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1、泰州市白马中学2011 年秋学期第一阶段学业水平测试九年级英语试卷(本卷满分: 150考试时间 120 分钟)一、听力(20 分)A)从 A、B、 C 三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5分)()()()()()B) 听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。(共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5分)()6. What colour does Tom like better?A. Red.B. Blue.C. Yellow.()7. What are the two friends talking about?A. Summer holiday

2、s.B. Their hometown.C. Their friends.()8. Why did Mr. Smith go to Nanjing?A. To visit a factory.B. To give a talk.C.Tohaveaholiday.()9. Whose bike is broken?A. Linda sB. John s.C.LilyandLucys.()10. What does the mans answer mean?AThe woman cant sit beside himBThe woman can sit beside himCSomeone els

3、e will sit beside himC) 听对话和短文回答问题,从所给选项中选出最佳答案。听两遍。 (10 分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12 小题:()11. Where is the mother going?1A. She is going to school.B. She is going to the hospital.C. She is going to the supermarket.()12. What does the boy want?A. He wants a ball pen.B. He wants a pen.C.He wants a ball.听第二段对话,回

4、答第13-15小题:()13. Where is the new library?A. Near the museum.B. In London School.C. On Ocean Road.()14. What can they do in the video reading room?A. They can listen to tapes.B. They can borrow some books.C. They can search the Internet.()15. When can they see a free film?A. On Tuesdays.B. On Saturda

5、ys.C. On Sundays.听短文,回答第 16-20小题:()16. What does Andy like?A. He likes driving.B. He likes drinking.C. He likes swimming.()17. How many times did Andy decide to give up drinking?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.()18 Charlie became angry because_AAndy hit a policeman BAndy was hurtC Andy drank again()

6、19 What did Andy decide to do at last?AHe decided to keep drinkingBHe decided to keep all the laws and rules and stop drinkingCHe decided to lose his best friend()20 Which of the following isnot trueabout Charlie?AHe ishelpfulBHe isa truefriendCHe does notlikeAndy二、单项选择( 20 分)()1.One afternoon he fo

7、und_ handbagTherewas _ “s” on thecornerof _ handbag A a;an; the B a; a; the C an;an; anD the ; a; a()2.Whenwe say someone isgreen withevery,it means he or she isvery.A generousB energeticCjealousD active() 3. She is very modest. She never.A shows upB shows offC shows aroundD shows through() 4. Mr Wu

8、 is patient enough to spend a lot of time.A explain us thingsBexplaining us thingsC explain things to usDexplaining things to us() 5. -Would you mind my sitting here? -. It s for my sister.A Not at allB Of courseC Certainly notD Youdbetter not() 6. These photosmethe old days when I was young.A let,

9、thinkB make, thinkCremind, toD remind, of() 7. Simon _ walking _ jogging after supper every day.2A.prefers,thanB.prefers,toC.would rather,thanD.would rather,to()8.Thispairofjeanslooksnice_Sandybecauseshelooksverynice_blue.She also likes to paint her room _blue.A. on;in; inB. in;on ;/C. for;on ;inD.o

10、n;in; /()9.It scareless_himtomake thesame mistakeagain.Ithinkitimportant_everyone to be careful in everything.A. to; forB. for; ofC. of; toD. of; for()10. Is there_ in todays newspaper?A. anything else interestingB. interesting anything elseC. something else interestingD. interesting something else(

11、) 11.The best colorLisa is yellow, she always getsin tests.A. represents ; bad marksB. to represent ; good marksC. to represent ; bad marksD. represents ; good marks() 12. A _ lazy man cant earn_ money.A. too much; too muchB. much too; much tooC. much too; too manyD. much too; too much() 13. Not all

12、 the students would rathercomputer games than.A play, studyB playing,studyingC toplay,tostudyDplaying , study() 14Dont forget to give my best wishes to your parents. _.A. No, I wontB. OK, I willC. Yes, I wontD. Yes, I do() 15. Why not _ Tom _ his English?A. help; improve B. to help; improveC. help;

13、improving D. to help;improving() 16. -Mum, may I have some cakes?-Sorry,there s _ leftin the box. Illgo and buy some foryou tonight.A. nothingB. no oneC. noD. none() 17. The ice is not thick enough for them_.A. to skate on itB.skating on itC.to skateD. to skate on() 18. Milliefinds mathsvery diffiuc

14、lt.The underlined partbelongs to _ inthe sentence.A. predicateB. object complimentC. attributiveD. subject() 19.The old bike requires,so you d better have itsoonA. to repair ;repairedB. repairing; repairedC. repaired; repaireD. to repairing; repaired() 20.- Could you tell me_?- -Sorry. I dont know.

15、I was not at the meeting.A. what did he speak at the meetingB. what he says at the meetingC. what he said at the meetingD. what he speaks at the meeting三、完形填空(15 分)Todays young people are takinga more activepartin onlineactivities.Althoughthe Internet can be1for students to collect information andco

16、mmunicate (交流) with their friends, teachers and parents are becoming more and more2about3the unhealthywebcontent(网上内容)inthebar.They think that the birthof“ Harm-freeInternet Bars(健康网吧) is 3 step to 4 teenagers.”It was Sunday afternoon and there were not many5 seats left in the FeiyuInternet Bar. A f

17、ew6 were found playing7 . A person of the bar was walkingaround 8f Internet users online activities.“My job is to find anyone who is looking at9websites and then 10themfrom doing so, ” he said.“This isa11of the Harm-freeInternetBarproject”.Feiyu, a famous Internet bar in Beijing is among the first 1

18、9 to 12the harm-freeInternet bar club.In ordertohelp starta better13forteenagers onlineactivities,ChinasCommunist YouthLeague has broughtout the program named “Harm-freeInternetBar forTeens”.But whileteachersand parents14the“harm- freeInternetbars ”,15 domanyschool students think of them?()1. A. suc

19、cessfulB. usefulC. hopefulD.interesting()2. A. amazedB. excitedC. frightenedD. worried()3. A. an easyB. a hardC. an importantD.animpossible()4. A. preventB. stopC. askD. protect()5. A. comfortableB. emptyC. singleD. clean()6. A. teachersB. studentsC. parentsD. officers()7. A. musicB. bridgeC. chessD

20、.onlinegames()8. A. watchingB. lookingC. seeingD. finding()9. A. interestingB. healthyC. unknownD. harmful()10. A. stopB. tellC. makeD. encourage()11. A. workB. programC. roomD. pace()12. A. joinB. helpC. openD. keep()13. A. placeB. environmentC. Internet barD. club()14. A. complain aboutB. worry ab

21、outC. welcomeD. club()15. A. howB. whyC. whatD. whether四、阅读理解(40 分)AIn China,peopleta lkabout “Shuxiang”,which isveryinteresting.For example,2006 is a “dog year ”, and when a baby is born in this year, we say he or she is alittle dog. Shuxiang usually brings people good luck. There are 12 animals be

22、low.social, having rich feelings, friendly but complaininghard, ordered, but keeping old4brave, confident, but carelesspeaceful, having a good manner, a business head but cold emotionactive, outgoing, popular but selfishfascinating(迷人的 ), thoughtful, but doubtfulactive, self-confident, wise but prou

23、d and angrykind, helpful, elegant but sadwide, clever, warm, unsatisfied butslick ( 圆滑的 )confident, helpful, happy, but dressyrealistic,loyal ( 忠诚的 ), practicalhard, honest, simple, lucky but careless()1. When a baby is born in 2008, we can say he or she is a little.A. pigB. rat(鼠)C. tigerD. snake()

24、2. If we call a boy a little horse, when was he born?A. In 1998.B. In 2000.C. In 2002.D. In 2004.()3. Mr Lu, our English teacher, was born in 1976, a dragon year. Can you choosethe right description of his characteristics?A. He is a active, self-confident, resourceful but proud and angry B. He is ki

25、nd, helpful, artistic but sadC. He is active, outgoing, popular but selfishD. He is fascinating, thoughtful but dressy and doubtful()4. If someone is brave, confident but careless, we can guess he was born in a year.A. ratB. dogC. horseD. tiger5()5. Which of the following is not True?A. In China, wh

26、en me talk about“Shuxiang”, it means twelve animals.B. From the passage, we can know 2010 is a hare (兔 )year.C. Shuxiang perhaps brings you good luck, but we shouldnt believe it.D. A cock year always comes after a monkey year.BThe size andshape(外形) of your ears show yourcharacter (性格) more than anyo

27、ther part of the face. Other parts of the face change shapes as we get older, butears do not change their shapes. They only change in size.Reading people s character from their ears is a very old science. In the pastpeople thoughtthata person s ears with colourwas dangerous.They alsothoughtthatthe s

28、hape of the ears showed if a person was musical or not. Today, too , many peoplebelieve that the size and shape of the ears help you know if a person is musical.Ears are all different,and each different thing has a meaning. Next time youlook at a person, see if his or her ears are large, medium-size

29、 , or small. Look atthe lobes (耳垂) .Do they stick to the face? Ears that are always red mean that a person may get angry easily. Ears that are always cold and nearly white colour mean that a person has a nervous (神经质) character.()6. When a baby is born,.A his / her ears are redB his / her ears will

30、not change all thelifeC his / her ears will not change in shapeD he / she will get large ears()7. Reading peoples character from their ears is.A only for musicBan old ideaC very newD a good way to talk with others()8. When ones ears are red,it means.A he is a kind manBhe is very happyC he may get an

31、gry easilyD he drinks too much()9 If you look at someones ears , the right way is.A to look at his face , ears and noseBto look at the size ,colour ,and shapeC tolookat hismouth, eyes and nose D to lookat the hair , eyes and colour()10. Which may be the best title of the article?A Looking at a perso

32、n in the right way.B Ears and colours.C The change of ears.DEars and charactersCOne morning Mrs Perry said to her husband,“Jack, there is a meeting of ourladies clubat Mrs Youngs house at lunchtimetoday,and I want to go. I llleaveyou some food for your lunch. Is that all right?”“Oh, yes. ” Her husba

33、nd answered,“that s quiteallright.What are you goingto leave for my lunch?”“This tin of fish,” Mrs Perry said,“And there are some cold, boiledpot atoesand some beans here, too.”“Good.” Then Mrs Perry went to her meeting. All the ladies had lunch at Mrs6Youngs house, and at three oclock Mrs Perry cam

34、e home.“Was your fish nice, Jack?” she asked.“Yes, but my feet are hurt.” He answered.“Oh, that s strange, but how? ”“Well, on the tin were these words OPENTHE TIN ANDSTANDIN HOTWATERFOR FIVE MINUTES”.()11.Mrs Perry wanted to _.A. meet her husband B. meet Mr Jack C. go to Mrs Youngs house D. see Mrs

35、Young()12.Mr Perry had to _.A. have lunch outsideB. have lunch by himself at homeC. ask his wife to buy some food for himD. cook dinner by himself()13.Mrs Perry asked her husband to eat _ for his lunch.A. some cold, boiled potatoes, some beans and a tin of fishB. some beans, some cold potatoesC. a t

36、in of fish, some bens and tomatoesD. some cold potatoes and a tin of fish()14.Mrs Perry had her lunch _.A. at home B.at Mr Jacks house C.at a fishand chipshop D.at Mrs Youngshouse()15.Mr Perrys feet were hurting because _.A. that tin of fish hurt his feetB. he fell down and hurt his feetC. he stood

37、in hot water for 5 minutesD. his wife hurt him with that tin offishDJess really felt very happy When he arrived at his seat in the classroom thatmorning , he found an invitation on his desk It was from several of his classmatesasking him to join them on a camping trip Thiswas the first time he was asked tojoin in an outof-school activity Why were they asking him now? Nobody seemed tolike himIn fact, he had been so lonely that he drowned his feeling with food Asa result , he had put on a lot of weight , and this gave the kids something more to make fun of him Cindy,


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