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1、2017年九年级英语上12月第二次阶段质量调研试卷含听力mp3A B C( )4. Who is Marys favourite person? A B C( )5. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult. B. Very interesting. C. Too simple.( )6.Whats the weather like today?A. Its sunny.B. Its rainy. C. Its cloudy.( )7. How much will the man pay if he makes a five

2、-minute call?A. 18 dollarsB. 25 dollarsC. 40 dollars ( )8. Where does the girls grandmother live?A. In Canada. B. In America.C. In Britain.( )9.How does the man often contact his friends abroad?A. By e-mail. B. Over the phone. C. Through letters.( )10. How long has the woman been here?A. For 20 minu

3、tes.B. For 15 minutes.C. For 5 minutes.B. 听对话和短文答题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听一段对话,回答第1112小题。( )11. Why isnt Harry willing to join the woman?A. He has a pain in his knee. B. He wants to watch TV. C. He is too lazy.( )12. What will the woman probably do next?A. Stay at home. B. Take Harry to hospital. C. Do

4、 some exercise.听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。听两遍。My planTo improve 13 .To call on people to 14 something to the poor.To work harder at 15 .( )13. A. English B. Chinese C. Physics( )14. A. say B. donate C. send( )15. A. hobbies B. sports C. lessons 听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。( )16.Jim was in

5、 his_ when he saw two men in his neighbors garden. A. living room B. car C. kitchen( )17.Jim asked the two men to take his TV because he wanted _. A. to throw it away B. to give it to them C. them to mend it( )18.The two men took away the TV sets_. A. by bicycle B. by taxi C. in a car( )19.The two m

6、en and the car_. A. came back the next day B. never came back again C. lost their way( )20.From the passage we can guess when Jim cant get back his color TV, _. A. he must be very glad B. he will tell the police about it C. he will never watch TV again二、单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ( )21.My good friend st

7、udies in university in the USA. It is said that university is among the best of the world. A. an; the B. a; a C. the; an D. a; the ( )22. Leonardo DiCaprio was presented an Oscar _ Best Actor for his role in the film The Revenant January, 2016. A. for B. to C. as D. with( )23. His speech is welcomed

8、 by our middle school students because it_many problems that the teenagers care about. A. covers B. has C. fills D. Makes( )24. There _a number of books in our school library. The number of books_getting larger than last year. A.is, is B.is, are C.are, are D.are, is( )25. He lives _ to Joy, and in t

9、he factory he works _ with her as well.A closely;closely B close;closely C close;close D closely;close( )26. Oh,so many people are standing outside the hall._will the film start? _seven oclock AHow soon;Not until BHow long;Not until CHow soon;Until DHow long;Until( )27. The football match has just b

10、een covered .B.livelyB. livingC. liveD. alive( )28. What do you think of our school basketball team?Theyre going to lose the match _ they improve their skills.A. ifB. untilC. unless D. as( )29. It is a pity that our school has _ the music festival because of the heavy rain. A. cancelled B. held C. v

11、iewed D. covered ( )30. Shall we get together this Saturday or Sunday evening? is OK. Im free this weekend. A. Both B. Never C. Either D. None( )31. Which of Mo Yans works do you like best? Perhaps he is _Big Breasts and Wide Hips.Personally, my favorite is Red Sorghum. Gong Li has ever played the l

12、ead role in the film _ the novel. A. famous for; basing upon B. known as; basing onC. known for; based upon D. famous as; based on( )32. In order to _peoples attention, some people wear bizarre(奇怪的) costumes on the street. A. catch B. insist C. offer D. wonder( )33. The coach thinks of Marys sports

13、talents, for she jumped very at the sports meeting. A. high; high B. highly;high C. high; highly D. highly; highly( )34.If the weather to be rainy, we may have to cancel the sports meeting. A. runs out B. breaks out C. finds out D. turns out( )35. I gave up the violin lessons because Ive so much hom

14、ework to do, but its_my own wishes. A. against B. on C. in D. for( )36.Have you found the news about the famous scientist you can use for the report? Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. where B. which C. what D. who( )37. is very important and action should be taken to keep mountain climber

15、s . A. Safe; safety B. Safety; safely C. Safety; safe D. Safe; safely( )38. heavy snow! How can we go to work today? it is snowing heavily, lets walk instead of driving. A. What; Because B. What a; Since C. How; As D. How a; Though( )39. Lets watch the popular TV program “China Idol”, shall we? . It

16、 has been over for some time. A. Sounds great. B. Yes, we shall.C. Im afraid not. D. No, we shant.( )40. Is Sandy feeling better today? I dont know. But I also want to know today. A. that she will come to school B. whether will she come to school C. how she will come to school D. if she will come to

17、 school 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than common men and women. Career women are 41 than housewives. The jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows 42 the unemployment rate(失业率) increases by l%,the death rate increases by 2%. All

18、this comes down to one point: Work is 43 to health.Why is work good for health? It is because work keeps people busy, away from loneliness. Researchers show that people feel unhappy, 44 and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead,the happiest are those who are busy. Many high achievers who love

19、 their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard .Work serves as a 45 between man and reality. By work,people come into contact with each other. By collective(集体的)activity,they find friendshipand warmth. This is helpful to health.The loss of work 46 the loss of everything. It af

20、fects man spiritually and makes him get ill easily. 47 ,work gives one a feeling of pleasure and a sense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value in satiety. When a writer finishes his writing or a doctor successfully 48 a patient or a teacher sees his students grow,they are happy 49 .From the

21、above we can come to the conclusion that the more you work, 50 you will be. Let us work hard,study well and live a happy and healthy life.( )41. A. more healthier B. healthier C. weaker D. worse( )42.A. whenever B. whether C. though D. since( )43. A. helpful B. bad C. stressful D. harmful( )44. A. i

22、nterested B. happy C. curious D. worried( )45. A. river B. opening C. channel D. bridge( )46. A. means B. stands C. equals D. matches( )47. A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D. Yet( )48. A. manages B. controls C. operates on D. deals with( )49. A. in a word B. without a word C. at a word D. beyond

23、words( )50. A. the lonelier and weaker B. lonelier and weaker C. happier and healthier D. the happier and healthier四、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)AYou may never be in an emergency situation. But if it happens, you should know how to get help. The telephone book in the United States has emergency numbers on

24、 the inside front cover. Look at the following table from the Boston telephone book. Notice that the numbers for the police and the fire department (部门) are the same. And it is an easy number to remember. If you are too unhappy or excited to r emember any numbers at all, you can simply dial (拨打) “0”

25、 for an operator (接线员) in any emergency.EMERGENCY NUMBERSF IRE POLICE DOCTORBOSTON 911 BOSTON 911 BOSTON 482-5252CAMBRIDGE 876-5800 CAMBRIDGE 846-1212 CAMBRIDGE 856-3585SOMERVILLE 023-1500 SOMERVILLE 645-1212 SOMERVILLE 025-4774Other Places _ Other Places _ Other Places _ Write in your number here W

26、rite in your number here Write in your number here COAST GUARD 223-6978OR DIAL “0” (OPERATIOR) IN ANY EMERGENCYWE ARE ALWAYS THERE AND READY TO HELP!( )51. If you see a fire in Cambridge, you should dial _. A. 023-1500 B. 846-1212 C. 645-1212 D. 876-5800( )52. If you dial “0”, _ will answer your cal

27、l. A. the police B. the doctor C. the operator D. the fire department ( )53. This passage is most probably taken from _. A. a sports magazine B. an emergency leaflet C. a TV guide D. a telephone bookBIn todays world life is fast. If you dont slow down to enjoy it, you will definitely miss something.

28、 Ive got two young boys and I have been an elementary school teacher up until recently. Days were busy. Get the boys ready for school and daycare. Work a full day. Pick them up after school. Cook dinner. Do housework. Get the boys into bed and before I knew it, the day was over! Time for me to hit t

29、he sack and do it all over again the next day!Dont get me wrong. I wouldnt change anything. The boys are great. Everyone just gets stuck in these daily things and forget about fun until that one vacation week a year. Everyone needs a break and should have fun all year round. Just set aside one day a

30、 week and just go and do something. There are so many fun family things to do that wont use up your money. You dont need to go to that theme park and spend a months salary on one day. A nice day at the park or museum can entertain everyone. There are nearby state parks that you can easily run out to

31、 and camp in for under $50 for the whole family. How about family movie night? What about family video game night? There are so many ideas that folks seem to forget about. I encourage you to take a look at Modern Frugal Family. You can find all sorts of fun stuff to do with the family and search for

32、 all sorts of bargains. I know you will come up with some great ideas. If you do, you can share them with everyone. So get out there and enjoy life!( )54. In the first paragraph, the author mainly talks about her _.Ainterests Bdaily life Cschoolwork Dfamily gathering( )55. What does the underlined p

33、hrase “hit the sack” in Paragraph 1 probably mean? AHave a lesson. BMake a plan. CGo to sleep. DTake exercise.( )56. According to the author, _ .Aits no use trying to change our situationBparents shouldnt push their children too hardCpeople should have fun more often in their lifeDparents today spen

34、d too much money on their children CIt took 100 years, but finally, scientists proved Albert Einsteins theory that gravitational waves(引力波)exist.The waves were predicted as part of Einsteins general theory of relativity nearly 100 years ago. It was the theory of the physics behind the workings of ou

35、r world and the universe.The idea was that the waves are like waves in space, caused by some of the violent and energetic processes in the universe. For example, two black holes crashing into each other.Now a group of scientists, including ones from Caltech, MIT and the LIGO Scientific, Collaboratio

36、n finally found the gravitational waves.David Reitze is the executive director of the LIGO observatory at Caltech.“We have detected gravitational waves. We did it!”What are these gravitational waves?Well, imagine throwing a rock into a pond. When the rock hits the flat surface of the water, it creat

37、es waves. Space-time is like the surface of the water. So that means gravitational waves are like the waves moving out from where the rock hits the water.It might be hard to understand, but those gravitational waves expand and contract space and time as they move through space. And when they get to

38、the Earth, the waves pass through, and they contract and expand the planet as the waves go by.It was Einstein who said these gravitational waves should be observable.But these are not huge waves. They are very, very small, which is why it took so long to find them. You cannot see them with your eyes

39、. They are smaller than the size of an atom.How did the scientists find them?They used a giant scientific tool called LIGO, which stands for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. The billion-dollar LIGO project is two L-shaped observatories. One is in Louisiana and the other in Wa

40、shington state.For years, scientists have been watching two black holes in another faraway galaxy. The two were spinning around each other, moving closer and closer together. When they finally crashed into each other, it was with such power and force that gravitational waves rang throughout the univ

41、erse, like a giant bell.Those waves, traveling at the speed of light, finally reached the Earth, some l. 3 billion years later. They are the same waves that the scientists announced this past week.So, what does this discovery mean?Our understanding of the heavens changed dramatically.( )57. What are

42、 gravitational waves about?A. About the workings of the universe. B. About how black holes form.C. About how the universe began. D. About how the waves form on the surface of water.( )58. The underlined sentence “two black holes crashing into each other” is used to express _.A. how the universe begi

43、ns to exist B. how gravitational waves formC. how new black holes appear D. how the earth is affected( )59. Why are gravitational waves difficult to find ?A. Because they are too small. B. Because they are far away.C. Because they seldom occur. D. Because they have disappeared.( )60. With the discov

44、ery of gravitational waves, well _.A. create a new world B. make full use of gravitational wavesC. understand the universe in a new way D. avoid being hit by black holes第卷 (非选择题 共50分)五、词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据汉语提示或音标完成句子(每空一词)。61.Changes of price in the 1990s (标志)the beginning of the fast develop

45、ment age of TV. 62. Some (亚洲的) countries are advised to solve problems face to face.63. At my first art show, a famous professor (赞扬) me and encouraged me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures.64. The teacher told us not to depend on musical (乐器)too much.65. My uncle decided to enter the f

46、ilm (行业)when he was in his fifties.66.Who do you (/spz/) will replace Xiaomin on the show called Who is still standing?67.We (录制) yesterdays party on video. You can watch it if you like.B用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空一词)。68. Who do you suppose is the (wealth) Chinese businessman this year? According to Forbes(福布

47、斯), Wang Jianlin is on the top of the list.69. Amys mother looks young and beautiful. It is hard to imagine that she is already in her (fifty). 70. These days the weather is changeable, so its wise to take an umbrella with (you)71.Coco寻梦环游记is a cartoon film (direct) by Lee Unkrich.72. To tell you the (true),Im afraid to see him73.The girl arrived at the cine


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