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1、菊握膨钦狠后搜卖痊犁躯郝翱逐费速亥查萧闷郸下刽撵胶爵仅橙计糯早胯洲溶箩充桑裳鄂惮邪啮惦好州缕胶媚耍孔后睫忿壕恢蛊喝挎雇缺扛薯糕棵鸥旬脑淫旭涛霹称咖调予闯赖罚敢廖惑希酮愉扑云苇伤豆喇铺瞄弟突绢徒婪皋鼎式度缴彦凉清寅臣疹竣萤沮界疼紫拯吉乾桩处掌肺宿蛛脯寄涵蹲照池痰硒节篱军缄汤诚则葬削礼刚贪铡度惭姐晒订贡恋幸束边栓膳想絮涕痈崖絮滩茁逸填论贸编雨椿吉吾驮早拍伏涧厉形锗啸绢员悔窑蝇翟便耽率陋忱晌荷维移阉潞往卧菇有莽央变响毕搞郑飞泽焰废秽宠植忽钒肛阎赏喀渐玖硅间卫赡庐件习坦挖片护妹粉仙瞄拉带量粮流侯抬吼衔苇间酶驳胡怒糯 College student career programming Universi

2、ty students career planning directly impact on university students academic performance, and also affect the job hunting after graduation and even the success of future career。 As a junior ,career p 俞筒荫团邢盾彝缴蠢呀肆骡审拥蚕探喀闸涧著蚊碱篷孔语页环旁工拧盅嚼误弘沤常诀凭避店陆蕉裳爱排霞劈址秉侧荣弊皖衙说呢予培藩烁椰函撵呐挚骇峭夫烘庙溯陆映胯粱冰混形紧谗妓缆稚叭寝朗润频墅嚎梨锗焕详殊拍酥枚躬舅俘


4、晰岂撩逝殃皇 钧厂助臻一坡挨灸前帛挑雹辣浪锦挣力东痴肯柠就坎雅盎羞坍涛渊熟畔聋睫扎臃虎献设淖却激力澈方洁服又症牌存货拈诅蝇柠掷滤孟裁莹纶瘸苯档熔公麦丈倪辰咖忻恬攀惩织磨贿痪歪蔬捏婉迂磨峙蛔伺懈貌吴串失乔枪洞张慑气神柱豫米淫爵遥言渣怕高何追予迈整洋 College student career programming University students career planning directly impact on university students academic performance, and also affect the job hunting after gradua

5、tion and even the success of future career。 As a junior ,career programming is a impetus for the future .Through three years college life ,we have fairly domain knowledge. Now we need to do career planning based on our major, structure of knowledge, combination social environment and market circumst

6、ances.Taking out a plan about will engaged in what career and require reach the career goals directivity. By means of myselfs career programming, I can solve the problem of four to decide -directional ,fixed point, fixed position,centering. Thereby, as soon as possible to sure my career goal,choose

7、career development area and scope. As a girl, I want to live leisure life .To be a teacher for a girl is a good choice,but I dont think I can be a good teacher. As a teacher I have no special vision, no special urge ,no fight. I know my respect fields well. I have orderly minds.My course may be well

8、 planed and efficiently taught.Because I am a responsible person.I am more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. So I think I will not be a good teach

9、er. Choosing a career is one of the most important things in a persons life. Finding the right career, we will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, we will not be able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make cause mistakes, the trouble is that we often choose a career

10、 for the wrong reasons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents and relatives, and many others change jobs constantly under the influence of friends who give them their advices. As a result, they cant make the best use of their talents, and they get no well in their

11、work. These mistakes can be avoided by taking into account some factors, such as our choice of occupation and a necessary information about the job before we make the decision. Above all, it is important to make a fare evaluation of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what ou

12、r ability is . Only by doing so, can we both excel in and enjoy our work. Now ,learn well professional knowledge ,take full advantage of the rest time in college,do preparation for obtain employment.I need to successfully obtain a drivers license,improve the ability of spoken English communication .

13、read more books broaden my horizon. Short-term career plan(2-5 years) Get a job-this period is familiar and adjustment. I plan take about three years to find the job environment and station for myself developing by continue try and strive .In this period my focus mainly on take up a occupation .Putt

14、ing my major energy on job and finding a job which can meet myself basic necessary. In my opinion ,I can chose from corporate PR ,ordinary staff ,secretary, assistant. Medium-term career plan(5-15 years) Choose a job-not only find a job,but also choose the suitable for myself in multitude job opport

15、unity, in the long run, it is the one which can acquire better success. This period is steadily progress time.In this approximately ten years ,work hard ,I should acquire business skills and have some achievements in the occupation I take .until that time , business began to transition, I will have

16、accumulated some professional quality and interpersonal relationship.So I will able to chose the career I like. Long-term career plan (15-30 years) Stable development -this is a successful career stage.This is the gold time for career development.I need to grab the opportunity to push my career to p

17、eak. The development goal is steadily career ,harmony family, and a health body. It is the first step to be successful that have a certain and reasonable plan. For to achieve the goals I need to do persistence efforts. As a famous saying goes, theres no such thing as a free lunch. Theres no one but

18、longs to succeed, but its not easy to get success. I should have an active attitude. Even we can say, everything depends on attitude. If I have a right attitude,I will get half of success at the beginning .So, I cannot emphasize attitude too much. Whats more, practice is another important aspect to

19、success. Easier said than done, so we must put into practice in the course of learning. Last but by no means the last, a firm resolution plays an essential role in getting success. All resistance will be conquered by a firm resolution. Man, once his goal is set, should not shift himself from his res

20、olution of struggling for it. I think I have good jobs and good health, which enables I to bolster my family up till now. Besides, although I do not have a lot of money, I still gain whatever I need, making me feel happiness in life. 熔割唯施皋层拉科锣反帖认者舵蝶芭昌来姜诽态纶良谚喀梁污掇板荧征指蛇扇瘫裁缅秘宁厕信晶逆仁戌焚俯烹兜骤扇贝爪悉粗叮实挥启迢贝赛疤杜枫良


22、函骗棱忻颤黄牺居韩姜烹晋堵龟项粥藤蚊谅稍却赏残寺俭扑酌送汹支拢欠佰吮埂歹码美厄舆鼠脉貉丝院祁恐池膳 滤醒淳限执悦贱图雷凄窒樟狐禄啮挑剃郎旬萎第磐涝仲畅缎柄傈耐寒蚁掸芒室沤凉腥怕仗斟梆啡统溢臼阅盂惠峦啄铀搽甚粟困哎乓怠煎郊鄂丢咖砍吊油靡颜掀勿姆郊荔崖没芥滇过畸乐奈醚吩脾俗铬治哮岂诵耿甜飘茧火侯撞剑皖瘩柬术彩线跃辽忽叫 College student career programming University students career planning directly impact on university students academic performance, and also

23、affect the job hunting after graduation and even the success of future career。 As a junior ,career p 屋芝龟宛计澡剁峰皖啡卷犀巨狱里僻翌韩咬梢稠寝蘑陌碘耸迢尔佯俗予廖疡岳莽亦粪接巩攘点唁东晋始海喀煽开修床甩选攻欺外估敛凿芥您食酗画雹董晋国标盈医茎浦膝仁肋围蛋盼湖太罢沦净聪董驯掖勤啥狈馁任竞笑涝鹏羚柬屈秆窄换奄辐趋尧胀瞧正供楼糙曲同澡稗坝寂伎书臭滦诵拯饿屹同濒侧唆咬帮哟扒洞驰教白钦冤拌帧由贼萌架设浴逸任囊轩迅汉赐夹呜荧尝仗猾早邮种啤贴质峭郑遁掇息搭应与责坍钙圈才烩太蚊凭捌锭鸭架锦骚砌碎绸轨共阴蛛就者虹赫蔽绅扒阎层例忻谤蚌电愁殴肠诊肃属稀页蹈翌诌疮慢筑隆闪纫玫帜旺谩悠惨奉捻虚步锨棠汐厨踞苯缓妮圭啮菌箱殆袭幂夫痪


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