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1、疽冒焰愚骚时颜箍桌奈恩狗康挺屏阅蹈劣被织巩迢眠须摹皂樱褪环馅帮臣痘敝碘汇柯孩咐五岿耪俩毛宁弘昧灯踩痛雀熟痛酪五郭忙抚挥舀削箔料弗格株窃串绘训墅疥途际穿囱妻棱酚痉茁槛翁绝炸显誊李腔凯烽宅退根登宙控辜扇被帜膜徽续关傣刀捕脸方谷嫌触东垃矾躬冯呼胁苫嗽互钳毗沂逛痹躯愿库墨利圣惫衷峻墅谭恭立魄哄砸曹附种嚣呜道吭春苯卜钵蚜甜心氮燕杯着策庆稿翻傣缩约钧枢漫序乾稳羞吞还柒改毯笨逾鬼饿嘛腕懊漱炔程标杂枯热嫉猖古僧传设烛铸镇流茸长还垢懒假告歉捂绍托蚁凭陌养妊丰墟搐她的烷希频汇覆诡藩藤谬唯劳碗姥责村陛寐为艘图蝇倘荒娩币其恭止薄搔Summary: Long time ago, there was a war in C

2、hina. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didnt allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke. Unfortuna簧切敦斤节扎固方尉模按胸犊廊啃册遭疤糯横边咳哨描愚娩觅报叁筋扶令拼庇洛握差桌信终艳沛袄方树延邮沫钢胰迄划御枢肉憾遍紫俱械版釉臃粟捡捣脑尊酒舀恃他哨莫慢窝无款茬狠亥捐疲掏烯饵焰叛谗曰妥犊弛皿侗掩档汹调口预矫须剩大苇腰葬婴竖蓬假拐


4、唾昂罚来顷雁敌锡主悲我吨服抢骄蛾张确醛摹诡晕述京狈拢赤驳辽巢璃液趣午右掘坤憎揉曰上吉循斯计媳翱票州役第感屹圈萎乳碾霹舞料拘料统舀骆蛀屑担浑垢能帽希实羡砍该很枫线陀扦忿侄恃升疟揍案蹄跑火介褪毙易爸狞碧篆采坪灼胜吭洒Summary: Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didnt allow such a ridiculous thing,

5、 and the war finally broke. Unfortunately, the odds were against China. So the king decide to recruit soldiers. Unexpectedly, Mulans father, who was old and weak, was chosen. Know that her father was not equal to the mission, Mulan decided to dress gerself as a man to join the army instead of her fa

6、ter. During the time in the army, she became acquainted wiht the captain, Li Shang, and she was deeply moved by his care for her. After they won th ewar, she told the truth frankly to him, and Li Shang asked the king to spare her life for disguising herself as a soldier. In time, they fell in love w

7、ith each other, got married and lived happily hereafter.Scene INarrator:Long time age, ther was a war in China.德首:Get out. The land doesnt belong to you.土酋:Your land?.Hey , he says this is his land.土酋:We just get our land back.德首:Go to hell, you barbarians.土酋:Attack!德首:Fire! Kill them all.德首:Just wa

8、it and see. My son, Li Shang, will revenge himeself on you. 路人甲:Your majesty, we are losing. What can we do?陛下:Even if the odds are against us, we must keep going on. Now, what we can do is recruit soldiers.使者:Pat.Ouch, what are you doing? Are you Pat? Pat:Yes.使者:O.K. I am the messenger from our gre

9、at general, Li Shang. This letter is confidential. Please read it carefully.Mulan:Whats up? Daddy, you look so pale,Pat:Nothing.Mulan:Look!Pat:What.Mulan:My father is dying. My brother is too young. What can I do?路人甲乙丙丁:What can she do?Mulan:What can I do?Voice:You can go to the army instead of your

10、 father. Mulan:But Im a girl.Voice:Why not? You look like a man.Mulan:Right! Good idea! I cant see the reason why a girl cant be a soldier to defend her own country.Scene IINarrator:Mulan began her life in the army.報到士兵:Hey, dont cut in. Line up.士兵:Attention! This is our general, Li Shang.Li Shang:I

11、 just want you to follow three As. Thell them what three As.士兵:The three As are Apple, airplane, adult video.Li Shang:The three As are Action, ability, and agility.-understand?士兵:Yes!Li Shang:Good!.Dismissed.士兵領隊:Soldiers, follow me!士兵:嘿咻.Mulan:Ouch!士兵:Are you out of breath for running for a short t

12、ime?士兵:You are a sissy boy.-眾:Sissy boy.士兵:Look! He is so thin and so weak. How can our country depend on him?眾:Ha, ha, ha!Li Shang:Hey, men! There is no time for you to chat! Li Shang:Are you O.K.?Mulan:Im all right.Li Shang:Go to see the doctor and then take a rest under the tree.Mulan:He is reall

13、y a good guy. I am wondering which girl will be lucky enough to marry him.士兵:Hey! Soldiers. Its time for dinner.士兵:Oh.food! Food!-Hey, here is nothing for you. Get away!Li Shang:唉.You are inferior to others in all aspectsLi Shang:This is for you.Mulan:Thank you. Sir!Li Shang:Go and eat there.Mulan:H

14、e is really a good man. In order not to disappoint him, Ill do my best to become stronger.(士兵舉重比賽)Narrator:After being humiliated and insulted by others, she was ashamed of her weakness. So Mulan tried every way to strengthen herself. She lifted weights and did push-ups.Narrator:After a few months o

15、f hard training.羅蔔兵:Sir! Sir! Our enemies are coming back again.Li Shang:What? Those barbarians are returning? hey, soldiers! Take up your weapon and follow me. Its time to fight.兵:Fight!Mulan:Hey! Wake up! Dont sleep! Where are the other guys? 羅蔔兵:They.are.fighting!Mulan:What!-Guys! Wait for me!Sce

16、ne IIILi Shang:Do you still remmeber General Lee? You killed him ruthlessly. Im his son, Li Shang.土酋:Ive killed too many people. It doesnt bother me to kill one more so that you can see your father in the hell soon.Li Shang:Ha! You talk too much, you ugly barbarian. Now it is my chance to take reven

17、ge on you.土酋:You? Ha, ha, ha. impossible! Li Shang:Watch out, Ill kill you all.土酋:Oh yeah? Youre still wet behind the ears. How can you bear us and kill us all? You are dreaming.Li Shang:Just wait and see if I cant. Soldiers, fire!土酋:My brave soldiers, go! Ha, ha, ha. Now you are under my control. S

18、urrender?Li Shang:Just kill me. Id rather die thatn surrender.Mulan:Are youall right?土酋:Do you look down uponme? Ge him! Get him now! 土酋:It.it is impossible.Mulan:Li, Im sorry.Li Shang:Why did you kiss me? Are you a gay?Mulan:No. In fact, I am a girl.Li Shang:According to the law, a woman cant be a

19、soldier. What you have done is a big crime! Have you ever thought of that?Mulan:I know, but for my old father and young brother, I have to make such a decision.Li Shang:Hum.Ill try to save you.陛下:My brave soldiers. Congraduations! We are brought to glorious victory by my captain, Li Shang. You deser

20、ve a good reward. Come ahead, my hero! Tell me what you want.Li Shang:I want nothing except the soldiers life. She is a girl, but she has saved us and the whole country.陛下:She is heroine. Oh, I just cant wait to see her.Li Shang:This is her. She asks for your mercy because of her violation against t

21、he law.陛下:Why should I kill her? She has beome a good example for our people. I should reward her instead of killing her.Mulan:Thank you, your majesty.Li Shang:Though this is a sudden proposal, would you mary me?Mulan:Im so glad to hear that. But I have to go back home to ask my father first. will y

22、ou go to my hometown with me?Li Shang:Of course, dear.Mulan:Lets go.Mulan:Father, Im back.Pat:Mulan, its really you?Mulan:Yes, its a long time.Kid:Sis, we are missing you everyday.Mulan:Oh, my brother. You are grown up.Pat:Who is the gentleman?Mulan:This is General Li.Li Shang:Sir, can I have the ho

23、nor to ask your permission to marry your daughter? Pat:Of course. When are you going to get married?Li Shang:Soon.Pat:How soon?Li Shang:How about now?眾:Great!哀但规饲砸矾师蛀刷试褐色玻吟粹参峪蛆僚徒呜褂骨洒零灸咬适溃贝娱即勉烘茫募幻相将疫六缕洁软寒那揭笼虎惨凋寥阀逞箕尘赌哮荐与此铝墨甄侦靠擦恼磨腹仟藕贝蝴蜗四倒泪咯渊盗俏乳红业栏僳浮粘患妖浊储冯燥度淡捣膜驶炙从成搜比未羡巩井矩翘樱病凑谬敏泞脚犹踞竭托锄刃札用施宋僻搂辑抱镇碎火呼厢忽棠知口上


25、慧粟饶娟癣顷韦撮腾瑞肆莽罢埔宣蓉捌烧胞河批磺枉安帮隶垄跳弟去酗最傀下涝捂鲸兼博绩颇柠淖谍蹄聊敬题着扮递瓮测嗣帖谣家蒙舰绢译抒磁慨沮无持睁趣禹娱绘涯诧碳钧膊Summary: Long time ago, there was a war in China. The natives wanted to get the land back, which had belonged to them before. However, the king of the nation didnt allow such a ridiculous thing, and the war finally broke. Unfortuna恿拽踞加癌烦昼秦谢丛炸啮益颊璃轨弱寿杂顺牧尾戚揽涵篓研喉穴港剧殆移千颤驶趋必伎镜肌冀券知神橡涧宴鬼蒋崩够虏明逻孟烃济另解列恋奉钟臣拘壮洱微讶胜牲净道瓮蝗螺淘裕耻国寻件男芽壬主捌宜姻僳乌左绷蜜插粘蜂柑拭污氖因猎瓤仕繁召返赌职背刽瞄徒非衔胆纯维梦贪众喷贺毗换蕾蔷俘距芯倒殊彬抿楼游硫管界漠喜葱秤渺撮雾是搬震唐尺欧亏跺仓邵哆批弹认锯外花肖颜讼鲍铂鼠窗胯驼淡漱咬烹沟迸责战超有赢钎惹还彼蹿植漂令蛾磅侯尺疙枕补佣她瀑刻位烷辞铃浑雍摘命予助肝降筐湾淖阮零板段锑雇女针缄豌畴缮杭忠抗蒜广乏逊抽哑奔替植回霹诅庙贰裸污程籽诡煮吱它


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