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1、Teaching design班级:一(2)课型:阅读执教:梁雪青教学时间:40 mins课题:牛津英语上海版初一下册 Unit2 Reading前期准备:学习本课生词和专有名词。教材分析:本课以“旅游”为话题,介绍法国的名胜古迹,学生对于旅游题材会比较感兴趣,但本课生词和专有名词多,所以阅读时难度会比较大。学情分析:因是异地教学,所以对学生情况不甚了解,课前先与学生朗读生词和专有名词,并进行简单的互动,降低学生的陌生感。学习策略:1.通过图片介绍法国的名胜古迹,吸引学生学习和了解法国的兴趣,同时完成课文短语的输入这个任务;2.通过设计泛读和精读任务训练学生做阅读理解的主旨大意题和细节题的能力

2、,学会推测代词在文中指代哪个人/事物;3.通过开展“四合一”小组合作一起完成难度大的任务,培养合作精神和进行简单的写作任务。教学目标重点1.语言知识(认知目标)学习词汇Western Europe,the capital of,places of interest,be famous for, Onthecoast,department stores,bythe sea prefer to do,with + n. 等; 难点2.语言技能(能力发展目标).训练学生做阅读理解的主旨大意题和细节题的能力以及代词在文中的所指;.写几个简单的句子,通过小组合作完成写作任务。3.情感态度(情感发展目标)

3、了解欧洲城市,激发对异国文化、生活习俗、风土人情的兴趣。教学流程设计:Teaching ProceduresTeachingactivitiesStudentsactivitiesTeaching purposeI.Leading-in(3mins)Greeting and warming-up.Finish the exercises individually.Attact the Ss attention.II.Pre-Reading(7mins)1.Present the expressions by a map. 1.Class work:Enjoy some photos about

4、 France.Get to know France.2.Describe the photos .2.Individual work :Complete thesentences to master the words and expressions.List the key words & phrases and learn them by heart. III.While-Reading(19mins) 1 First reading for the main idea.(Show information cards)1. Individual work :Match the parag

5、raphs and main ideas.Try to catch what does each paragraph mainly talk about .2.Second reading for thedetails. (Show information cards)2.Group work:Complete the Spider gram using information from page 17.Try to learn some more details about France.3.Third reading for comprehension.3.Individual work

6、:Find three sentences in the article on P17. What do the words in italics refer to? Write the correct answers in the blanks.Learn to guess the meaning of the prons.in the article.IV.Post-Reading(10mins)Retelling.Group work:Retell some famous places in groups and then write them down. Try to finish a

7、 few simple sentences.VHomeworkAssignment(1mins)Finish all the exercises of U2 Reading in English Weekly and WorkBook B.课后反思:1. 本节课已达到的目标:2. 本节课完成得不够好的目标:3. 下节课需补充训练的目标:StudentssheetClass_Name_Num._牛津英语上海版初一下册 Unit2 ReadingI.Warming upHow much do you know about France? Try the short quiz below. Circ

8、le the correct answers. (Show information cards) 1.Which is the French flag? ( ) a b c2 .Which is the most famous street in Paris? ( )a Fifth Avenue b the Champs-Elysees c Downing Street3.Which drink is France most famous for? ( ) a. tea b. wine c. juice II.Pre-readingA.Phrases box:1.Western Europe

9、西欧2.the capital of 的首都3.places of interest 名胜4.is famous/known for 以闻名5.on the coast 在海岸线上6.department stores 百货商店7.by the sea 在海边8.prefer(pt.preferred)prefer to do=like doingbetter 更喜欢9.with + n. prep.有B.Fill in the blanks.1.Guangzhou _ _ _ its flowers and delicious food. 广州以鲜花和美食闻名。2. I _ _ _ at h

10、ome on rainy days. 下雨天我更喜欢呆在家里。3.Beijing is _ _ _China. 北京是中国的首都。4.There are many_ _ _in China. 中国有很多名胜古迹。5.Zhanjiang lies _ _ _. 湛江位于海边。6.I often dream of a big house _a nice garden.我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。C.Before you readLook at the photos and the title of the article on page 17. Then answer the question

11、s below. (Show information cards) 1. Where could you find the article?( )a In a diary. b In a travel magazine.2. Which places do you think the article will talk about? ( ) Trick the possible answers. a the White House b the Louvre Museum c Big Ben d the Eiffel TowerIII.While-readingA. First reading

12、for the main ideaMatch the main idea with each paragraph. (Show information cards) Paragraph1 A. About the centre of France.Paragraph2 B. About the south of France.Paragraph3 C. Welcome to France.Paragraph4 D. About Paris, the capital. Paragraph5 E. Where is France?VHomework assignment.Finish the exercises of Reading in the English Weekly & Book B


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