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1、Unit 8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 1 Whats the weather like in summer?Section A . Material analysis 本话题通过对话询问和描述一年四季的气候引入学习,自然过渡到气温的表达,对比中西方国家天气的差异,同时谈论大量适合各种天气的日常活动。本节课是第八单元话题一的第一课时,主要活动是1a、2a和3a。学习询问和描述不同季节天气的表达以及描述不同季节适合的活动的表达方式;还将学习询问最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因的表达方式;另外,语音板块将学习字母s, x 及字母组合ur, wh的读音规则并复习字母z

2、,w和字母组合ur,ir,er在单词中的发音。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims 能够快速辨认和正确朗读与天气及其活动相关的词汇:weather, spring, warm, season, summer, hot, climb等; 能够询问和描述不同季节的天气以及各季节适合的活动的表达方式,如: Whats the weather like in spring?= How is the weather like in spring? Its warm. Its a good time to./ Its a good season for./We can. 能够谈

3、论最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因,如: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? Why/Why do you like it? Because. 能够应用一般现在时询问天气并作出回答,如: Whats the weather like in spring?= How is the weather in spring? Its warm. Its a good time to ./ Its a good season for . /We can . 了解字母s, x 及字母组合ur, wh在单词中的读音规则。2. S

4、kill aims 能够听懂谈论季节和天气状况的对话和短文; 能够熟练使用英语询问和描述季节及天气情况; 能够读懂一些简单的与季节和天气相关的课外阅读材料; 能够编写有关季节和天气的短文。3. Emotional aims 能够和同伴积极合作,共同完成任务; 能够认真、规范地读出音标及单词; 能够欣赏四季的美丽景色。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 掌握询问和描述不同季节的天气及各季节适合的活动的表达方式,如: Whats the weather like in spring?= How is the weather like

5、 in spring? Its warm. Its a good time to./ Its a good season for./We can. 掌握运用询问最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因的表达方式,如: Which season do you like best, spring, summer, fall or winter? Why/Why do you like it? Because.2. Difficult points 掌握询问和描述不同季节的天气及各季节适合的活动的表达方式; 掌握应用询问最喜欢的季节并阐述其原因的表达方式。. Learning strategies 培养借助图片帮助

6、听说的习惯。教学过程:Get ready for the class导入Enjoy the song ,Four seasonsT:What is the song about?Ss:Seasons and weatherT:How many seasons are there in a year?Ss:Four.T:what are they?Ss:They ares pring, summer, fall, and winter.Pre-listening1、师生谈论康康的生日,引出出生季节(spring);呈现具有四季明显特征的图片,学习生词spring, summer, fall, w

7、inter, season。2、呈现一张春天的图片,引出问天气的新句型“Whats the weather like in spring?”及春天适宜的活动“Its a good season.”。3、以同样的方式学习其它几个季节。4、设计一个chant,巩固单词Spring spring warm, warm warm warmWhile-listening1、观看Flash 1a动画,让学生听录音,看动画,理解重点句子。 2、再听1a录音,完成1b的连线,核对答案。Post-listening1、两人一组,朗读、表演1a中的对话,进行两两对话。 2、让学生仿照例子组编对话并进行同伴练习。3、听2a录音填空,核对答案,强调重点句型和讲解疑难句。 4、根据2b的图片,两人一组问答练习,以此来巩固所学重点句型。综合探究活动让学生写一篇最喜爱的季节的短文,不少于50词。语音学习听3a和3b录音,完成3a、3b。小结、作业&结束


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