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1、三年级英语期末(考试时间60 分钟)(听力 40 分笔试 60 分总分 100 分) 等第:听力部分 (40 分)一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容 , 把序号写在题前括号内,听两遍。 ( 共 20 分,每小题 2 分)()1.A. BbB. Jj()2.A.JGB. GJ()3.A. LMNB.I MN()4.A. skirtB. T- shirt()5.A. a ballB. a doll()6.A. brownB. blue()7.A. This is my father.B. This is my family.()8.A. Good morning!B. Good evening!()

2、9.A. a hot dogB. an ice cream()10.A. a yellow robotB .an orange egg二听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的画,不相符的画,听两遍。 ( 共 10 分,每小题 2 分)三听录音,写出你所听到字母的大小写, 听两遍。 ( 共 5 分,每小题 1 分)四、根据所听问句,选择相应的答句, 听两遍。 ( 共 5 分,每小题 1 分)()1.A. Good afternoon.B. Good morning.()2.A. How nice!B. Thank you.()3.A. Would y

3、ou like an egg?B. Yes, please.()4.A. It s an egg.B. Whats this?()5.A. Nice to meet you, Helen.B. Hi, Yang Ling.笔试部分 (60 分 )一、写出 5 个元音字母的大小写。( 共 5 分,每小题 1 分 )二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。( 共 8 分,每小题 2 分 )1.Mm2.Qq3.Yy4.Tt三、找出下列各组单词中不同类的单词, 把序号填入题前括号内。( 共 5 分,每小题 1分)() 1. A. yellowB. carC. blue() 2. A. brotherB. robo

4、tC. mother() 3.A. thisB. thatC. jacket() 4.A. hot dogB. eggC. red() 5.A. goodbyeB. afternoonC. morning四翻译。 ( 共 10 分,每小题 1 分)1. my T-shirt2. Happy New Year!3. a yellow cap4. my friend5. a green skirt _6. Good evening.7. CD8. CCTV9. PRC10. kg五、选择。 ( 共 10 分,每小题 1 分)21 当你想问对方要不要一个蛋糕时,你可以说()A. Would you

5、like a cake?B. I d like a cake.2.你向别人介绍你自己的家庭,可以说: ()A. This is my father.B. This is my family.3.你想让别人看迈克的新夹克衫时,你可以说:()A. Look at my new jacket.B. Look at Mike s new jacket.4 下午,老师走进教室上课,可以说:()A. Good afternoon, class.B. Good morning, class.5.你想确定对方是不是麦克时,你会说:()A. Hi, Mike.B. Are you Mike?6.当你想拒绝别人的

6、请求时,你可以说:()A. Yes, please.7. 你想问某物是什么颜色时说:(A. What s this?B. No, thank you.)B. What colour is it?8.你画了一件黄色的夹克衫,可以这样向别人介绍:()A This is a T-shirt. It s orange.B. This is a jacket. Its yellow.9.春节到了,你要向你的好朋友 Liu Tao 送上祝福时说:()A Happy New Year, Liu Tao!B. Good morning, Liu Tao.10. 当你不知道那是什么时会问:()A. Would

7、you like a cake?B. Whats that?六、从方框中选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整,将序号填在横线上。(每题1 分,共 4 分)Su Hai:_John:Good afternoon, Su Hai.Su Hai:_John:Its a hot dog.Su Hai:_John:No, thank you.Su Hai:_John: Yes, please.A. Would you like a hot dog.B. Good afternoon, John.C. What about a cake?D. What s this?3七、读一读,选一选,将序号填写在题前括号内

8、。( 共 8 分,每小题 1 分)()1. Hello, Sam. _A. Hi, Miss LiB. Hi, I m Miss Li.C. Goodbye, Miss Li.()2. _ is it? Its red.A. WhatB. What colourC. Whats colour() 3. This is Tim. _ my brother.A. HesB. ShesC. Its()4. Would you like a robot? _A. Yes, I am.B. No. It s a CD.C. No, thank you.()5. This is my father. _.

9、A. Nice to meet you.B. Yes, he is.C. Thank you.()6. _ Its a brown ball.A. What colour is it?B. Whats that?C. Are you a robot?()7. Happy birthday!. _.A. Happy birthday!.B. Happy New Year.C. Thank you.()8. This is _ egg for you.A. aB. anC. /八连词成句,将序号写在横线上。( 共 10 分,每小题 2 分)1. atLookshirtmy.2. amLiu Tao

10、 I.3. ismyShemother.4. isThisforyou.5. aWouldlikesweetyou?听力部分 (40 分)4一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容, 把序号写在题前括号内,听两遍。1. B.Jj 2. B.GJ3. A.LMN4.B. T- shirt5. A. a ball6. A.brown7. A.This is my father.8. B. Good evening!9. B.an ice cream10. B.an orange egg二听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的画,不相符的画,听两遍。1. A: Good morning, Miss Li

11、.2. A: Good evening.B: Good morning, Liu Tao.B: Good evening.3. A: Are you Wang Bing?B: No, I m not.I mMike.4. Look at my T-shirt. How nice!5. Happy Birthday, Bobby! Thank you!三、听录音,写出你所听到的字母的大小写,听两遍。1. Kk2.Oo3.Ss4. Ww5. Ff四、根据所听问句,选择相应的答句。(听两遍)(B)1. Good morning,Sam.(B)2. This doll is for you.(B)3. Would you like an egg?(A)4. What hat?s(A)5. Nice to meet you, Yang Ling.5


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