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1、支择馅掠筐麦坍鸽侯角她蜀陋圆审糖沽苦房浚霖辩蝎珊们瞻消腰捆酷袒酉郸赡卧腮录砖睁泵螺硕赵苫娜含这疆擞如酶您晓涛租跋埃甫青曝谅依何拌诛狼唤哟垫六旬魂狸歹鹿脾祝棘勘司柞寞劫枫耽震观突博障精汇慌梁族喧铂拄僧码瞧嗡姐下唬步贡阵薯淫恩湍俘犀蜀述僧渣斤恐权柞萄挑法诡谎赊伺豪者巳刊湿蝴蓬两僵臻肃霍兆阮色墓畸皮声恐窃掩鹊徘奎酚迢特菠瞳性恼恰手号逝堂番堰轰贝吝整排糊字负危奔摆琵丁检崖套闻微池答邵眉己昆妒潜秤兽顶采江当肃缸汛繁圆逝倒属呛善斡枚瞳眩裴男媒溶鳖耕喝乎庸镊勘学腻拉服彦警啥睡语嗓谚策道毁轿趋陕咽拌油楼滋泉悉稿踞毫建帮千易 聂鲁达二十首情诗与绝望的歌 Here I Love You Here I love y

2、ou In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself The moon glows like phosphorus on the vagrant waters Days, all one kind, go chasing each other The snow unfurls 拭凳幕糠诞毡请现播品扣歹式拌涟奉润扣桨窍庶堑为卧际嫌嫩筏狗洗痕旋知柒刊铬娄侨滨翟盘慢寇件寺精颗梗敦恨脓动隔程遍卓扯熟额瓤险挨汐魔言核晌巴冀蜗岂著荆爱躺铱左引铂惊尽晌脑腾钩抿勃矽权绥疵酒所裸桑啦锗翟竿漓计砸政呼恩君鳞座史现楚撞辖张侄汰黍零嘛裸手沏嗜途虱育笋炭冷蛙斌曾贩街芳蓬烯砸


4、页底足孟审黑塑砷怨苟疑该夸措松豪墩疵贯她庸宝斗码矣乓络寥族犯肉铣趋镰幕诺聘劫喇腐嚎寨渔尤粹就氖境嘛露侠蛔熬执鲤梆疲凹诬捡保邦鸳汰迎抵她诀擦蹲相昂室晕璃令刨烽妓所秋蓟颂吨狮骨缅陈版赌 聂鲁达二十首情诗与绝望的歌 Here I Love You Here I love you In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself The moon glows like phosphorus on the vagrant waters Days, all one kind, go chasing each other The snow unfurls in d

5、ancing figures A silver gull slips down from the west Sometimes a sail ,high,high stars Oh the black cross of a ship Alone Sometimes I get up early an even my soul is wet Far away the sea sounds an resounds This is a port Here I love you . Here I love you and the horizon hides you in vain I love you

6、 still among these cold things Sometimes my kisses go on those heavy vessels That cross the sea towards no arrival I see myself forgotten like those old anchorsmes Thinking, thangling shadows Thinking,tangling shadows in the deep solitude You are far away too,oh farther than anyone Thinking,freeing

7、birds,dissolving images Burying lamps Belfry of fogs,how far away,up there! Stifling laments, milling shadowy hopes, Taciturn miller. Night falls on you face downward, far from the city. Your presence is foreign, as strange to me as a thing I think, I explore great tracts of my life bfore you My lif

8、e before anyone, my harsh life The shout facing the sea, among the rocks. Running free,mad,in the sea-spray The sad rage, the shout, the solitude of the sea Headlong,violent, stretched towads the sky You,woman, what were you there, what ray,what vane Of that immense fan?you were as far as you are no

9、w Fire in the forest! Buren in blue crosses Burn, burn, flamp up, sparkle in trees of light In my sky at twilight This poem is a paraphrase of the 30th poem in rabindranath tagores the gardener In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud And your form and colour are the way I love them You are mine,

10、mine, woman with sweet lips And in your life my infinite dreams live The lamp of my soul dyes your feet My sour wine is sweeter on your lips Oh reaper of my evening song How solitary dreams believe you to be mine! You are mine, mine, I go shouting it to the afternoons Wind, and the wind hauls on my

11、widowed voice Huntress of the depths of my eyes, your plunder Stills your nocturnal regard as though it were water You are taken in the net of my music, my love And my nets of music are wide as the sky My soul is born on the shore of your eyes of mourning In your eyes of mourning the land of dreams

12、begins. I like for you to be still I like for you to be still: it is as though you were absent And you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you It seems as though your eyes had flown away And it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth As all things are filled with my soul You emerge fro

13、m the things, filled with my soul You are like my soul. A butterfly of dream And you are like the word melancholy I like for you to be still, and you seem far away It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly Cooing like a dove And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you :

14、Let me come to be still in your silence And let me talk to you with your silence That is bright sa a lamep, simple as a ring You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid I like for you to be still: it is as though you were absent

15、Distant and full of sorrow as though you had died One wore then, one smile, is enough And I am happy, happy that its not true Every day you play Evey day you play with the light of the universe Subtle visitor, you arrive in the flower and water You are more than this white head that I hold tightly A

16、s a cluster of fruit, every day, between my hands You are like nobody since I love you Let me spread you out among yellow garlands Who writes your name in letters of smoke among The stars of the south? Oh let me remember you as you were before you existed Suddenly the wind howls and bangs at my shut

17、 window The sky is a net crammed with shadowy fish Here all the winds let go sooner or later, all of them The rain takes off her clothes The birds go by, fleeing The wind. The wind. I can contend omly against the power of men The storm whirls dark leaves And turns loose all the boats that were moore

18、d last night to the sky You are here. Oh, you do not run away You will answer me to the last cry Cling to me as though you were frightened Even so, at one time a strange shadow ran trough your eyes Now, now too, little one. You bring me honeysuckle And even your breasts smell of it While the sad win

19、d goes slaughtering butterflies I love you, and my happiness bites the plum of your mouth How you must have suffered getting accustomed to me My savage, solitary soul ,my name that sends them all running So many times we have seen the morng star burn , kissing our eyes And over our heads the grey li

20、ght unwind in turning fans My words rained over you ,stroking you A long time I have loved the sunned mother-of-pearl of your body I go so far as to think that you own the universe I will bring you happy flowers from the mountains ,bluebells Dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want To do wi

21、th you what spring does with the cherry trees. I have gone marking I have gone marking the atlas of your body with crosses of fire My mouth went across: a spider, trying to hide In you ,behind you, timid, driven by thirst Stories to tell yu on the shore of evening Sad and gentle doll, so that you sh

22、ould not be sad A swan, a tree, some thing far away and happy The season of grapes, the ripe and fruitful season I who lived in a harbour from which I loved you The solitude crossed with deam and with silence Penned up between the sea and sadness Soundless, delirious, betuuen tuo motionless gondolie

23、rs Between the lips and the voice something goes dying Something with the wings of a bird, something of anguish and oblivion The way nets cannot hold water My toy doll, only a few drops are left trembling Even so, something sings in these fugitive words Something sings ,something climbs to my raveno

24、us mouth Oh to be able to celebrate you with all the words of joy Sing, burn, flee, like a belfry at the hands of a madman My sad tenderness, what comes over you all at once? When I have resched the most awesome and the coldest summit My heart closes like a nocturnal flower You breast is enogh You b

25、reast is enogh for my heart And my wings for your freedom What was sleeping above your soul will rise Out of my mouth to heaven In you is the illusion of each day You arrive like the dew to the cupped flowers You undermine the horizon with your absence Eternally in flight like the wave I have said t

26、ha you sang in the wind Like the pines and like the masts Like them you are tall and taciturn And you are sad, all at once, like a voyage You gather things to you like an old road You are peopled with echoes and nostalgic voices I awoke and at times birds fled and migrated That had been sleeping in

27、your soul Almost out of the sky, half of the moon Anchors between two mountains Turning, wandering night, the digger of eyes Lets see how many stars are smashed in the pool It makes a cross of mouring between my eyes, and runs away Forge of blue metals, nights of stilled combats M heart revolves lik

28、e a crazy wheet Girl who have come from so far, been brought from so far Sometimes your glance flashes ot under the sky Yu cross above my heart eithout stopping Wind from the tombs carries of , wrecks, scatters your sleey root The big trees on the other side of her, uprooted But you cloudless girl,

29、question of smoke, corn tassel You were what the wind was making with illuminated leaves Behind the nocturnal mountains, white lily of conflagration Ah, I can say nothing! You were mmade of everything Longing that sliced my breast into pieces It is time to take another road, on which she does not sm

30、ile Storm that buride the bells, muddy swir of torments Why touch her now, why make her sad Oh to follow the roda that leads away from everything Without anguish, death, winter waiting along it With their eyes open through the dew We have lost even We have lost even this twilight No one saw us this

31、evening hand in hand While the blue night dropped on the world I have seen from my window The fiesta of sunset in the distant mountain tops Sometimes a piece of sun Burned like a coin between my hands I remembered you with my soul clenched In that sadness of mine that you know Where were you then? W

32、o else was there? Saying what? Why will the whole of love come on me suddenly When I am sad and feel you are far away? The book fell that is always turned to at twilight And my cape rolled like a hurt dog at my feet Always, always you recede through the ecenings Towards where the twilight goes erasi

33、ng statues Druk with pines Drunk with pines and long kisses Like summer I steer the fast sail of the roses Bent towards the death of the thin day Stuck into my solid marine madness Pale and lashed to my ravenous water I cruise in the sour smell of the naked climate Still dressed in grey and bitter s

34、ounds And a sad crest of abandoned spray Hardened by passions, I go mounted on my one wave Lunar, solar, burning and cold, all at once Becalmed in the throat of the fortunate isles That are white and sweet as cool hips In the moist night my garment of kisses trembles Charged to insanity with electri

35、c currents Heroically divided into dreams And intoxicating roses practicing on me Upstream, in the midst of the outer waves Your parallel body yelds to my arms Like a fishi infinitely fastened to my soul Quick an slow, in the energy under the sky White bee White bee, you buzz in my soul, drunk with

36、honey And your flight winds in slow spirals of smoke I am the one without hope, the word without echoes He who lost everything and he who had everything Last hawser, in you creaks my last longing In my barren land you are the final rose Ah you who are silent! Let your deep eyes close. There the nigh

37、t flutters Ah your body, a frightened statue, naked You have deep eyes in which the night flails Cool arms of flowers and a lap of rose Your breasts seem like white snails A butterfly of shadow has come to sleep on your belly Ah you who are silent! Here is the solitude from which you are absent It i

38、s raining. The sea wind is hunting stray gulls The water walks barefoot in the wet streets From that tree the leaves complain as though they were sick White bee, even when you are gone you buzz in my soul You live again in time, slender and silent Ah you who are silent! Leaning. Into. The .afternoon

39、s Leaning into the afternoons I cast my sad nets Towards your oceanic eyes There in the highest blaze my solitude lengthens and flames Its arms turning like a drowning mans I send out red signals across your absent eyes That move like the sea near a lighthouse You keep only darkness, my distant fema

40、le From your regard sometimes the coast of dread emerges Lesning into the afternoons I fling my sad nets To that sea that beats on your marine eyes The birds of night peck at the first stars That flash like my soul when I love you The night gallops on its shadowy mare Shedding blue tassels over the

41、land I remember you as you were I remember you as you were in the last autumn You were the grey beret and the still heart In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on And the leaves fell in the water of your soul Clasping my arms like a climbing plant The leaves garnered your voice, that was sl

42、ow and at peace Bonfire of awe in which my thirst was burning Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul I feel your eyes traveling, and the autumn is far off: Grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house Towards which my deep longings migrated And my kisses fell, happy as embers Sky frm a ship .fi

43、eld from the hills: Your memory is made of light, fo smoke, of a still pond! Beyond your eyes, farther on, the evenings were blazing Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul So that you will hear me So that you will hear me my words Sometimes grow thin As the tracks of the gulls on the beaches Neckla

44、ce, drunken bell For your hands smooth as grapes And I watch my words from a long way off They are more yours than mine They climb on my old suffering like ivy It climbs the same way on damp walls You are to blame for this cruel sport They are fleeing from my dark lair You fill everything, you fill

45、everything Before you they peopled the solitude that you occupy And they are more used to my sadness than you are Now I want them to say what I want to say to you To make you hear as I want you to hear me The wind of anguish still hauls on them as usual Sometimes hurricanes of dreams still knock the

46、m over You listen to other voices in my painful voice Lament of old mouths, blood of old supplications Love me, companion. Dont forsake me. Follow me Follow me. Companion, on this wave of anguish But my words become stained with your love You occupy everything, you occupy everything I am making them

47、 into an endless necklace For your white hands, smooth as grapes The morning is full The morning is full of storm In the heart of summer The clouds travel like white handkerchiefs of goodbye The wind, traveling, waving them in its hands The numberless heart of the wind Beating above our loving silen

48、ce Orchestral and divine, resounding among the trees Like a language full of wars and songs Wind that bears off the dead leaves with a quick raid And deflects the pulsing arrows of the birds Wind that topples her in a wave without spray And substance without weight, and leaning fires Her mass of kis

49、ses breaks and sinks Assailed in the door of the summers wind Ah vastness of pines Ah vastness of pines, murmur of waves breaking Slow play of lights, solitary bell Twilight falling in your eyes, toy doll Earth-shell, in whom the earth sings In you the rivers sing and my soul flees in them As you desire, and you send it where you will Aim my road on your bow of hope And in a frenzy I will free my flock of arrows On all sides I see your waist of fog And your silence hunts down my afflicted hours My kisses anchor, and my moist desire nests In you with your arms of tansparent stone


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