2017年广州版八年级上册英语unit5educational exchange课内重点分析及语法详解.docx

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1、Unit5知识探究Step one Reading & Listening讲解1.I was very nervous at first.says Sarah. 萨拉说 我起初很紧张。 at first“起初;起先”,它主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下来的动作与前面的动作不同,甚至相反。反义短语:at last最终。如: At first he didnt agree, but at last he had to.起初他不同意,但最终只好同意了。( )_,the Internet was only used by the government. But now its widely used i

2、n every field.A. As usually B. At first C. After all D. So far2. However ,my host family are friendly .但是,我的寄宿家庭非常友好。friendly 比较级friendlier/more friendly ,最高级friendliest / most friendly.常构成短语be friendly to sb. 对某人友好; be friendly with sb. 与某人友好相处。他们班里的每个人对我都很友好。Everyone in their class _ _ _ me. 我们很快就

3、与邻居们友好相处了。We soon became _ _ the neighbors.3. Ive learnt to use chopsticks , and theyre teaching me a little Chinese! 我学会使用筷子了,并且他们正在教我一些汉语。a little 意思是“一点点,稍许”用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可以修饰形容词和副词的原级或比较级,表示程度。杯子里有点水。There is _ _ water in the glass. 长途跋涉以后,我有点累了。After a long walk, I felt _ _ tired.辨析: a little

4、 , little , a few , fewa little 修饰不可数名词表示肯定,意为“不多的”little表示否定,意为“几乎没有”a few修饰复数可数名词表肯定,意为“几个,一些”few表否定,“不多的,少数的”随堂练习:用a little , little , a few , few填空。一点牛奶就够了。_ milk is enough.快点!没剩多少时间了。Hurry up! There is _ time left.妈妈给我买了些苹果。My mother bought me _ apples.他初来乍到,因此没有几个朋友。He is new here , so he has

5、_ friends.4. Its been a fantastic experience so far , says Eric.到目前为止,它是一次很棒的经历。埃里克说。experience 此处作可数名词,意识是 “经历”,而这个单词在作 “经验”的意思时,为不可数名词。so far ,意思是“到目前为止”,多用于现在完成时。做一名志愿者对我来说是一次有趣的经历。It was _ _ for me to be a volunteer.这个老师有很多处理青少年问题的经验。The teacher has a lot _ dealing with the teens problems.我已经见过很

6、多动物了,到目前为止.I have seen lots of animals .我已经看了三本书到目前为止.I three books .5. Ive learnt a bit of tai chi , and I really enjoy it. 我学了一点太极拳,并且我十分喜欢它。a bit of 一点,小量 用于修饰不可数名词。例如:a bit of water a bit of milk a bit of money辨析:a bit of , a bit , a little a bit of一点修饰不可数名词a bit 稍微,有点修饰形容词、副词的原级、比较级a little不多的既

7、可以修饰不可数名词,也可以修饰形容词、副词的原级、比较级瓶子里有点水。There is _ water in the bottle.请打开窗,天气有点热。Please open the window , its _ hot.6.The teachers have introduced us to Chinese painting as well.老师也使我们初次了解中国画。 introduce sb. to sth.使某人初次了解;使尝试。如: Jack introduces me to the new type of mobile phone. 杰克让我了解了这款新型手机。Id like t

8、o introduce you to the French food in that restaurant. 我想让你们尝尝那家餐馆的法国菜。 introduce sb. to sb.介绍某人给某人认识。如: Let me introduce my cousin Sarah to you.我来介绍我的表妹萨拉给你认识。 I was introduces to Mr. Smith.我被引见给史密斯先生。7. Weve also tried to paint some pictures ourselves! 我们自己也试着画了一些中国画。try to do sth. 尽力做某事, 其否定形式为tr

9、y not to do sth. 尽力不要做某事辨析:try to do sth. 与try doing sth. try to do sth.尽力去做某事,不包含是否成功之意。try doing sth.(用某一办法)试着去做某事。我尽力把英语学好。I _ _ _ English well.他试着把这个难题算出来。He _ _ out the math problem.8. I havent had much success yet. but Ill keep trying.(1) success名词,“成功,胜利“【拓展】successful形容词,成功的 successfully 副词,

10、成功地 succeed动词,成功 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事Dont give up. You know hard work leads to _(成功).(2) yet副词,“还,已经”,多用于现在完成时态的一般疑问句和否定句末尾,并可与not连用构成省略回答。I havent heard from her yet. 我还没有收到她的信。- Have you finished your homework? 你完成你的家庭作业了吗?- Not yet. 还没有。(3) keep doing sth. 继续做某事 相当于keep on doing sth.【拓展】k

11、eep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事Itt not polite to keep guests waiting for you.9. I plan to keep in touch with them when I return home.plan此处用作动词 ,意为“计划” plan to do sth. 计划做某事plan还可作可数名词,意为“计划” make a plan / plans 制订计划10. Well see on another soon because theyll come over to the UK for the second part of t

12、he exchange next month.one another 相互,相当于each other【拓展】(1)another作代词,“(三者或以上)另一(事物或人)”,表泛指。I have eaten some apples. Could you please give me another?(2) another作形容词,“又一的,再一的”,指三者或以上的人或物中除去已知部分,剩余部分中的某一个,不表特指,another one与one more 同义I dont like this sweater, please show me another one / one more.(3)

13、作形容词时,another既可修饰人也可修饰物,其后接单数名词或代词。 another 还可与基数词和复数名词连用,其结构another+数词(大于1)+复数名词= 数词(大于1)+ more+复数名词Id like another two hamburgers. = Id like two more hamburgers.11. I cant wait.cant wait 迫不及待,其后接动词不定式 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事Cant help doing sth. 情不自禁地做某事,忍不住做某事I cant help crying when I hear t

14、hat my mother is ill.12. A person who is invited to stay at another persons home is a guest.invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事invite sb. to + 地点名词/活动 邀请某人去某地/ 参加活动They invited Jack to join their club.I invited my teacher to my home yesterday.She invited me to her birthday party.【拓展】invitation可数名词,“邀请,请帖”

15、13. Tomorrow Im going to take part in an exchange programme in London.明天我将参加一个在伦敦的交流计划。take part in 参加,多指参加一些集会性活动,如会议、劳动等。辨析:take part in ,join , join intake part in多指参加群众性活动,具有暂时性特点。join指加入某党派、组织、军队或社会团体,并成为其中一员,其后也可以接人,意为“和某人一起做某事”join in指参加小规模的活动,如球赛,游戏,多用于日常口语。Join in doing sth 参加做某事。用take part

16、 in ,join , join in填空。你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?Would you like to _ our party?请加入我们吧。Please _ us.我可以参加这个游戏吗?May I _ playing the game?14. It tasted fantastic.taste 此处用作连系动词,“尝起来,有.味道”,其后接形容词作表语,构成系表结构The wine tastes sweet. 【拓展】taste 可用作可数名词,“味道,滋味”I dont like the taste of orange. 我不喜欢橘子的味道。15. His parents are prou

17、d of his success.be proud of 以.而骄傲,相当于take pride inI am proud of our country. 16.Listen to the conversation between Mr. Liu and the students.听刘老师和学生之间的对话。between and 在和之间辨析:between , amongbetween用于指两者之间among用于指三者或三者以上之间银行和学校之间有家医院。There is a hospital _ the bank _ the school.这两本书之间有什么区别?What is the d

18、ifference _ the two books?高老师正坐在孩子们之间。Miss Gao is sitting _ the children.这位歌手在年轻人中很受欢迎。The singer is popular _ the young people.17. Arrive at the airport on time , please. 请按时到机场。on time 按时,准时辨析: on time ,in timeon time 按时,准时in time及时,常含有匆忙之意。火车会按时到达吗?Will the train arrive _?警察及时赶到了那里。The police got

19、 there _.【随堂练】一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. I remember Mr Green gave us an e _ class. I will never forget it.2.Does your family e _ gifts at Christmas?3.Different countries have different customs and c_ .4.Wang Ning and Li Xiuping are h _ of CCTV.5.He started playing for the l _ club when he was 10 years old.6

20、.More than 33 million passengers travel on B_ Airways planes every year.7.She said she was g _ to have the chance to come here and she enjoyed herself.8.The g_ from China were highly praised.9.Chinese use c_ to have meals.(饭)10.He is making a t _ of the world.二.完成句子1.许多人学英语,以便他们能再商业领域获得更多的成功。Many pe

21、ople learn English so that they can _ _ _ _business.2.当地政府应该帮助这个可怜的孩子上学。 _ _ _ should help the poor kid go to school.3.昨天我向全班同学作了自我介绍 I _myself _ the class yesterday.4.我将很乐意帮助你。 Id_ _ _ help you.5.我们请三位客人来家里吃饭。 We have _ _ to dinner.三、单项选择( )1. weekdays, what time do you get up? A.On B.For C.By D.In

22、 ( )2.Can you me your friend? A.introduce; to B.introduce; for C.show; to D.show; for ( )3.The baby was tired after crying for a while. A.a bit of B.a little C.a lot of D.a few ( )4.Im glad you. A.to see B.see C.saw D.seeing ( )5. Alice writing five perfect reports so far.A.completes B.completed C.w

23、as completing D.has completed ( )6.There is only water in the bottle. A.bit B.a bit of C.few D.a few of ( )7.Mr Brown will introduce us western art next week. A. to B.from C.on D. in ( )8.He was angry , but after he read the letter, he laughed. A.first B.the first C.at first D.at the first. ( )9.The

24、y around Shanghai next week. A.tour B.will tour C.toured D.has touredStep Two Speaking Writing1. You should be polite and respect local culture.polite形容词,意为“有礼貌的”,其反义词为impolite或rude,副词形式为politely。常用短语:be polite to sb, 意为“对某人有礼貌”。We should be polite to the old people.中考链接:Tom thinks people will help

25、him if he asks for help_(polite).2. Arrive at the airport on time, please.On time意为“按时,准时”。Will the train arrive on time?In time意为“及时”,常含有“匆忙”之意。3. Dont worry about the exchange visit.Worry about 为固定短语,意为“担心”,与be worried about同义。You have nothing to worry about.中考链接:The tour guide has made the route

26、for the school trip. We dont need to _ that.A. be worried about B.be afraid of C.be sorry for4.写作假如你是来自英国的交换生Sarah, 你在北京已经待了一个星期。现在你想用报告的形式向你的英语同学介绍你的交流生活。请根据以下提示词语完成报告,报告开头已经出,不计入总词数。要求(1)简要说明你的交流生活和感受 (2)语言准确,表达清楚,词数不少于70.提示词:go well, enjoy, fantastic, spend, visit, Chinese culture, delicious, fri

27、endly, make friends with, keep in touch with, hope A report on my exchange visit to Beijing My exchange visit to Beijing _范文: My exchange visit to Beijing has gone well, I have been in the city for a week, I enjoy everything here. Its really fantastic. I spend the weekdays studying with Chinese stud

28、ents. At the weekend. I tour around the city with my classmates. I have visited many places of interest. I have learned a lot about Chinese culture. I have tried many local food. Its delicious! The people in Beijing are friendly. I have made many new friends. When I return home, I will keep in touch

29、 with them. I hope my Chinese friends can come over to my country.【随堂练】一、选择合适的单词或短语完成下列各句1. I you to provide me with toys.(hope, wish)2.Shandong Province is in the of China.(east, eastern)3.We can get much on the Internet.(information, messages)4.Well from home for a week.(leave, be away)5.Watching

30、television can be very (education, educational).二、根据句意及括号内的提示完成句子1.Alice in Wonderful is a (极好的) movie.2.I have no (经验) in selling products.3.Could you (介绍)yourself to the class?4.Many people learn English so that they can have more (成功) in business.5.How many (文化)does China have?6.The (主人) of the h

31、ouse is an old woman.7.The (游客) are having a good time in China.8.Could you tell us about your (经历) in Africa.三.句型转换1. Mine is different from yours.(改为同义句) Mine isnt the _ _ yours.2.To have guests will be exciting.(改为同义句) _ _ _ exciting to have guests.3.Ive already bought some apples.(改为一般疑问句) _ you

32、 bought any apples _?4.The Blacks have lived in China since three years ago.(对划线部分提问) _ _ have the Blacks lived in China?5.It was his big success.(改为同义句) He was very_. 四、完形填空 It was the last day of school and I planned to travel to my friends hometown. I hadnt seen him for years and this was a good

33、1 to meet him again.I was busy at school so it was rather 2 when I came back home. It was already 10 oclock at night. Time was running out. After a hurried meal I left. 3 I found a taxi very soon. Asking the driver to drive me fast to the station, I relaxed for a while, imagining what my friend look

34、ed like now. I was soon at the station and was sure that I would be able to 4 the train. Unfortunately, I fell on the way and lost some time. To my complete 5 , when I reached the platform, I saw that the train had just left! It was the last train so I had to 6 home. My mother was glad to see me bac

35、k as she had a feeling and went to bed but I had a 7 sleep. The next morning I was very tired. As I was having breakfast the 8 arrived. I read over the pages and was shocked to 9 that the train I missed had had an accident. How 10 I was that I missed the train! ( )1. A.sign B.chance C.sense D.dream(

36、 ) 2.A.strange B.cold C.late D.quiet ( )3.A.Finally B.Suddenly C.Strangely D.Luckily ( )4.A.stop B.see C.catch D.miss ( ) 5.A.satisfaction B.hope C.surprise D.joy ( )6.A.call B.leave C.reach D.miss ( )7.A.deep B.bad C.great D.heavy ( )8.A.newspaper B.ticket C.mild D.train ( )9.A.find B.hear C.feel D

37、.remember ( )10.A.hopeful B.thankful C.careful D.painfulStep three-More Practice 讲解1 You can experience a different culture and learn a new language.你可以体验不同的文 化,学习一门新的语言 Experience在此作动词,意思是“体验;感受”。如: Children need to experience things for themselves to learn from them. 儿童需要自己体验事物以从中学习。 experience也可作

38、名词,表示(一次)经历;体验”。如:It was a fantastic experience for me to stay in Guangzhou for three months.在广州逗留三个月对我是一种很美好的体验。2 You can apply for our educational exchange if you are aged between 14 and 17.如果你的年龄在14至17岁之间,你就可以申请参加我们这个教育交流活动了。 apply for申请。如: He applied for the job to be a manager in the company.他申

39、请担任该公司经理职位。 Application可数名词,意为“申请表”Please fill in the application carefully.3 have a reference from your head teacher右一封班主任的推荐信 reference推荐信;介绍信。have a reference from sb来自某人的推荐信。4. They may also miss their families and friends.Miss此处用作动词,意为“怀念,思念”。I miss my grandparents in the countryside.Missing形容词

40、,意为“不在的,丢失的”5. To deal with culture shock, you can.Deal with 意为“处理,对付”I dont know how to deal with this matter.拓展:deal with 常与how搭配,do with则多与what 进行搭配。How will you deal with the camera?=What will you do with the camera?【随堂练】一单项选择。( )1 - Have you ever joined an educational exchange? - No,I Ado B. dont C. have D. havent( )2 We for the same junior high school last year. A. applying B. apply C. Applied( )3 If you take part in our educational exchange, you to another country A. travel B. will t


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