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1、,Lesson 49 The end of a dream 美梦告终,New words and expressions 生词和短语 tired adj. 厌烦的 real adj. 真正的 owner n. 主人 spring n. 弹簧 mattress n. 床垫 gust n. 一阵风 sweep v. 扫,刮 courtyard n. 院子 smash v. 碰碎,摔碎 miraculously adv. 奇迹般地,unhurt adj. 没有受伤的 glance v. 扫视 promptly adv. 迅速地,本课语法 : 复合句,用表示并列关系的连词把简单句连接起来就形成了并列句

2、,而用表示从属关系的连词把简单句连接起来就形成了复合句。,在这一课当中,要把所有的这些连词都讲明白、会使用,是不现实的。我们这里只是给大家一个概念,大家也不用着急,因为整个第三单元都是在努力的训练大家对于复合句的驾御能力,以后的课程当中会反复的出现此类的讲解和练习。而我们这节课的主要目的就是让大家首先有个全面的概念。,把一些简单句连在一起组成复合句,以下是我们常用的一些连词: 表示时间的连词:when, until, after, as soon as, as, since, while, before等。 表示原因的连词:because, as, since, now that, in th

3、at等。 表示让步的连词:though, although等表示关系的连词:who, which, that等。 表示目的的连词:to, in order to等。 看学生用书Key structures 关键句型例子,Lesson 49 The end of a dream 课文逐句讲解,1. Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed. 德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦,于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床。 (1)tired引导的分词短语省略了开头的b

4、eing,其作用相当于原因状语从句:As he was tired of。sleeping为动名词,作介词of的宾语。 (2)save up为固定短语,表示“储蓄”、“攒钱”: I want to get married in one or two years, so Im trying to save(some money)up. 我想一两年之间内结婚,所以我在设法攒钱。 (3)to在这里用于表示目的,相当于in order to: I got up early to have a swim. 为了游泳我起了个大早。,2. For the first time in his life, he

5、 became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress. 他平生第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床垫的床。 Spring作名词我们知道有“春天”的意思。那句有名的西风颂(Ode to the West Wind written byPercy Bysshe Shelley)中的诗句:, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?(冬天来了,春天还远吗?) Spring作名词时还有“发条、弹簧”的意思。课文中就是这种用法。 Mattress n. 床垫,3. Because t

6、he weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. 由于天气很热,他便把床搬到了他的屋顶上。 介词onto可拼写成一个词,也可拼写成两个词(on to)。它用于表示动作方向而不用于表示静态的位置(与into相似): I put the pen onto/ on the table. 我把笔放到桌子上。 The pen is on the table. 笔在桌子上。(不可用onto/ on to) Mr. Thompson jumped onto the stage. 汤普森先生跳上了台上。 Mr. T

7、hompson jumped on the stage. 汤普森先生在台上跳了跳。,4. He slept very well for the first two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. 头两天晚上,他睡得非常好。但第三天晚上起了风暴。,5. A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. 一阵大风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它摔碎在下面的院子里。 gust表示“一阵强风”、“一阵狂风”,既可以单

8、独使用,也可以用a gust of wind形式: A gust(of wind) blew my hat off. 一阵大风吹掉了我的帽子。 She set off even though the wind was blowing in gusts. 虽然当时阵阵狂风吹着,她还是出发了。,6. The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground. 那年轻人直到床撞到地上才醒了过来。 Until后面动词使用了过去完成时,表明一种动作的前后性。 notuntil表示“直到才”。until后面与表示某一点的时间状语连用

9、。它前面没有not时,与表示一段时间的“持续动词”连用;有 not时,常用表示某一时间点的动词(或叫瞬间动词)连用:,7. Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. 尽管床摔成了碎片,但年轻人却奇迹般地没有受伤。 Piece是“一张、一片”的意思,比如“a piece of paper”(一张纸)。 smash v. 砸,粉碎, 经常与up, into/to pieces 连用: The plate dripped on the floor and smashed into little p

10、ieces. 盘子掉到了地上,砸成了小碎片。 Miraculously来自于名词miracle(奇迹)。Miraculously是副词,表示“奇迹般地”。,8. When he woke up, he was still on the mattress. 他醒来时,仍然躺在床垫上。,9. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. 年轻人看了一眼周围的碎木片和碎金属片,伤心地捡起了床垫

11、,把它拿进了屋。 Lay这里是lie的过去式。再次来复习lie和lay的区别: lie作“躺,卧、处于(位置)”解 时,过去式为:lay,过去分词为:lain; lie作“撒谎”解时,过去式为:lied,过去分词为:lied; lay可作“放,摆,搁;产卵”解,其过去式和过去分词均为:laid。,(1)glancing为现在分词,它引导的短语相当于一个时间状语从句:After he glanced at (2)动词glance的主要含义为“看一眼”、“扫视”: John glanced at his watch and left the room. 约翰看了一眼手表,然后离开了房间。 Joe

12、glanced through the newspaper while talking to me. 乔一边和我聊天,一边浏览报纸。 (3)that引导的关系从句修饰the bits of wood and metal, that在从句中作主语。,10. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again. 他把床垫往地板上一放,很快又睡着了。 这里went to sleep也就相当于fell asleep(同样用的是过去式)。,本课必须掌握的词组: be tired of doing sth. 对做什么事情感到厌

13、倦 save up 储蓄,存钱 blow up 爆炸;给轮胎打气;吹气球; 放大照片;坏天气的突然来临 A gust of wind 碎成片 Pick up 拾起、捡起 Lie around 散落在四周,Tell the story 1 Tired-on the floor-saved-real bed 2 proud owner-bed-springs-mattress 3 very hot-carried the bed-roof 4 slept-two nights-third-storm 5 gust-swept the bed off-courtyard 6 didnt wake-b

14、ed-struck the ground 7 bed-smashed to pieces-man-unhurt 8 woke up-still on the mattress 9 Glancing-sadly picked up-carried it 10 put it-floor-promptly-sleep again,Comprehension questions,1 Who saved up for years? A young man in Teheran did. 2 What did he save up to buy? A real bed. 3 Why did he want

15、 one? He was tired of sleeping on the floor.,4 Did his bed have springs and a mattress? Yes, it did. 5 Where did he take his bed? On to the roof of his house. 6 Why did he take it there? Because the weather was very hot. 7 How did he sleep at first? Very well.,8 What happened on the third night? A s

16、torm blew up. 9 What swept the bed off the roof? A gust of wind did. 10 Where did it land? In the courtyard below.,11 When did the young man wake up? After the bed had struck the ground. 12 Was he hurt? No, he wasnt. 13 What about the bed? It was smashed to pieces. 14 Was the young man still on the

17、mattress, or on the ground? On the mattress.,Asking questions:Ask me if,T:Ask me if the young man lived in Teheran. S:Did the young man live in Teheran? T:Where? S:Where did the young man live?,1 the young man lived in Teheran. Where 2 he was tired of sleeping on the floor. What /Who 3 he saved up f

18、or years. How long/ Why 4 he wanted to buy a real bed. What / why,5 he bought a bed with springs and a mattress. What kind / Why 6 the weather was very hot. What like 7 he carried his bed on to the roof. Where to 8 he slept very well. How / Who,9 a storm blew up on the third night. When 10 a gust of

19、 wind swept the bed off the roof. What / When 11 it landed in the courtyard. Where,Key to Summary writing 1 .A young man in Teheran bought a real bed for the first time in his life. 2 .He slept on the roof of his house because the weather was hot. 3 .Three nights later, the bed was swept off the roo

20、f during a storm. 4 .The man was not only unhurt but still on his mattress. 5 .As the bed was in pieces, he carried his mattress indoors and after he had put it on the floor he went back to sleep.,Key to KS Exercises(A) to buy (1.2); which(1.3); Because(11.3-4); but(1.5); and(1.6); until(1.8); Altho

21、ugh(1.8); When(1.9); that(1.10); and(1.10); After(1.11),Key to Multiple choice questions 1. d 根据课文的情景,只有d. The bed was blown off the roof, but the man was not hurt 最能概括整篇课文的中心内容,其他3个选择都不全面,因此应该选d. 2. a 根据课文第9-11行Glancing at the bits of wood and metalhe promptly went to sleep again 可以判断只有a. he went b

22、ack to sleep soon afterwards 与课文描述的情况相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际内容不符。,3. b a. because , c. As, d. For 都能引导原因从句,但是只有b. Because of 后面可以跟名词,表示原因,所以只能选b 才符合语法。 4. a 本句是一般过去时疑问句,因为已经有助动词did 提问了,后面只有用动词原形才对。 b. carries, c. carried, d. carrying 都不是动词原形,所以都不对。只有a. carry 是动词原形,所以选a.,5. b 本句是针对修饰动词的状语(副词)提问的,a. good (好的

23、) 和d. nice (好的,美好的)这两个选择都是形容词,不能修饰动词;c. goodly 是形容词,有“漂亮”的意思,也不能修饰动词,只有b. well(好) 是副词,能修饰动词,所以选b. 6. c 这是一个对地点提问的疑问句,需要选出正确的回答。a. Down (adv. 向下,在下方);b. Under (adj. 在下,下方); c. Below (adv. 在下面,低处);和d. Bottom (n. 底,底部) 4个选择中只有c. 词意义和词性都比较正确,并能独立回答问题说明地点,所以选c.,7. c 本句需要一个现在分词做定语修饰名词。b. laid和d. lied都不是现在

24、分词;a. laying(放,置)虽然是现在分词,但词意思不适合这个句子;c. lying 是lie的现在分词,表示位于,处于某种状态;只有c.最合乎题目意思,因此应该选c. 8. a 本句需要选一个合适的副词来描绘风刮的状态,b. fast (快),c. quickly (快),d. soon(不久)这3个词的意义相近,但都不适合描写刮风的状态,只有a. hard (强烈地,厉害地)可以用来描写风刮的状态,最合乎题目意思,所以选a.,9. c 本句需要选出一个同前一句的crashed into(猛撞在,坠毁在)含义相同的词.a .smashed(碰碎,摔破)强调把什么东西打碎,而本句的宾语是

25、courtyard.故a不对.b. knocked(打击,狠敲)的宾语也不应该是courtyard . c. struck(打,击)是strike 的过去式.d. exploded(使爆炸)与crashed意思不同,只有c. struck比较接近crashed into 的意思,因此选c.,10. c 前句It was smashed into pieces是它被摔成碎片的意思.本句需要选出一个与这个句子含义相同的动词短语.a. was struck(被打击), b. was cracked(被撞破裂), c. was destroyed(被毁坏,被破坏), d. was damaged(被损

26、坏,被损伤)4个选择中只有c.同was smashed to pieces 的含义做接近,因此c.是正确的.,11. a 本句需要选出与前一句中的glanced at(扫视)含义相同的词或短语. a. looked quickly at(快看) b. had a glimpse of(看一眼,瞥一眼) c. stared at (盯着.看) d. watched(观看) 4个选择中,只有a.与glanced at的含义最接近,所以选a.,12. a 本句需要选出一个与前一句的副词promptly(迅速地)意义相同的词或词组。 a. straight away(立刻) b. after a while.(过一会儿) c. after a time(过一段时间) d. late(晚,迟) 4个选择中,只有a 同promptly 的含义最近,所以选择a,Bye-bye!,


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