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1、The commonest words used at site for civil works现场常用土建词汇Civil engineering 土木工程Drawing 图纸Profile drawing 剖面图Plan 平面图Detail drawing大样图,细部图Legend 图例Configuration 结构,构造,外形Structure drawing 结构图Architecture drawing 建筑图Process drawing 工艺图Modification of design document 设计变更Bench mark 基准点Leveling 场平,抄平Compa

2、ction test 压实度试验Handing over inspection 交接检验Moisture / Water content 含水量Lab man 试验员Assistant engineer 助理工程师Assistant architect 助理建筑师Registered engineer 注册工程师Registered professional construction manager / licenseed professional construction manager 注册监理工程师Soil 土壤Cutting area挖方区 Filling area填方区Over ex

3、traction / Overbreak 超挖Test report 试验报告Flatness 平整度Sprinkler 洒水车Truck mixer 混凝土罐车Vibration pump 振动泵Mobile pump 汽车泵Stationary pump 地泵Loader 装载机Bulldozer 推土机Excavator 挖掘机,挖土机Backhoe / Hoe excavator 反铲Fork-lift truck / setting elevator 铲车Grader 平地机Compactor/compactor Roller 震动压路机Mixer 搅拌机Conveyor 输送机Be

4、nder 弯曲机(bar)straightener 调直机,矫正机Tower crane 塔吊Hanger 吊杆,吊钩Earthwork 土方工程Earthwork excavation 土方开挖Foundation trench/foundation pit 基槽/基坑Surveying 测量Surveying and setting out 测量放线Setting out 放线Lofting =lay out=lay over放样Topography surveying 地形测量Hydrogeological investigation 水文地质勘察Control point 控制点Cen

5、ter line 中线Axis 轴线Longitude / Meridian 经线Latitude line纬线Coordinate坐标、同等的、使协调Contour 等高线Bus 母线Feeder 馈线Level / elevation 标高Prism 棱镜Total station 全站仪Defectoscope / Defect detector 探伤仪Water level 水平仪Water level pipe 水平管Total light / theodolite / transit经纬仪Laser instrument 激光铅锤仪Water level meter 水平尺Wate

6、r meter 水表Meter / tape 尺子Set rule 定位尺Caliper 游标卡尺、测径器Micro meter caliper 千分尺Tape measure 卷尺、皮尺Sopwith staff 塔尺Running rule 靠尺Spring scale / weight beam 弹簧秤Universal meter, multi meter 万用表Wattmeter 电表、瓦特计Thermometer 温度计、体温计Tachometer / revolution indication 转速表、流速计Flow meter 流量计Global position system

7、 (GPS)全球定位系统Plumb 线坠,铅锤Slump 塌落度Cone 椎形筒,椎体Reinforcement / steel bar 钢筋Stainless steel 不锈钢Deformed bar 螺纹钢Round bar / Plain bar 圆钢Channel steel 槽钢Flat steel 扁钢、平钢Angle steel / iron 角钢/铁Overlap / lap 搭接Stirrup/ hoop 箍筋,马镫Hook bar 钩筋Vertical bar 竖向钢筋Horizontal bar 水平筋Casing / Sleeve 套管Sedimentation pi

8、pe 沉淀管Filter pipe 过滤管Oxygen pipe 氧气管Galvanized steel pipe 镀锌钢管Seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管Plastic pipe 塑胶管Reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层Embedded piece / part 预埋件Preformed hole / pocket预留孔Prefabricate,prefabrication 预制Bolt 螺栓Anchor bolt 锚固螺栓,地脚螺栓Formwork / shuttering 模板Concrete blinding 混凝土模板Scaffolding 脚手架Sc

9、affold board / plank 脚手板Ladder 梯子Verticality / perpendicularity垂直度Brace 支撑,斜撑Bracket 支架,墙上突出的托架tripod三角支架Concrete 混凝土Cushion course 垫层Foundation 基础Prefabricate foundation预制基础Column 柱子Chapiter 柱头Pedestal 柱脚Beam 梁End beam / end girder端梁Ground beam 地梁Tie beam 联系梁Ring beam 圈梁,环梁Lintel 过梁Cantilever beam

10、挑梁Overhanging eaves 挑檐Cantilever platform 挑台Tie column 构造柱Slope 坡度,斜坡Gradient 坡度,倾斜度,梯度,角度Ramp 坡道Slip form 滑模Slab 板Top slab 顶板Base slab 底板Cover plate 盖板Tunnel 地沟,隧道Individual / single footing 独立基础Bitumen / Asphalt 沥青Oxidized asphalt / Epoxy bitumen 氧化沥青Asphalt cement 沥青膏Backfilling 回填Watering 洒水Labo

11、ratory / lab实验室Compression strength 抗压强度Tensile strength 抗拉强度Yield 屈服Elongation 延伸率Crush sand 人工沙Crushed stone 碎石Aggregate 骨料Natural sand 天然沙sandstone 砂岩sand soil 砂土clay 粘土Sand-coarse aggregate ratio 砂石比Water-cement ratio(W/C)水灰比Admixture 外加剂Cure 养护Curing compound 养护剂Sealing glue 密封胶Water stop 止水带Wa

12、ter proof 防水Styrofoam 聚乙烯泡沫High density Styrofoam高密度聚乙烯泡沫Low density Styrofoam低密度聚乙烯泡沫Foam station 泡沫站Chemical test化学试验Physical test物理实验Batching plant 搅拌站Stucco 粉刷Plaster 抹灰Plasterers trowel 铁抹子Plasterers hawk 抹灰工灰板Plasterers lath 抹灰板条Grout 灰浆,水泥浆,灌浆Cement mortar 水泥砂浆Putty 腻子,坭子,用油灰抹缝填塞Apron 散水Plint

13、h 柱基 勒脚,壁脚板(墙外底部)Base board / washboard / skirt 踢脚板(墙内底部)Gunny/jute 黄麻,黄麻布Fiber glass 玻璃丝布Toughened glass 钢化玻璃Inspection 验收As-built 竣工Final acceptance / completion inspection 竣工验收Honey comb蜂巢mix-design配比设计Proportion 配比 / 比例Scale 比例(尺)、刻度、等级Emulsion paint 乳胶漆Hollow brick 空心砖Solid brick 实心砖Ceramic 陶瓷C

14、eramic tile 瓷砖,地砖Roof tile 瓦Stoneware 瓷器Quarry/mine 矿山Ironstone 铁矿石Secondary cast 二次浇注Regrouting 二次灌浆Tertiary cast 三次浇注Electrostatic precipitator 电收尘Electric block 电葫芦Covered electrode 电焊条Pole 电杆Sump Hole 集水坑Angle form 角膜Spring 弹簧、弹性Access road 进场路Ceiling 顶棚,吊顶Ceiling board 天花板Roof 屋顶Roofing felt 油毡

15、Flexible waterproof roofing柔性泛水屋面soft waterproof roof 柔性防水屋面Cable tray 电缆桥架Cable trench 电缆沟Cable tunnel 电缆隧道Cable gallery 电缆廊道Cable truss 缆索桁架Conduit 管道,管子Steel rope钢索,钢绳Marble 大理石Terrazzo 水磨石Cistern 蓄水池Water tower 水塔Reservoir / pond水池、水库Water tank 水罐、水箱、水池Water level / water table 水位Overhead water

16、tank 高位水池Water quality 水质Hose 软管 用于洗Rigidity 刚性Elastic 弹性Filler wall / Brickwork 填充墙,砖砌体Gable wall 人字墙Wall 墙体Wall suface 墙面Wall space(门窗之间的)墙面Boundary wall 围墙,界墙Gable wall 山墙Gable coping 山墙压顶Dry wall 清水墙Parapet 女儿墙Wing wall 耳墙shear wall 剪力墙retaining wall 挡墙clapboard 隔板,墙板Dado 墙裙,护墙板,墩身Wall brick 墙砖B

17、ridge pier 墙垛Wall opening 墙洞Wall cornice 墙挑檐Wall beam 墙挑梁Wall plastering 墙面抹灰Wall plaster 墙面粉刷Flashing 泛水、范水、反水Wall fiashing 墙面泛水Wall reinforcement 墙体配筋Wall coping 墙压顶Wall tile 墙面砖,瓷面砖Gap-filling glue 填缝胶To lay the foundation 打地基Backing welding 打底焊Punching bear 打孔机Tapered edge 倒角Low-grade cement 低标号

18、水泥Underground drainage system 地下排水系统Top light 顶部采光Shaping 刨光Water divide / water parting 分水岭Client 发包方,业主Auxiliary material 辅料Additive layer 附加层Adhesion 附着力Elevation 高程Spanner 扳手Cutting nippers 老虎钳,剪钳screwdriver 改锥、螺丝起子screw-driver with voltage tester 试电笔shovel 铁锹Rebar binding and put forms绑筋、支模reba

19、r colligation 绑扎jamb 门樘Bricklaying 砌筑Corbel / bracket / angle-table牛腿,枕梁,托肩Step 台阶Footboard 踏步Stair 楼梯electric pulley block电葫芦,电力提升机,电动滑车expert subjoist 专用龙骨purlin 檩条,桁条Top chord 上弦支撑Bottom chord 下弦支撑Remove/dismantle the formwork 拆模Fastener 扣件Rock picker / Gadder 风镐,凿岩机Truss 桁架Net weight(N.W)净重Gross

20、 weight(G.W)毛重Liter=litre 升、公升Kilometer 千米Kilogram 千克Meter (M)米Decimeter 分米Centimeter (cm)厘米Millimeter (mm) 毫米Counter / calculator 计算器Plus 加Minus 减Multiply 乘Divide 除Hundred百Thousand 千Ten thousand 万One hundred thousand / lakh十万Million 百万Ten million 千万A hundred million 亿Billion 十亿Steel aeration window

21、 钢百叶窗Shutter 百叶窗Plastics-steel doors and windows 塑钢门窗Screen window 纱窗Earth rammed 素土夯实Benzene plank 苯板(类似泡沫,墙内保温用)Manhole 人孔,检修孔Raw water treatment 原水处理Welding seam 焊缝Fully continuous welding 满焊Alike bars in four corners 四角均有pin 销pit 坑pile 桩pile shaft 桩身pillar 墩,座,支柱leading pile 导桩pile driving / pil

22、ing打桩piling machine 打桩机ramming / tamping 打夯rammer / ramming machine 打夯机leveling course / screed / coat找平层leveling layer / dressing course整平层post-cast strip 后浇带bamboo board 竹胶板reducer cross 异径四通reducing tee 异径三通reducing coupling 异径管接头Cube 试块cube 立方(m3)centimeter 厘米(cm)millimeter 毫米(mm)outside / insid

23、e diameter 外 / 内径be discounted at 10% 打九折final account / final cost 决算budget 预算administration and management / surveillance 监理consultanting firm 咨询公司lattice grid 网架delivery 交付transferring completed project 交付使用limestone crushing and conveying 石灰石破碎及输送limestone prehomogenization storage 石灰石预均化堆场crush

24、ing of correctives and additives to storage 辅料及混合材破碎、输送至堆棚correctives and additives storage 辅料及混合材堆场extraction of pet coke to storage (in future )石油焦破碎(预留)pet coke pre-blending and conveying (in future ) 石油焦预均化(预留)oil dilution station 稀油站raw mill feed hoppers 生料喂料raw material grinding 生料粉磨kiln and R

25、M grinding exhaust gas treatment 窑磨废气处理transport and storage of raw meal and kiln feed 生料储存及输送preheating, precalcining and firing 分解炉及燃烧by pass system 旁路放风系统clinker manufacture 熟料烧成clinker cooling 熟料冷却exhaust gas treatment 废气处理OFF-SPEC. clinker silo 黄料库clinker transport and storage 熟料输送及储存cement mil

26、l feed hoppers-clinker and additives 水泥磨喂料cement grinding 水泥粉磨cement transport and storage 水泥储存cement bulk loading 水泥散装weight bridge (T.O. platform / T.O. ramp )汽车衡cement packing 水泥包装cement bag loading 水泥袋装装车pet coke grinding system (in future ) 石油焦粉磨HFO unloading and storage (oil pumping, thermal o

27、il tank, thermal oil boiler and one thermal oil boiler for standby)重油处理系统及锅炉室Pumping room fire fighting 消防泵站Capacity power plant (excluding the contract ) 发电厂(合同范围以外)Power distribution station 配电站Electrical room for limestone crushing 石灰石破碎电气室Electrical room for additives and correctives crushing sy

28、stem 辅料破碎电气室Electrical room for raw materials system 原料电气室Electrical room for raw meal grinding system 生料磨电气室Electrical room for kiln feeding system 窑尾电气室Electrical room for clinker cooling system 熟料冷却电气室Electrical room for water treatment system 水处理电气室Electrical room for cement grinding system 水泥磨电

29、气室Electrical room for cement packing system 水泥包装电气室Refractory storage耐火材料库Water treatment and raw water tank and pump room 水处理/原水池/泵房Circulating water tank and pump room 循环水池/泵房Potable water pump room 生活水泵房Treated and potable water tank 净水池及生活水池Guide wall 导流墙Central control room and laboratory 中央控制化

30、验室Mechanical and electrical work shop 机电修车间Main store 备品备件库Drivers restroom 司机休息室Sales office 销售办公室Garage 汽车库HFO tank重油储罐Diesel oil tank 柴油储罐Gasoline tank 汽油储罐Administration building 行政办公楼Technical building 技术中心办公楼Mosque 清真寺Gas station 加油站Canteen 食堂Clinic ( in colony ) 诊所(在生活区内)Gate house 门卫室Duty ro

31、om 值班室Shift room 倒班室Sentry box 岗亭Toilet 卫生间Splash bath 淋浴室Washroom 盥洗室Guest house 贵宾楼Refrigeration station 冷冻站Fire station 消防站Fire-fighting water tank 消防水池Sewage regulating reservior 污水调节池Electrical room for forepart of plant 厂前区电气室Explosives storage (near the quarry) 爆破材料库 / 炸药库(在矿山附近)Detonator sto

32、re 雷管库Septic tank / cesspool / sewage tank 化粪池Sewage treatment 污水处理Sludge drying yard 污泥干化场Aeration tank曝气池Interim water tank 中间水池Reclaimed water 中水recycle water tank中水池(再循环水池)Preliminary sedimentation tank 初沉池Secondary sedimentation tank 二沉池filter sopping tank过滤吸水池base sump 集油池finish and decoration

33、 work / construction for decoration 装饰工程extension project、extended project 扩建工程modification work / alteration work 改造工程、改建工程remodeling / rebuilding 翻修development 发展部section for planning 规划部receive room 会客室drawing office 绘图室record room 记录室coffee room 咖啡室secretary receive room 秘书接待室reference room 资料室w

34、ashbasin 洗脸盆water tap 水龙头lavatory 坐式大便器、抽水马桶、盥洗室urinal 小便器stall-type urinal 落地式小便器squatting pot 蹲坑squatting pan 蹲式大便器RCC:(reinforcement concrete construction)钢筋混凝土结构Plain lime paste 素灰Plain mortar 素砂浆Plain concrete / non-reinforced concrete (PCC):素混凝土UAE:微胀剂expansion admixture 膨胀剂Roadbed 路基,路床Leveli

35、ng-up 整平Elevation difference 高差rubber 橡胶Rubble 毛石Cobble 鹅卵石,大卵石Rubble concrete 毛石混凝土Cement-rubble masonry 浆砌毛石rubble masonry for slope protection 护坡毛石砌筑Culvert pipe 涵管Culvert 涵洞Overflow pavement 过水路面Pavement 人行道Bridge sideway 桥上人行道Downward slope 顺坡Longitudinal gradient of road surface for drainage 排

36、水纵坡Compaction and backfilling of earthwork 土方碾压、回填Compact 碾压Degree of compaction 压实度Density 密度Bricklayer 瓦工Well 井Sampling well 取样井Production well 生产井Exploratory well 探测井Flowing well、free-flowing bore 自流井Sump well 、collecting well 集水井Valve well 阀门井Drainage well 排水井Shaft 井道Well pump 井泵Well point 井点Bor

37、ewell 井眼Well hole 井孔Well head,well mouth 井口Pit-bank 井口平台Active zone of well 井的补给区Well casing 井筒,井套管Derrick,stationary hoisting towel,drive block 井架Well spacing 井距Well gauge,hole gauge,preliminary shaft 井径Well pressure 井压力Well bore configuration 井身结构Rest water level 井内静水位Stilling well 静水井Steining 井内砌

38、圈Tube 导管Inlet pipe 进水管Outlet pipe出水管Ventilation pipe 通风管Overflow pipe 溢流管Bleeding hose 泌水管Check valve止回阀Shutoff valve 截止阀Filter tube 过滤管Filter tube for well point 井点滤管Sedimentation pipe 沉淀管Weep drain 渗水管Penetration of water,leakage of water 渗水Penetrant 渗透剂Permeability test,percolation test 渗透试验Rig 钻

39、塔、钻探平台Well screen 井管滤网Screen of deep wall 深井滤水管Deep water pump for well point 井点深水泵Vacuum pump for well point 井点真空泵Centrifugal pump 离心泵Total well capacity 井的总出水量Output of well,discharge of well 井出水量Well yield 井的出水量Running water、tap water、city water 自来水Filling material 填料Settlement 沉降River bed 河床Rive

40、r way / water course 河道Tender 投标Invite tenders 招标Bid bond 投标保证金Pre-qualification of bidders 投标人资格预审Contract labors with material 包工包料Scamp work and stint material / shoddy work and inferior material 偷工减料Real stuff 真材实料Resource optimization 资源优化Planting 绿化带Elevator shaft / elevator hoistway 电梯井Curbst

41、one / curb 路缘石Curb joint 路缘石接缝Crown of pavement / camber of paving路面拱度Surface drainage 路面排水Elevation of road surface / grade elevation 路面标高Sealing coat 路面沥青涂层Road condition 路况Road bed / road foundation 路基MCRC asphalt 快固沥青Pure asphalt 纯沥青Bitumen mortar 沥青砂浆(沥青和砂子)Bitumen concrete 沥青混凝土(沥青、砂子和石子)Aspha

42、lt prime coat 沥青打底Base course 基层Compacted gravel shoulder砂砾层路肩Rammed hardpan bottom 夯实路基Wearing course 磨损层Turning point 转点,转折点,转向处Level line 水平线Laying pipes 敷设管道,铺设管道Staggered joint / break joint / alternate joint错缝(分层交错设置的缝)Straight joint / continuous vertical joint 通缝Mortar joint灰缝,砂浆接缝Constructio

43、n joint 施工缝Expansion joint 膨胀缝,伸缩缝,膨胀节Crack 裂缝Pointing 勾缝Joint pointing 嵌缝Gap 缝隙,裂口High joint / convex joint 凸缝Hollow joint / concave joint 凹缝Tongued and grooved joint 凹凸缝Out-and-in bond 凹凸砌合Ventilation / aeration / air draft 通风Grain size 粒度,粒径Degree of satiation 饱满度Degree of saturation 饱和度Flexivity

44、 挠度Concentration 浓度Gradation 级配,等级Strength grade 强度等级,强度标号Concresive 植筋胶Glue 胶水,粘贴,胶合物Agglomerant 粘结剂、凝聚剂Softening agent 软化剂Mold releasing agent 脱模剂Tack coat 粘结层Difference / deviation 偏差Dense sand 密实砂夹石Walkway / covered way 廊道Nail 铁钉Metal pail 铁桶Wire netting 铁丝网,金属网Steel wire 钢丝Steel mesh 钢网片Ditch 水

45、沟Side ditch / side drain边沟Drainage trench 排水沟Cut-off ditch / cut-off trench / catchwater 截水沟Non-disturbed soil 非扰动土壤Soft soil,weak soil 软土Soft clay 软黏土Plain soil 素土Insulating layer 保温层Insulation to falls 保温层找坡Moulding 灰线Marks 灰饼Mortar bed 灰浆层Inner corner阴角External corner 阳角Initial setting time 初凝时间plumb ruler and bob托线板ink fountain 墨斗black mark-line 墨斗线blowing 空鼓honeycomb 蜂窝pitting surface 麻面irregularity / sags and crests 凹凸不平carpet 地毯marble 大理石asbestos 石棉asbestos tile


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