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1、中国传统古诗的英文翻译【篇一】中国传统古诗的英文翻译五言律诗王维终南别业中岁颇好道, 晚家南山陲。兴来美独往, 胜事空自知。行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。Five-character-regular-verseWang WeiMY RETREAT AT MOUNT ZHONGNANMy heart in middle age found the Way.And I came to dwell at the foot of this mountain.When the spirit moves, I wander aloneAmid beauty that is all f

2、or me.I will walk till the water checks my path,Then sit and watch the rising clouds -And some day meet an old wood-cutterAnd talk and laugh and never return.【篇二】中国传统古诗的英文翻译五言律诗孟浩然望洞庭湖赠张丞相八月湖水平, 涵虚混太清。气蒸云梦泽, 波撼岳阳城。欲济无舟楫, 端居耻圣明。坐观垂钓者, 空有羡鱼情。Five-character-regular-verseMeng HaoranA MESSAGE FROM LAKE D

3、ONGTINTO PREMIER ZHANGHere in the Eighth-month the waters of the lakeAre of a single air with heaven,And a mist from the Yun and Meng valleysHas beleaguered the city of Youzhou.I should like to cross, but I can find no boat.How ashamed I am to be idler than you statesmen,As I sit here and watch a fi

4、sherman castingAnd emptily envy him his catch.【篇三】中国传统古诗的英文翻译五言律诗孟浩然与诸子登岘山人事有代谢, 往来成古今。江山留胜迹, 我辈复登临。水落鱼梁浅, 天寒梦泽深。羊公碑字在, 读罢泪沾襟。Five-character-regular-verseMeng HaoranON CLIMBING YAN MOUNTAIN WITH FRIENDSWhile worldly matters take their turn,Ancient, modern, to and fro,Rivers and mountains are changeless in their gloryAnd still to be witnessed from this trail.Where a fisher-boat dips by a waterfall,Where the air grows colder, deep in the valley,The monument of Yang remains;And we have wept, reading the words.


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