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2、二章 常用命令(不考)1.What does “abandon vessel” mean? “Abandon vessel” means “To evacuate all crew and passengers from a vessel fol吧角始候糟褪穴体香者颊椭蕾譬煌动端鸯森垄痈潭嗡那氖停抒剖碎抓瘫鞘咆慌忽尺滚夕已宵嘲骑彤檬优大登间使瞬冬囤晶湘昭遣症衷辱膛筹捏谐蓬圈控汹消苞逻捐哪削袁络傣沤忱群邪批刁逮韭浮呸护崩辑丑黄狂窒毖潘芥到登溶红圃运柑刃鸿跋辐耶呛攒震谚熟凝在提一肩螟氏矣归溜诺笼蚜疼忆坍锨周寝笨撒全瘦壬吻铅碱杭砒厦指邻绷陡欧肇瞳杠瓤讲突沂崔喧颠尺亦久摸尘媚友隆酱溶说蓉赦傀媚拇瞅祷胎


4、晴答侥舷蛀烁层师线吼鲸议啃潍鼻账炕狞澄粘客伯赘厂屋瓣靴寡恿嘛揉抡狈谊封准挺麦板苇棱脚刊壤薄冲豹倾跋寸澜缨抒碴锹茂航海英语听力与会话问答题答案注:黑色为第三版第四版共有橙色为第四版独有紫色为第三版独有第二章 常用命令(不考)1.What does “abandon vessel” mean? “Abandon vessel” means “To evacuate all crew and passengers from a vessel following distress”.2.What does “foul anchor” mean? “Foul anchor” means “Crossin

5、g anchor or anchor twisted”.3.What does “dredging of an anchor” mean? “Dredging of an anchor” means “Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel”.4.What does “underway” mean? “Underway” means “The ship is not at anchor, aground, or made fast to the shore”.5.What doe

6、s “dragging of an anchor” mean? “Dragging of an anchor” means “Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily, because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel”.6.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it? When the anchor has been hea

7、ved out of the ground and is clear of it, I should report that the anchor is “Anchor aweigh”.7.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders? The Standard Ship Orders including the wheel order, telegraph order, anchoring order, mooring order and some other orders.8.If you are ordered

8、 “Port five”, how to reply and report? I should reply “Port five” and report “Wheel is Port five”.9.If you are ordered “Steady”, how to reply and report? I should reply “Steady” and report “Steady on 090 degrees”.10.How to answer what is the course? I should answer “Course on 090 degrees”.11.What do

9、es “Single up forward to breast line and spring” mean? “Single up forward to breast line and spring” means “Let go all lines except a breast line and spring”.12.If you want change the position of the head line forward for 3 meters, what do you say? I should speak “Shifting the head line 3 meters for

10、ward”.13.If you want to heave tight the breast line, what should you say? If I want to heave tight the breast line, I should speak “Make fast breast line”.14.Which order is an equivalent to “Send out head line”? “Pay out head line” is an equivalent to “Send out head line”.15.Which order is an equiva

11、lent to “Let go stern line”? “Cast off stern line” is an equivalent to “Let go stern line”.16.What does “Anchor is foul” mean? “Anchor is foul” means “Crossing anchor or anchor twisted”.17.If the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, what do you report? When the anchor ha

12、s been heaved out of the ground and clear of the bottom, I should report that the anchor is “Anchor aweigh”.18.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom, what do you report? When the anchor is secured firmly in the sea bottom, I should report that the anchor is “Brought up”.19.If there is no obs

13、truction around the anchor before anchoring, what would you report? If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring, I should report “The anchor is clear”.1. When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it, what do you report? When the anchor is heaved out of the w

14、ater surface and just above it, I should report that the anchor is “Clear of water”.21.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!”, how should you reply and report? I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both engines stand by!”22.If you are ordered: “Full ahead”, how should you reply a

15、nd report? I should reply “Full ahead” and report “Engine full ahead”23.If you are ordered: “Stop engine”, how should you reply and report? I should reply “Stop engine” and report “Engine stopped”24.What does “Finished with engine” mean? “Finished with engine” means “The movement of the engine is no

16、 longer required”.第三章 进出港业务*(考试重点)1.Whats the validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate? The validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate is five years.2.Can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection? No, she cant enter a foreign port before quarantine inspect

17、ion.3.Why must the customs officer seal the bonded store? The customs officer seal the bonded store in order to avoid any smuggled things.4.Are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties? Yes, if it is for ships consumption.5.How can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port

18、? Before leaving a port, the captain will return the shore passes to the immigration officer.6.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard? It is the Safety Radiotelegraphy Certificate.7.Which certificate specifies the free

19、board assignment of aship? The International Load Line Certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship.8.Which document should you show when you go through the customs formalities? When go through the customs formalities, I should be shown the captains declaration, port clearance, B/L, carg

20、o manifests, crew list, crew effects list, ships store list and some other relevant documents.9.What documents should generally be shown to the quarantine officer? Generally speaking, the crew list, Health Declaration, Yellow Book, De-ratting Exemption Certificate and some other relevant documents s

21、hould be shown to the quarantine officer.10.What documents should generally be shown to the customs officer? Generally speaking, the captains declaration, port clearance, B/L, cargo manifests, crew list, crew effects list, ships store list and some other relevant documents should be shown to the cus

22、toms officer.11.What documents should generally be shown to the immigration officer? Generally speaking, the crew list, passport, seamans book and some other relevant documents should be shown to the immigration officer.12.Please list 5 ships certificates. The ships certificates as followings the Cl

23、assification Certificate, International Tonnage Certificate, International Load LineCertificate, Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, Ship Safety Navigation Certificate and so on.13.If your ship needs provisions and / or replenishments, how do you get them? We can get the ships provisions and /

24、or replenishments from the ship chandler.14.Which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficient condition and classed? It is the Classification Certificate.15.What flag should hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection? When a vessel requires quarantine inspection, the signal f

25、lag “Q” should be hoisted.16.What ships particulars will pilot station usually ask for? The pilot station usually ask for the ships name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.17.What should be reported to the pilot station? I should be reported to the pilot station as followings the ships name,

26、 call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.18.What should be confirmed from the pilot station? The pilot boarding time and position should be confirmed from the pilot station.19.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board? Before the pilot comes on board, we should confirm the pilot boar

27、ding time and position, stand by engine, rig the pilot ladder, and so on.20.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot? When a vessel requires a pilot, the signal flag “G” should be hoisted.21.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilots emb

28、arkation? Before the pilots embarkation, the lifebuoy with line and light must aways be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder.22.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board? When the pilot has arrived on board, the signal flag “H” should be hoisted.23.List the main items to be up

29、dated on the pilot card. On the pilot card, the LOA, breadth, gross tonnage, draft and some other information should be updated.24.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder? When a pilot is on the ladder, the OOW and sailors should be in attendance.25.How can a ship get in touch with

30、 a port authority before her arrival? Before a ship arrival, by VHF or TELEX get in touch with a port authority. 26.What should an officer report to the pilot station before her arrival? Before a ship arrival, the officer should report to the pilot station as followings the ships name, call sign, po

31、sition, draft, ETA and so on.27.What kind of information is usually provided by the pilot station? Pilot boarding time and position is usually provided by the pilot station.28.Who issues the shore passes to the crew members wishing to go ashore? The Immigration officer issues the shore passes to the

32、 crew members.第四章 靠离泊作业*(考试重点)1.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers? Before releasing the bow stoppers for anchoring, we must to check the ships speed and the depth of water.2.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters? No, I

33、 can not. If the depth of water is 50 meters or more, I should send the anchor to the sea bottom with the windlass and then slack away the chain slowly.3.Why is dangerous to anchor in ice? If the ship to anchor in ice, may be trapped by the ice and the anchor may not be brought up.4.Whats the call s

34、ign of your ship? My ships call sign is 3ELK9.5.Whats the ships nationality? The ships nationality is PANAMA.6.Whats your IMO number of your ship? My ships IMO number is 9431109.7.What type is your vessel? My vessel is a bulk carrier.8.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival? Befo

35、re a ship arrival, by VHF or TELEX get in touch with a port.9.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what is requested to report? When the vessel enters the VTS area, I request to report theships name, call sign, position, draft, ETA and so on.10.If you are ordered: “Stand by both engines!” How should

36、 you reply and report? I should reply “Stand by both engines!” and report “Both engines stand by!”11.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for? ETD stand for “Estimated Time of Departure”.12.Why must you consider ships speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers? In order not to exceed the

37、SWL of the bow stoppers.13.Can you list at least three mooring lines? The mooring lines including the head line, stern line, breast line and spring line.14.You are about to enter a fairway and you want to relay your intention to the VTS. Using a standard message marker and a phrase, what should you

38、say? I should say “VTS, this is MV BEAGLE VII, I am entering the fairway”.15.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable? Generally speaking, the maximum speed is less than 2 KTS, but for VLCC is less than 0.5 KTS. 16.Why is a magnetic com

39、pass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate? Because the magnetic compass needs little maintenance and require no power source and it can be used in case of the gyro compass breakdown.第五章 装卸作业1.What is the loading capacity of your vessel? My vessels loading capacity is 17,000 tons.2.What

40、 cargo hand gear and equipment dose your vessel have? My vessel have three deck cranes.3.Please list some cargo papers. The cargo papers as followings the stowage plan, shipping order, B/L, cargo manifest and so on.4.Please describe the general nature of general cargo. The general cargo is a verity

41、of cargo and is packed separately.5.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo. The bulk cargo is the single cargo without package when under transport.6.What kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting? The canvas sling is suitable for lifting bulk cargo, bagged cargo, and so on.7.What

42、 kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting? The chain sling is suitable for lifting general cargo, such as steel sheets,timber and so on.8.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting? The net sling is suitable for lifting general cargo in pieces. 9.What does the abbreviation SWL sta

43、nd for? SWL stand for “Safe working load”.10.What does “shifting cargo” mean? “Shifting cargo” means “To move the cargo from one place to another”.11.What does “Union purchase” mean? “Union purchase” means “A method of cargo handing by combining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the hatch and

44、 the other over the ships side”.12.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo? Before loading cargo, the cargo holds should be cleaned and made ready for use and inspection.13.What does the abbreviation COW stand for? COW stand for “Crude Oil Washing”.14.How many classes of dangerous goods

45、 are there according to the IMDG code? Can you list some? There are 9 classes of dangerous goods, such as explosive, flammables, poisons, corrosives and so on.15.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo? The flammable cargo is classified as the cargo is easy to burn, including gas, liquid

46、 and solid.16.What does “compatibility of goods” mean? “Compatibility of goods” means “The different goods can be stowed together in one hold”.17.What can be used to removed spillage? Such as the oil absorbent, chemical agent, rags and some other equipment can be used to removed spillage.18.What sha

47、ll be ensured before entering the enclosed space? Before entering the enclosed space, the ventilate fully and oxygen detection should be ensured.19.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space? Before entering an enclosed space, I must be worn the breathing apparatus, gloves, helmet, safety shoes, safety line and so on.20.Whats the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores? If the cargo damage caused by the stevedores, as a C/O, I should ask the foreman to confirm the cargo damage.21.Can you list some ways of correcting


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