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1、小学英语法大全- 5 - e.g. Lucy and Lilys bedroom.(Lucy 和 Lily共用一个卧室) Lucys and Lilys bedrooms.(Lucy 和 Lily分别拥有各自的卧室) 表示无生命的物体的名词所有格,一般与of短语连用。 e.g. a map of the world ,a photo of my family 双重所有格:把of所有格和s所有格结合在一起表示所有关系。 e.g. a friend of my fathers 第4讲 冠词 冠词一般用在名词的前面,对名词起限定作用,不能离开名词单独存在。 1、不定冠词a,an用在单数可数名词前面,

2、泛指一类人或物中的任何一个。 a用于辅音音素开头的名词之前。e.g. a bed,a computer,a “U” an用于元音音素开头的名词之前。 e.g. an egg,an umbrella,an hour 2、定冠词the用在单数或复数可数名词前,也可用在不可数名词前。 表示特指的人或物前。 e.g. The man with a flower in his hand is Jack. 指说话人双方都知道的人或物前。 e.g. Lily, close the door, please. 在上文提到过,第二次又提到的人或物前。 e.g. There is a man under the

3、tree. The man is called James. 表示世界上独一无二的事物前。 e.g. The sun is bigger than the moon. 用在序数词前面。 e.g. It is the first day of the new term. 用在乐器名称前。 e.g. He often plays the violin at weekends. 用在形容词最高级前。 e.g. Spring is the best season in a year. 用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 e.g. I went to the Great Wall last week. 用

4、在国家名称的缩写前。 e.g. He is from the UK. 3、零冠词:名词前不用冠词的情况。 在季节、月份、星期、节假日、三餐、球类或棋类运动前,通常不用冠词。 e.g. have breakfast ,play basketball,play chess 第5讲 代词 1、人称代词:表示“我、你、他、她、它、我们、你们、他们”的词。 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 主格一般用在句子开头做主语,通常用在动词前。 e.g. I am a student

5、. They are cleaning the classroom. 宾格可以用来表示动作行为的对象,一般用在动词和介词后面。 - 6 - e.g. Ask her, please. Listen to me carefully. 2、物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its our your their 名 词 性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 形容词性物主代词后面一般要带上名词。如:my watch, his cousin, our

6、school 名词性物主代词本身就可以看作是名词,故其后不能再加名词,可单独使用。 e.g. Is that your bike? No. Mine is blue. 3、不定代词:没有明确指定代替某个(些)人或物的词叫不定代词。 (1)some和any 都表示“一些”,既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。 some多用在肯定句中,any多用在否定句和疑问句中。 e.g. There are some flowers in the garden. (肯定句) There isnt any milk in the fridge. (否定句) Do you have any hobbies?

7、 (疑问句) 在表示邀请和希望对方给予肯定回答的疑问句中也要用some。 e.g. Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. (邀请) Mum, can I have some peaches? Sure.(希望对方给予肯定回答) (2)both和all both表示“两个都”,只指代或修饰可数名词。 e.g. We are both policemen.(强调两人) all表示“三个或三个以上都”,既可指代或修饰可数名词,也可指代或修饰不可数名词。 e.g. They are all in the room.(至少三人) (3)many和much都表示

8、“许多”,many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词。 e.g. My uncle has many stamps. There is much tea in the cup. (4)each和every each强调个人,指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指许多人或事物的“全体”,与all的意思相近。 e.g. Ill buy a present for each of her parents. 我要为她的父母每人买一件礼物。 Every book in his study is interesting. 他书房里的每本书都很有趣。 (5)other 作形容词时意思是“其

9、他的”,指尚未提到的部分,其后一般接复数名词。 e.g. We study Chinese, English, Maths and other subjects. (6)something和everything something 某事;某物 e.g. I want something to drink. everything 一切事物;每样事物 e.g. Tell me everything about you. (7)nobody 没有人 e.g. She likes nobody and nobody likes her. 4、疑问代词:用来表达疑问或构成疑问句的代词,一般放在疑问句的句

10、首。 what 问什么 Whats your name? My name is Tom. What colour 问颜色 What colour is your coat? Its red. what day 问星期 What day is it today? Its Monday. what date 问日期 What date is it today? Its the first of June. - 7 - what shape 问形状 What shape is the moon? Its round. whatjob 问工作 Whats your fathers job? Hes a

11、 bus driver. what time 问时间 What time is it? Its ten oclock. when 问时候 When is your birthday? Its on the first of May. which 问哪个 Which is your watch, this one or that one? That one. where 问地点 Where is my pen? Its on the floor. who 问谁 Who is the boy with big eyes? Hes Liu Tao. whose 问谁的 Whose bag is th

12、is? Its Helens. why 问原因 Why are you absent today? Im ill. how 问方式 How do you go to school? By bus. how many 问数量 How many books are there? There are five. how much 问价钱 How much is it? Twenty yuan. how old 问年龄 How old are you? Im twelve. how far 问距离 How far is it from here? Its about one kilometer. how about 问情况 Im thirsty. How about you? Me, too. 5、指示代词 this(这个)、these(这些)表示在时间上或空间上较近的人或物。 that(那个)、those(那些)表示在时间上或空间上较远的人或物。


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