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1、Unit 4 My home教案 长阳县磨市镇救师口小学 苏妮教学内容:人教版PEP教材四年级上册 Unit 4 My home PartA Lets talk教学目标:(一)语言知识目标:1.能够听说认读有关房间名称的词汇:living room, study, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom. 2.能听说认读询问某人某物是否在某房间或某地的一般疑问句及肯定否定回答。Is he/she/it in the? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isnt.(二)语言技能目标:能在实际生活中灵活运用所学句型Is he/she/it in the

2、 ? Yes ,he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isnt.交流有关的信息。(三)情感态度目标: 1. 积极主动参与学习活动,与他人合作学习,感受英语学习的乐趣。 2. 能将所学的语言主动运用于实际生活中。 3. 能够感受到家的温馨,从而激发学生爱自己的家的情感。养成为梦想而努力奋斗的拼搏精神。教学重点:1. 关于房间名称的词汇: living room, study, bathroom,kitchen,bedroom 2. 关于询问某人某物是否在某个房间及其它地点的一般疑问句及肯否定回答Is he/she/it in the ? Yes ,he/she/it is. N

3、o, he/she/it isnt. 教学难点:学生能在实际生活中熟练运用所学句型,谈论某人某物是否在某房间及其它地点这个话题。教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.1. Sing the song “In my home” 2. Greeting. 3. Make groups. 创设情景,竞争激趣Step2 Presentation.1.教师隐藏Xuanxuan的图片,以句型Where is Xuanxuan?Lets go and find.师生一起来到第一个房间living room时,教师引导学生观察房间里的物品,在房间里可以干什么,引出新单词living room,采用全班

4、同学一起模仿跟读,分小组齐读,单个学生读,师生一起chant等方式教授新词living room。紧接着让学生在语境中感知对话,接下来,回到故事中,Where is Xuanxuan? Is he in the living room? No, he isnt. 老师出示引出新句型Is he in the living room? No, he isnt. 接着采用多种形式教授新句型。Xuanxuan不在这个房间。 2.师生一起来到第二个房间,同样方法,教授 study,教师把 Xuanxuan的图片放在书房里,运用新句型Is Xuanxuan/he in the study?操练单词stud

5、y,学生根据图片回答 Yes, he is. 但是图片中的Xuanxuan看上去很脏,引出新单词bathroom。 3.老师用同样的方法,教授bathroom,kitchen,bedroom。Step 3 Practice.1.游戏 living room, living room, stand up, study, study, stand up巩固单词2.Look and guess 操练句型 Is he/she/it in the ? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isnt. 3.老师先让学生看图片,猜一猜其他四个小朋友在那个房间,操练Is he/sh

6、e in the ?Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt. 4.让学生猜猜文具,操练Is it in the ?Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 学生在句型中进一步巩固词汇,在词汇替换操练的同时,进一步熟练句型结构。5.Hide and seek游戏Step 4 Presentation. 1. 听课本录音,回答Where is the cat? Is she in the study? 2. 看动画,核对答案。Where is the cat? Is the cat in the study? No, she isnt. She is in the

7、kitchen.Step 5 Practice1. Listen and repeat. 模仿操练,规范语音。2. Read the dialogue in roles. 文本认读训练Step 6 Production 1. 动画配音。2. Act out the dialogue.3师生一起chant. 4.升华主题。Home is happy. Home is warm. We all love our home.评价总结 :Step 7 Homework.1. Read the dialogue three times. 2. Use the sentence pattern “Is she/he/it ? “ to ask your parents about the place. (用所学句型询问爸妈物品或人的位置)3.Create more dialogues or stories and act them out with your partner. (与同伴一起编排更多的对话或故事)


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