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1、牛津 7A Unit8 Welcome to the unit一.教学目标 :1. 知 目 :重点 : fashion, lazy, tie, blouse, shirt, trousers, shoes重点短 : be made of; 10 more minutes; borrow from ; lend to重点句子 : Im thinking about what to wear .That s right . You re so lazy.2. 技能目 : 掌握与服装、穿着有关的 。 能 服装的 用 。 学会向他人借 西。3. 情感目 :通 学 明白内在美才是真正的美。二、课堂活动L

2、ead in.Step One Free talkFree talk and lead in the topic Fashion. Show a photo of a new and an old style of clothes.Question:What do you think of their clothes?We often talk about clothes about three parts: the colour, the style and the material.Presentation:Step Two Clothes A1. Let s talk about the

3、 colour first.1) Show some colours. Can you name the colours? 2) Show some colourful ties. Teach: grey, purple, pink, tie2. Now let ks atloothe style of the clothes.1) Show many colourful shopping bags. Number 4 of them. Ask the students to choose them one by one.2) Teach different styles of clothes

4、. You must tell us the name and the colour of them.3. What about the material of the clothes?1) Show some pictures of some materials.2) The materials can be made into different beautiful clothes. Show some clothes and ask the students to tell the names of the clothes.3) Ask: What are they made of? P

5、ractise in pairs.4) Show the students a bag with 4 things in it. Ask the students to touch them without having alook. Ask: What is it made of? Then take it out and ask: What is it?Teach: be made of ; leather, cotton, wool, silkStep Three Clothes B1. Learn the short dialogue between Mum and Millie.2.

6、 Make a similar dialogue.Step Four Comic stripsOur old friends want to help the poor children.1. Listen and answer two questions.2. Open your books and turn to page 93. Read the dialogue to yourselves. After reading, try to find out some problems.3. Solve the problems:1) think about what to wear2) s

7、pend 10 more minutes4. Act out the dialogue.Step Five Extensive partWould you like to help the poor children? Then we will take part in the fashion show.1. Work in 4.Make a coversation about what to wear.You can use: what to wear; 数字 +more+名 复数; borrow; lend2. Make students know we can t judge a person by his appearance.三、家庭作业1.Choose a photo of your family and describe what your family are wearing.2.Give some suggestions to be more fashionable on your family.


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