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1、常考知识点2) 语义方面:单词的引申意义,多一次,同义词,近义词,反义词等。3) 逻辑关系方面:(参照test three)列举,原因,结果,让步,对照,补充,时间顺序,目的,条件等(包括连接词和关系代词或关系副词)等。表示列举的连词:first , second, third.;firstly, secondly, thirdly.; first,next, then.;in the first place, in the second place.; for one thing, for another thing.; to begin with, to conclude.表示原因的连词:

2、because , since, as ,now that.表示结果的连词:so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently ,as a result表示让步和转折的连词:however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still ,though, yet ,in spite of, at any rate, in any case, whoever ,whatever表示对照的连词:on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comp

3、arison, conversely表示补充的连词:also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, whats More, too, either, neither, not.but., not only.but also.表示时间顺序的连词:when, while, as, after, before, since, until, as soon as, once表示目的的连词:that, so that, in order that, lest,for fear that表示条件的连词:if,

4、suppose, unless, in case, so(as) long as, so far as, on condition(that), provided(that)完形填空的说明1篇幅:200词左右 2类型:理解为主 3侧重:考察以词义、篇章理解、逻辑关系为主;从词汇语义语篇考查 4涉及:短语用法,词组辨析 5难易:考察对文章的理解;在读懂的基础上并不难一、完形填空概述完形填空的内容:语法,词组,根据上下文不可缺少的词汇等。语法主要指:句型,连接词的选择,介词的用法,动词的各种形式,比较级等。词组主要指:一些固定词组的搭配根据上下文来理解判断的词汇是非常重要的填空形式。这必须结合上下

5、文,看懂文章,否则就会造成选择上的失误。此外,背景知识,考生的常识也列在测试之内。二、命题特点1、备选答案一实词为主,虚词为辅。2、完形填空与考核词汇和语法的单句有根本区别完形主要考学生对实词的掌握理解,不是考语法结构,进行语法选择,因为虚词更多地反映语言问题。往往影响语法结构。测试考生使用词汇和语法结构的能力1) 填空词项包括结构词和实义词2) 结构词(虚词):包括代词、冠词、介词、连词、关系词等。主要是表示语法结构关系3) 实义词(实词):包括名词、形容词、数词、动词、和副词。既要看其意思用在句中是否得当,也要看他与其他词的搭配关系是否合适。三、解题步骤及注意事项:文章首句非常重要,首句往

6、往是该文章的主题句。在做题时要联系上下文,注意代词在文章里的前后关系。语法结构不再是这类题的基本内容,但考生需要一定的语法知识来理解文章。词汇部分是该项报的考察重点。词组搭配和习惯用语是英语学习的重点和难点之一,也是该部分必考内容。例如:介词+名词(by /with /through /out of practice) 动词+副词、介词(catch on/at/up/out)词汇干扰(dependence independence respondence correspondence extensive exclusive)考试的重点:词汇方面的语义辨析和搭配 语法结构方面的固定搭配 语篇衔接

7、1.词汇方面实义词-名词,动词,形容词,副词名词-同义词和防反义词辩义动词-短语,习惯用语,虚拟语气形容词-形容词做定于表语,形容词最高级和比较级副词-各类副词:地点副词、时间副词、方式副词、程度副词、连接副词和人疑问副词1.1近义词辨析At this moment, the air hostess( ),she looked pale , but was quite (calm)A) Showed B) presented C )exposed D) appeared1.2形容词辨析Human brains are the ( )A) Same B) identical C) similar

8、 D) alike1.3介词的搭配Students can learn the right answers ( ) heart in class, and yet never combines them with their working models of the world.A) With B) by C) to D)in 1.4形容词与介词的搭配The man had to (circle) the airport several times in order to become ( ) with the controls of the plane.A) Intimate B) fam

9、iliar C) understood D) close2、语法结构方面1) 虚拟语气;2) 定语从句(连接词,限定与非限定定语从句的区别,定语从句与其他主从复合句的区别)3) 状语从句;4) 非谓语动词(动词不定式,现在分词,过去分词,动名词);5) 主谓搭配一致(时态,语态,语气,人称,数);6) 并列句,省略句,倒装句及割裂的复杂句子;7) 逻辑主语(主要是非谓语动词的逻辑主语),在句法上不是主谓关系,但在语义上为施动者与动作的关系;8) 词类之间的搭配要求,如名词需要形容词,名词,冠词,非谓语动词,词组及定语从句修饰;动词需要副词词组修饰;及物动词后应加宾语语法结构练习1Even th

10、ose who had (little) or no training in science might not have made their inventions( ) a ground-work had not been laid by scientists years before A) As B) if C) because D) while 语法结构练习2The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances , but they can always go back or go on to somet

11、hing new ( ) is better and higher than anything (in ) the past.A) That B) what C) whichever D) whatever语法结构练习3Never ask a child (whether) he likes and dislikes a food and never (discuss) in front of him or allow_ else to do so.A) Everybody B) anybody C) somebody D) nobody逻辑关系练习1Arguably the most imp

12、ortant conclusion that emerges from the data,_, is not something that we found -but what we did not.A) Yet B) still C) moreover D) however同义词、反义词的复现,上义词下以词复现,概括词复现,代词复现等。逻辑关系练习2Many teachers believe that responsibilities for learning lie with the studentsit is the _responsibility to find books , mag

13、azines ,and articles in the library.A) Students B) professors C) assistants D)librarians答题技巧1) 首先从语篇角度考虑,因为语篇考察要占70%以上。2) 再从句意着手,透彻理解句子的意思。3) 不要轻易推翻第一反应(第一反应往往来自于语感)。4) 先易后难,标记题目。5) 掌握语法结构和规律,记住短语搭配。第二步:逐句通读全文,各个击破,做到通读与猜测并行第三步:检查核实,通读赏析通读选定答案后的全文。语法结构辅导一、概述1.1词类实词:有实义,能在句子中独立担当一定的成分。1名词2代词3数词4形容词5动

14、词6副词虚词:没有实义,不能在句中独立担当一定的成分。7冠词8介词9连词10感叹词1.2句子的成分主要成分 主语 谓语次要成分 宾语 、定语 、状语 、补语(分为主语补足语和宾语补足语)补语是用来补充主语和宾语的意思的,一般都着重于说明主语或宾语的身份和特征。表语是表述主语的身份或特征飞的,常由名词或形容词担当,置于连系动词之后,也可以叫做主语补足语。1.3短语短语或词组是具有一定意义但不构成从句或句子的一组词。短语在句中可以单独作为一种句子成分。名词短语、动词短语、形容词短语、副词短语、介词短语、不定式短语、动名词短语、分词短语1.4从句从句是具有主语部分和谓语部分但不构成分句或独立句子的一

15、组词。分为:名词性从句(主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句)、定语从句、状语从句1.5句子句子是具有主语部分和谓语部分并有完整意义的可以独立的一组词。基本句型:1)主语+谓语 Day dawns .天亮了2)主语+连系动词+表语 Toms father is professor.3) 主语+谓语+宾语 Rose understands French.4) 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 He told us the whole story.5) 主语+谓语+主语补语 He died a poor man.他穷困而死。6)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补语 He found George inte

16、lligent.他发现乔治很聪明。使用的目的:1陈述句2疑问句(一般疑问、特殊疑问、反意问句)3祈使句4感叹句句子结构 1简单句 2并列句3复合句简单句:有一个主语和一个动词组成,不含从句 Birds flew away.并列句:由并列连词(and , or ,but.)连接两个以上的简单句而成。句型:简单句+连词+简单句He went upstairs, and I came downstairs.复合句:由一个主语加从句组合而成句型:主句+从属连词+从句I believe that he is honest. 名词从句The man whom you met yesterday is my

17、 uncle.定语从句If it rains, I will stay at home. 状语从句二、 主谓语一致常见结构2.1动名词短语,不定式短语,名词性从句单独作主语时,谓语用单数。Making friends with new classmates is a pleasant thing.Whether they will come or not is still uncertain.2.2主语带有together/along with ,as well as , such as ,including , accompanied by等附加成分时,谓语的数不受附加成分的影响。The t

18、eacher together with his students has already left school.当先行词one of +名词复数在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语用复数形式;而当先行词为 the only one of +名词复数时,定语从句的谓语则用单数形式。He is only of those persons who are never satisfied.She is the only one who knows the truth.2.4当用 and 连接的主语表示一个概念时,谓语用单数。The manager and director is going to

19、visit workshop next week.经理兼董事长2.5某些固定结构:(a great )many +可数名词复数 谓语用复数Many a + 可数名词单数 单数A number of+可数名词复数 复数The number of +可数名词复数 单数The majority of+可数名词复数 复数More than one+可数名词 单数A large proportion of /30%/one fifth of /plently of /the rest of 接名词作主语时,谓语的数与of 后的名词 保持一致。1. be和的do:否定句:助动词+not 疑问句:主语+助动

20、词He isnt coming. Does she see us?2. Have 位置一般与助动词相同:Has he (got) to go? 但有时也用do /did 形式:Does he have to go?3. be 与带to的动词不定式连用:They are to wait for us at the station.4. 在be , have , do 作普通动词使用而有自己的意思(have:拥有;do:干、从事)时,它们只能是句子中唯一的动词。.2.6当neither.nor, eitheror.,not only.but also.,not.but.等词组引导的名词作主语时,谓

21、语的数则采取就近原则,与主语的第二部分保持一致。Neither she nor I am willing to accept his suggestion.2.7 the+形容词(表示一类人)作主语,谓语用复数。the+形容词(表示一类物)作主语,谓语用复数。3、 动词分类(1. 实义动词、2.连系动词、3.助动词)3.1连系动词(用法:连系动词词义不完整,必须和表语一起构成合成谓语。)E.g. The recorder appears (to be)simple on structure.常见动词:be appear 看起来, become 变成,get 变得,remain仍旧是,seem似

22、乎是,look看来,turn变成,等。表示感觉和知觉的动词:feel感觉,taste尝,smell嗅,sound听起来表示状态上的变化:grow变得,blow(open)开,blush(red)脸发红,fall(ill),prove(wrong),stand(quiet)静立3.2助动词主要助动词: be have do这些词之所以被称为助动词,是因为它们帮助构成某种时态或某种表达方法。它们与动词的现在分词,过去分词或不定式结合,帮助构成各种动词时态。I am coming.He has finished.I didnt see them.形式与句型不定式现在式过去式过去分词to beam,i

23、s arewas,werebeento havehave,hashadhadto dodo,doesdiddone3.3情态动词can,could, may, might, must, ought, will, would, shall, should是情态动词,也称情态助动词。主要功能:may和can 表示许可和可能;can和be able to 表示能力;will和would表示预告;ought,should, must, have to, need 表示义务。must, have, will 和should表示推断和假设,must主要指不可推卸的责任。need not表示说话人允许不去做

24、某事,或仅仅表示某事并非必要。“不用.”must not 表示说话人叫你不要如何或是特别地劝告你不可如何。“不能,不许.”肯定程度排列YouYou MightMayCouldCanShouldOughtWouldWillMustareBe rightright很不肯定 几乎可以肯定肯定 一般现在时:A. 用来表示习惯动作。B. 一般现在时常与副词或副词短语连用,如:always ,never ,occasionally ,often ,sometimes ,usually ,every ,on Mondays ,twice a year.或与表示惯例或习惯性动作的时间从句连用。Whenever

25、 ,when.E.g. Whenever it rains the roof leaks.现在进行时:A. 表示动作现在正在发生或进行。B. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,但说话时该动作并不一定正在进行。I am reading a play by Shaw.我在读一本由萧伯纳写的剧本。He is teaching French and learning Greek.C.表示最近的将来已定的安排。一般过去时:A. 表示在过去某一特定时间结束的动作。I met him yesterday.B.表示一个并未表明发生在过去何时的动作。C.表示过去的习惯。He always carried an umbr

26、ella.过去进行时:A. 主要用来表示过去持续了一段时间的动作,但动作延续的界限不清楚,也无关紧要。_(表示这一动作的开始或结束时不明确的。)B.不与实践状语连用时,表示逐步的发展。It was getting darker.C.与表示某一时刻的词语连用,表示动作在那一时刻之前开始,并可能继续下去。At eight he was having breakfast. 8点他正在吃饭。现在完成时:1. 表示时间尚未指明或不确定的过去发生的动作。I have read the instructions but I dont understand.我已经看了说明,但没看懂。I read the in

27、structions last night.我昨晚看了说明。2. 表示一个尚未过去的时间段内发生或延续发生的动作。Hes had alot of bad luck lately/recently.进来他的脾气坏得很。现在完成进行时:表示一个过去开始,现在仍在继续中的动作,或一个过去开始。现在刚刚结束的动作。现在完成时进行时常用动词为:live ,learn ,lie ,stay ,sit ,wait ,stand ,rest ,study等,并常和all this time ,this week ,all night ,all the morning等状语连用。What have you be

28、en doing all this time?你一直都在干什么来着?Ive been writing letters all this morning.我写了一上午信。时态的呼应:1. 从句一个句子可以包含一个主句和一个或多个从句,如:We knew that the bridge was unsafe.He gave it to me because he trusted me.*识别主句中的主要动词2. 时态的呼应*从句动词时一般现在时,现在完成时,一般将来时,从句的动词可以按照句意用任何时态。动词的语态:被动语态的主要用法:1. 动作的施动者很明显,没有必要提到;2. 不知道,不确切知道

29、或忘记了谁是施动者时;3. 主动动词的语句是人们时;4. 主动句的主语是不定代词one时。如:One sees this sort of advertisement everywhere.-This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.主动被动条件语气Would keepWould be kept条件语气Would have keptWould have been kept不定时一般式To keepTo be kept不定时完成式To have keptTo have been kept现在分词/动名词KeepingBeing kept分词完成式H

30、aving keptHaving been kept虚拟语气凡表达与事实不符的假定,想象,愿望等时,一定哟啊把动词的习惯使用法加以改变,这种特殊的动词使用法,叫做虚拟语气。1、 与现在事实相反连词条件从句主句If 主语+Were,主语+Should+V过去式 VWould过去式助动词+VCouldmight2、 与过去事实相反连词条件从句主句If主语+had+p.p,主语+Should+have+p.pWouldCouldMight3、 与将来事实相反的假设连词条件从句主句If主语+were to+V,+过去式V+should+V主语+Should+VWouldCouldMight2、 I w

31、ish +虚拟语气I wish(that)主语+Were/过去式VHad+p.p3、 As if (as though)+虚拟语气主语+Vas if+主语(=as though)were/过去式Vhad+p.p四、Itis was(about/high)time(that)+主语+过去式Vfor N toV6、 在宾语从句中的应用主语+insist+that 主语(should)+v.suggestbe+p.p8、 在表语从句或同位语从句中的用法在表示提议,要求或命令等意义的名词后面的表语从句、同位语从句中,谓语一般用should加动词原形,也可省略should只用动词原形。E.g. They

32、 amde a request that the problem be discussed at the meeting.3.8动词的倒装某些副词和副词短语,主要是含有限定或否定意义的副词和副词短语,为了表示强调可放在句首,后面应跟动词的倒装(即疑问形式)。如:hardly ever; hardly.when ;only ;never ;scarcely ever ;no sooner.than ;not only ;seldom ;barely ;little ;nowhere等表示地点副词的倒装句型Here comes your bus.Here you are.Down fell the

33、 trees!Down it fell!虚拟语气If+主+were/had/should.1) Were/had/should+主+.Were John here now, he would give me a hand.假如约翰在的话,他会帮助我。4) Had you studied hard, you would have passed the exam.假如你学习努力,就能考及格的。5) If it should rain tomorrow, I will stay home.=Should it rain tomorrow, I will stay home.万一明天下雨,我就留在家里

34、。让步状语从句的倒装(Al)though 主+ v + adv./adj./n.,主+ V.=adv./adj./n.+as+主+v.,主+V.E.g. Although he worked hard, he failed.=Hard as he worked, he failed.主语补语的倒装主语补语+V+SHis manner was so absurb that everyone stared at him.=So absurb was his manner that everyone stared at him.他的行为如此怪异,所以每个人都盯着他看。4、 不定式To learn E

35、nglish well is easy.He likes to read novels.特征:to是不定式的“注册商标”。但有时不定式把to省略。如:I saw him come.不定式分为两类:带to的不定式,不带to的不定式。功用:作名词,形容词,副词。1. To climb the mountain is very difficult.2. I want some water to drimk.3. She stopped to have a rest.4.1用法:1 名词用法(主语)To +V+单数动词 To tell a lie is wrong.(也可用it作形式主语:It is

36、wrong to tell a lie.)It is +adj.+for/of +n.+to +v.It is difficult for him to do so.for:(与实务有关的非人称形容词)possible, important, necessary, essentia, convenient, difficult, hard, uselessof:(与人有关的赞美或批评的形容词)nice, kind, wise, good, polite, right, clever bad, wrong, cruel, stupid, foolish,等(宾语)S+V+to+v. I want

37、 to see him.S+V+宾语+to+v. I told you not to do it.S+V+it+adj./n.+to+v.We consider it our duty to observe the laws.2 形容词用法(代)名词+to+v.(代)名词+to+v.+介词This is the best way to cure a headache.3 副词用法in order to, so as to, too.to4.2省略to的不定式1. 感观动词see/watch/look at 1)原形v. 事实的发现hear/listen to +宾语+2)v-ing 动作进行f

38、eel/notice 3)p.p. 被动2. 使役动词 have, make, let3. 惯用语had better, would rather, do nothing but 只是,may well 有足够的理由,may/might as well 不妨,All.have to do is(to)所要做的E.g. I would rather die than do it.You may as well know the truth. 你知道真实情形也无妨。She could do nothing but wait there. 他只能在那等。4.3不定式的时态句型一S+V.+to v.

39、表示同时发生+to have p.p. 表示发生在先He seems to be ill.他现在好像有病。He seems to have been ill.他好像生过病。I am glad to have met you. 很高兴见过你。I am glad to have met you.很高兴见过了你。I am glad to meet you.很高兴见到了你。4.4不定式的语态to+V 主动to be+p.p. 被动To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness on earth.(爱人且被爱是世界上最幸福的事。)下列一主动形式表示被动

40、:You are to blame.The house is to let.当副词用的不定式都用主动形式Smoking is hard to get rid of.He is not easy to get along with.关系代词兼有代词和连词的作用,关系代词所代替的词或词组称为先行词,由关系代词所引导的从句称为关系从句。 I have an uncle.He lives in Shanghai.I have an uncle who lives in Shanghai. 先行词 定语从句What的用法:由what引导的从句常为名词从句,作主语、宾语或主语补语。What本身兼有先行词和

41、关系代词的作用,因此使用what时,前面不要有先行词。This is what I need.(the thing which)所.的事或物He saves what he earns.(all that) 所有.的What he said is true. (主语)I cant believe what he said. (宾语)Thank you. This is just what I have wanted. (补语)句型二S+希望v+to v. 未来时间 希望v(一般过去时)+to have p.p. 过去未实现的愿望I hope to see you again. 我希望再见到你。I hoped to have finished the book. 我原本希望读完这本输,但没有。此类动词有:hope/wish/want 希望 mean/intedn/plan 打算 expet 期待,promise 答应


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