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1、初一英语14单元测试I. 选择填空:( )1. This book is the _ . A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers( )2. Whose bike is this ? Its _ . A. my B. mine C. I( )3. _!Im thirsty(渴的). I want a bottle of(一瓶) water . A. Hello B.Excuse me C. Hi( )4.Thiss Jims father and thiss Jims mother . Theyre Jims_ . A. family B.parent C.pare

2、nts( )5. _Toms brother a teacher ? A. Am B. Is C. Are( )6. -_these pens yours ? -Yes, they are. A. Where B. What C. Are( )7. Whats this ? Its _ apple . A. B. a C. an( )8. _ she ? She is Toms sister . A. Whose B. Whos C. Wheres( )9. I have _ new(新的)eraser in my schoolbag . A. a B.an C. ( )10. Where i

3、s Johns bookcase?-Its _ his room. A.at B.in C.onII. 完形填空:通读全文,根据对话内容,选择准确答案。 Kate:Look , Jim ! 1 that on the desk ? Jim:Its a watch . Kate:Is it new ? Jim:No, it isnt . Is it yours ? Kate:No , 2 is new . Whose is it ? Jim:It looks like 3 . Kate:Look ! He is in the playground(操场). Jim:Lets go and 4 M

4、r . Wang . Kate: 5 , Mr . Wang ? Whats the time(时间)? Mr . Wang:Oh , 6 , I dont know . I cant find(找到)my watch . Jim:Is this your 7 ? Mr. Wang:Let me see . Yes , its 8 . Where was it ? Jim:It was 9 your desk . Kate:Here 10 are . You must look after it . Mr . Wang:Thank you very much .( )1. A. Whats B

5、. Whoses C. Hows D. Whos ( )2. A. I B. mine C. he D. my( )3. A. Miss Wang B. Mrs . Wang C. Mr . Wang D. Mr . Wangs( )4. A. ask B. see C. look D. answer ( )5. A. Hello B. How are you C. Excuse me D. Sorry ( )6. A. Hi B. Sorry C. Yes D. No( )7. A. watch B. tree C. desk D. floor( )8. A. me B. mine C. y

6、our D. yours ( )9. A. on B. behind C. in D. under ( )10. A. they B. we C. there D. youIII. 词汇A. 根据中文提示,补全单词中所缺的字母。 1. tel _ ph _ ne(电话)2. n _ teb _ _ k(笔记本) 3. ban _ n _(香蕉)4. l _br _ ry(图书馆) 5. dicti _ na_y(字典) B. 将下列名词变成复数形式。1. lady _ 2. watch _3. bus _4. chair _5. tomato _6. boy _7. textbook _ 8.

7、 radio _ 9. pear _10. knife _ C. 词组互译。1three pears _2. Tom的钢笔_3. three desks _4. on the wall _5. 在盒子里_ 6. his grandparents_7. 在课桌下_ 8. whose book _ 9. 在我妹妹的床上_10. 你好吗?_ IV. 组词成句 1. 这支铅笔是你的吗? yours , is , pencil , this _ 2. 一张日本地图在墙上。 on the wall , is , a map of Japan _ 3. Kate的自行车在哪儿? Kates, is , bi

8、ke , Where _ 4.我的笔记本在我的书包里。 schoolbag , my, notebooks , are, in , my _ 5.钢笔在我爸爸的桌子。 on , pen , the, fathers , is , my , desk _V. 交际用语 I II( )1. Is this books yours ? A. Its under the desk .( )2.Is this Kates book? B. How do you do ?( )3. Are you in this school ? C. Yes , it is .( )4. This is Mr. Bro

9、wn. D. Yes , we are .( )5. Where is your pencil ? E. Yes, its mine .VI. 阅读理解(A) Mr. Brown is from England . He and his wife(妻子)are teachers . They teach English in Shanghai . They have a boy and a girl . They are John and Lucy . John is a middle school student , but Lucy is not . She is only six . T

10、hey have two bikes . One is big , and the other is small . The big one is for John . The small one is for Lucy . On Sundays , sometimes they are at home , sometimes they go to the parks . They like China . They have a lot of (很多的)Chinese friends .根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。( )1. Mr . Brown and Mrs . Bro

11、wn are teachers of English .( )2. They have a son and a daughter .( )3. John isnt a student because he is only six years old .( )4. The small bike is for John , and the big one is for his sister .( )5. They have many friends in China .参考答案I. 选择填空: 1. C 2. B (根据问句中“Whose”的提问,判断答句应回答具体是谁的,先排除C项“I”这一人称

12、代词的主格。my是形容词性物主代词,具形容词的特征,后面一般跟被修饰的名词或名词短语。而题目横线后即是句子结尾的句号,无任何名词,所以只能选择B项的“mine”这一名词性物主代词。)3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B (根据答句回答人物的具体身份,判断问句是要用“Who”提问,所以选择B项“Whos”。注意“Whos”是“Who is”的缩写,需与同音的“Whose”(谁的)区分使用。) 9. A 10. B II. 完形填空:1. A 2. B(应选择名词性物主代词mine作句子主语,意为“我的(手表)是新的。”) 3. D (根据上下文及句子意思“它看上去像是王先生

13、的。”应选择名词所有格“Mr Wangs”。) 4. A 5.C (在询问对方时间前表示“对不起”,“打扰一下”,“抱歉”“对不起”,应选择“Excuse me”。) 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. DIII. 词汇: 主要考查单词的拼写,可数名词复数的变化,包含介词短语,名词所有格等词组的中英互译。(A) 1. telephone 2. notebook 3. banana 4. library 5. dictionary (B)1. ladies (lady属于以辅音字母加y结尾需改y为i再加-es。) 2. watches (watch属于以ch,s结尾需加-es;) 3

14、. buses (bus属于以ch,s结尾需加-es;) 4. Chairs 5. tomatoes (可数名词复数tomato加-es,) 6. boys (boy属于以元音字母加y结尾直接加-s,) 7. textbooks 8. radios 9. Pears 10. Knives(knife需变fe为-ves)(C)1. 三个梨 2.Toms pen 3. 三张桌子 4. 在墙上5. in the box (“in the box”注意使用定冠词“the”表特指。) 6. 他的祖父母 7. under the desk (“under the desk”注意使用定冠词“the”表特指。

15、) 8. 谁的书 9. on my sisters bed 10.How are you IV. 组词成句:1. Is this pencil yours?2. A map of Japan is on the wall .(表姓名、国名的专有名词大写)3. Where is Kates bike?4. My notebooks are in my schoolbag .5. The pen is on my fathers desk.V. 交际用语:1. E 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A VI. 阅读理解:1. T (“teachers of English”意为“英语老师”。“一位英语老师”即可以表达为“an English teacher”,也可以表达为“a teacher of English”。) 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T(“a lot of”意为“许多”,即可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。)


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