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1、二、找出下列每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项。1、( ) A. China B. teacher C. lunch D. school .2、( ) A. three B. they C. thin D. fifth.3、( ) A. what B. who C. why D. which4、( ) A. her B. girl C. hurt D. teacher5、( ) A. bread B. tea C. meat D. read.三、读一读,找出每组中不同类的单词。1、( )A.tell B.arm C.hand D.head2、( )A.grape B.sweater C.straw

2、berry D.orange3、( )A.Aa B.Bb C.Jj D.Hh4、( )A.first B.third C.fifth D.seven5、( )A.foot B.people C.leg D.arm6、( )A.tomato B.carrot C.chicken D.onion7、( )A.ate B.took C.said D.working四、按要求写出单词。have(过去式)_ go(过去式)_ ride(现在分词)_ read(过去式)_ for(同音词)_ September(缩写形式)_black(反义词)_ lets(完整形式) _small(反义词)_ tomat

3、o(复数)_too (同音词)_ does not(缩写形式) _baby(复数)_ thin(反义词)_ meat(同音词)_ there(同音词) _hot(反义词) _ second(基数词) _swim(ing形式) _ big(比较级) _sleep(过去式) _ 五、Read and choose.(选择填空)( )1. My father likes _ a bike very much.A. rides B. riding C. ride ( )2.There _ some bread in the fridge.A. is B. are C. am( )3. Marys un

4、cle is university teacher. A. a B. an C. ( )4. Where is the music room? Its on _ floor.A. three B. the third C. third( )5.Her birthday is _ June 4th.A. in B. on C. at( )6. _ your brother_ TV last weekend?A. Did, watched B. Does, watch C. Did, watch( )7. Are there any fish in the river?A .Yes, therer

5、e B. Yes, there are. C. No, there are. ( )8. -Whose school bag is that? -Its .A. Tom B. my sister C. mine 六、根据句意及首字母写出完整的单词。1. The first day of a week is S_.2.Sarah is quiet, but Jack is very a_.3. You can read books, and you can borrow(借) books from it. It is a l_.4. There are so many trees in it.

6、Its a f_.5. If you are not fine, you can go to the h_.七、按要求完成句子。5%1. I took many pictures last Monday._you _many pictures last Monday?(改为一般疑问句)2. I can see six birds in the sky. (对划线部分提问) birds can you see in the sky?3. 我的家与医院相邻。(根据中文翻译)My home is _ _the hospital.4.Does that tall man teach you P.E.?

7、 (肯定回答)Yes, _ 5. are they trees climbing( ? )(连词成句)_ 八、补全对话,将正确句子的序号填入横线上。A. What are you going to do there?B. What did you do yesterday? C. Where are you going on your Summer Holiday? D. How are you going there? E. Whom are you going with?F. When are you going? A: _ B: Im going to Hainan. A: _ B Im

8、 going with my parents. A: _ B: We are going to swim in the sea. A: How wonderful! _ B: Were going by plane. A: _ B: On July 21st. A: Have a good time!九、找出句子中的错误,将序号填在括号中,并在横线上改正。( ) 1. What did you do next weekend? _ A B C( ) 2. Does she often goes shopping? _ A B C ( ) 3.Your hand is shorter than me. _ A B C( ) 4. My uncle go to home by bike. _ A B C( ) 5. She didnt climbed a mountain last Sunday. _A B C


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