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1、江西国编教师招聘考笔试真题答案小学英语资料仅供参考小学英语第一部分客观题 . Vocabulary and structure (Questions 1 to 20)(10 分,每小题 5 分)1. The sounds/praiz/should match the word_.A. prize B. praise C. price D. piece2. _ the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality.A. By B. With C.

2、 For D. One3. The idea of building an online bookstore with millions () of titles was very _to me. Yeah, I hope you can follow your heart to go for it.A. Kind B. Exciting C. Excited D. Happy4. As I _, my son learned to speak English fluently before the school year was over.A. had expected B. was exp

3、ecting C. would expect D. Expected资料仅供参考5. You didn tanswer when I called you yesterday. On, I _ my favorite TV program Running Man.A. an watching B. had watched C. watched D. was watching6. By recycling textbooks,the cost of the bookswill be() reduced greatly, and there is nodoubtthatit willunloads

4、ome _ of thefamilies and students.A. budget B. buffet C. boom D. burden7. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging,emailing.but we seem _ the artofcommunicating face-to-face.A. losing B. to be losing C. to be lost D. havinglost8. Manyyoung people are crazy abouttheKorean TVseries Descendants of theS

5、unrecently. Exactly. The series is _ one this year.A. less popular B. popular C. the most popular D. the least popular资料仅供参考9. Sometimes thechildrenjust_ havesomeone ( ) withthepatience andwillingness to lendan ear and spare a little oftheir time.A. may B. must C. can D. need10. Do you mind if I re

6、cord your lecture? _. Go ahead.A. Never mind B. No, you d better notC. Not at all D. No way11. When did you decide to be a teacher? Let s see. I am twenty, and Ito be onesince() ten years ago.A. have wanted B. wanted C. had been wantingD. was wanting12. This is the website _ I intend to add to my fa

7、vorites to help me learn how to teach.A. where B. what C. which D. why13. Britishpeoplesay“ pleaseand”“ thankyou ”all the time _ some people in Asia maythink it unnecessary.A. while B. when C. until D. since14. Notuntilsome studentsfailedtheexam资料仅供参考_ how much ()time they had wasted.A. theyrealized

8、B. didtheyrealizeC.didt they realizeD. they didt realize15. It is the soul singer Adele and her songs()the students often talk about in their spare time.A. whoB. howC. whereD. that16. This book on idioms is interesting. Id like( ). Where did you buy it, Simon?A. itB. thisC. thatD. one17.AS can be se

9、en, the centralgovernmentis() sparing no pains to() the officalsoveruse of power to make a healthier party.A. keep downB. keep outC. keep offD. keep up18.I didnt understand(),so I raised my had toask.A. what my teacher saysB. what does myteacher saysC. what my teacher saidD. whatdidmyteacher say19. The 31st SummerOlympics() inriodeJaneiro , Brazil from August 5 to 21,.


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