er enterprises in the same industryAnd fully understand the plans and objectives of the audited units.The rationality of accounting treatment of accounting estimate modification. Shall pay attention to the accounting estimates of the audited entityMethods of accounting for change. When the change in

24、 the accounting estimate only affects the change of the current period, theThe greater impact is recognised in the current period; changes in the accounting estimates affect both the current and future periods,Is the impact of the estimated change recognised in the current and subsequent periods?. F

25、or example, the enterprise originally accounts receivable5% of the amount of the bad debt preparation, as the enterprise can not recover the proportion of accounts receivable has reached 10%, then the enterprise changedPrepare bad debt reserves at 10% of the receivable balance. Changes in these acco

26、unting estimates affect only the current period of change,Therefore, changes should be made to confirm the current period. Again, may be depreciated fixed assets, their useful life or pre -Changes in the estimate of net salvage value, often affecting the period of change of the current period and th

27、e useful life of the assetDepreciation expense between. Therefore, such changes in accounting estimates can not only change the current confirmation, but alsoShall be confirmed in subsequent periods.(3) a review of the disclosure of changes in the accounting estimates in the notes to the accounting

28、statements. Certified public accountants should be implementedThe relevant audit procedures shall examine whether the disclosure of the changes in the accounting estimates of the audited entity is sufficient and reasonable. Audit toThese include the adequacy and rationality of the content and reason

29、s for the estimated changes in the accounting estimatesWhether or not accurate accounting estimates change the number of changes are not easy to determine whether the reasons are sufficient and reasonable and so on.2. Independently estimate the changes in the accounting estimatesA certified public a

30、ccountant may, on the basis of a thorough knowledge of the actual situation of the audited entity and the environment in which it is located,Sampling techniques are used to make independent and objective analyses of a project or some accounting estimatesCompare the results with the estimated changes

31、 in the audit results of the audited entity to determine the audited entitys accounting estimatesThe reasonableness of the change.3. Review the items after the period when the changes in the accounting estimates can be verifiedIn the balance sheet date, after the audit report on the subsequent event

32、s may provide the relevant auditAudit evidence of the change in the units accounting estimates. A review of such items may reduce the noteThe audit unit accounting predict change process or the use of independent estimates to evaluate the accounting books accounting review and examinationThe amount

33、of effort to estimate the change may sometimes even completely replace these two types of audit procedures.It should be pointed out that, when evaluating the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by the audited entity, it can not be isolatedSite survey, accounting estimates change, but als

34、o in conjunction with other items of the accounting statements for evaluation. In addition, the auditThose technical more strong, more complex changes in accounting estimates, we should consider whether to hire relevant professionalsHome to help with work; and, if necessary, to look for relevant aud

35、it evidence from outside the enterprise. Such as,The certified public accountant conducts direct communication with the lawyer of the audited entity in order to obtain the accounting of the litigation and claimsEstimate the audit evidence of the change.Three 、 audit report and audit reportAfter impl

36、ementing the relevant audit procedures and obtaining sufficient and reliable audit evidence, certified public accountantAppropriate audit conclusions shall be made in response to changes in the accounting estimates of the audited entity.If the audited entity does not take into account an important a

37、ccounting estimate during the preparation of the accounting statementsIn the event of change, the certified public accountant shall point out to the audited entity and suggest that it adjust the accounting statements. If beIf the audit entity refuses to adjust, it may be deemed to be a false report,

38、 together with other misstatements, depending on its kindAnd the importance of determining whether to reflect in the audit report and how to reflect DThe uncertainty inherent in accounting estimates results in changes in an accounting estimate contained in an accounting statementThe results of the p

39、roject allow for a certain difference between the results obtained by the CPA and the relevant audit evidenceIso. But the responsibility of CPA is to consider the difference between the two is unacceptable, that is, the trialIf the change in the accounting estimate made by the unit is unreasonable,

40、the audited entity shall be required to enter the projectLine adjustment. If the audited entity refuses to adjust it, then the existence of this difference is deemed to beA misstatement, together with other misstatements, and determines whether or not it is in the audit report, depending on the type

41、 and extent of the errorWhat is reflected in the report and how it is reflected?.In principle, a certified public accountant should judge when it comes to the audit report and the expression of the auditors opinionDoes the auditors misstatement of the change in accounting estimates, together with ot

42、her misstatements, affect the audited entity?Fair presentation of accounting statements. If there is no significant impact, an unqualified audit report shall be issued; if yes,The audit report shall be issued on the basis of the seriousness of the effect or the unqualified opinion. Specific judgment

43、At break time, the misstatement may be compared with the importance of the certified accountant at the beginning of the audit, if the error is reportedIf the amount is not more than the amount of importance, it may not be deemed to affect the fair expression of the accounting statements of the audit

44、ed entityIssue an unqualified audit report. On the contrary, they will issue their opinions of reservation or negative opinions according to their degreeReport DIn evaluating the results of the audit, certified public accountants should also pay attention to the change of all accounting estimatesEvaluate as a whole, because the individual accounting estimates that can be accepted may be integratedIt has a significant impact on the audited financial statements and their corresponding audit reports.


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