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1、初一年级英语知识竞赛班级: 姓名: 学号: 总分:一、单项选择(40%)1. - _Tom often _ his mother with homework? - Yes, he _.A. Does, help, does B. Does, helps, does C. Do, help, do D. Do, helps, do 2. He is an honest boy. He _ lies.A. often B. sometimes C. always D. never3. There is _ desk in the room. _ old book is on it.A. a, A

2、B. an, An C. a , An D. an, A4. I like my school _ the teachers are all very nice.A. because B. so C. but D. or5. Most boys enjoy _ games on the Internet. A. playing B. play C. to play D. to playing 6. There _ two bags of rice on the table. A. is B. are C. has D. have7. He brushes his _, eats an egg

3、and _, and then he goes to school. A. tooth, a piece of bread B. teeth, two pieces of breads C. tooths, a piece of bread D. teeth, two pieces of bread8. The T-shirt is dirty. Can I _, Mum? A. throw away it B. throws it away C. throw it away D. it throw away 9. I _ half an hour _ for a walk after din

4、ner every day. A. take, to go B. spend, going C. spend to go D. take, going 10. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything11. If I _ free tomorrow, I _ go with you. A. am, / B. am, will C. will be, will D. will, /12. We e

5、njoyed _at the party. A. we B. us C. ours D. ourselves13. Will you _ cure him, Doctor? A. able B. able to C. be able D. be able to14. - Anna, what about _ sightseeing next weekend? - Ok. We can go to Ocean Park if it _. A. go, isnt raining B. go rains C. going, wont rain D. gong, doesnt rain15. - I

6、failed my English test. -_. If you work hard enough, you _ pass it next time. A. Good, will B. All right, dont C. Great, dont D. Dont worry, will16. Linda wants to _ all the clubs. A. take part B. take part in C. join D. join to17. The little boy was very _ to see the seven horses in the park. A. su

7、rprising B. surprise C. surprised D. surprises18. Its interesting _ the rocket rise into the sky. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching19. Thats not _ room. Mine is on the second floor. A. me B. my C. I D. mine 20. The room isnt yours. Its _. A. she B. her C. his D. hers 二、语音 (10%) A. 从各题所给的A、

8、B、C、D项中,找出划线部分发音不同的选项。21. ( ) A. foot B. wood C. fool D. cook22. ( ) A. think B. these C. there D. that 23. ( ) A. plays B. flowers C. boys D. makesB. 从各题所给的A、B、C、D项中,找出重读音节位置不同的选项。24. ( ) A. nervous B. without C. garden D. future25. ( ) A. diary B. ourselves C. postcard D. spaceship三、单词拼写 35%26. St

9、udents in China usually go to junior high school at the a_ of 12.27. My h_ is collecting coins.28. My d_ is to be an engineer.29. Sam goes to school on foot every day, and I usually r_ a bike to school.30. Afternoon classes e_ (结束)at 4:55 in our school.31. Its important for us to p_ (保护)our Earth.32

10、. China is a l_ country. And Japan is just a small country.33. Winter is often cold and s_.(下雪的)34. People usually s_(度假) time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.35. The weather is cool and d_ in autumn.36. He looks w_(弱的) because he has a cold now.37. He likes taking photos so he alway

11、s takes a c_ (相机)with him everywhere he goes.38. I always feel n_ (紧张的)when I stand up to answer the teachers questions in class.39. There is a b_ over the river, You can walk across it.40. Peoples Square is in the c_ of Shanghai.41. Guangzhou has many m_ (现代化的)tall buildings.42. Can you t_ me how t

12、o read this word?43. Collecting s_(邮票) is my favourite hobby.44. That is a m_(模型) plane but it can fly high.45. When I am f_, I always help my mother with the housework.46. Everybody likes Mike because he is very kind and f_ to everyone.47. People will die w_ (没有)air.48. It is raining hard and the g

13、round is w_.49. The game is so b_ (枯燥的,乏味的)that no kids want to play it any more.50. My mother is busy as a b_.(蜜蜂)51. There are many a_(令人大为惊讶的) animals in the deep sea. They are colourful and lovely.52. He often goes to the book f_(集市) to buy new books.53. I am still thirsty. Can you give me a_(另一

14、) cup of tea?54. You need to read the travel g_.(指南)55. China is one of the most important countries in A_.56. I was born in Foshan, a small t_ near Guangzhou57. Today is the first day of the new term. Many students r_(回到) to the school happily.58. I will help you with the housework i_ I have time.5

15、9. You must do it y_(你自己). Nobody can help you.60. The island is p_ (部分)of our country.四、写出下列句子中动词的过去式。(15%)61. He _ (go) to see a film yesterday.62. I _(have) a picnic with my friends in the park last week.63. -What _ (do) you buy in the shop? -I _ (buy) some toys for my little son.64. -_ (be) you

16、at home last night? -No, I _(be not). I _ (be) at school.65. The story _ (make) me laugh.66. Our teacher _ (tell) us to hand in winter homework.67. - _ (do) he give you his telephone number? - Yes. He _ (give) me just now.68. I _ (do not) go to school yesterday because I _ (feel) weak69. My relatives _ (come) to see me on Spring Festivals.70. I lost my book yesterday. I _ (find) it in my room just now.4


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