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1、牛津英语9A 选择题专练1.You each _ good sense of humour.A. withB. hasC. haveD. are2.The room is safe to _ .A. live inB. living inC. liveD. live with3.When you feel _ to watch TV by then, you are all right.A.enough goodB.enough wellC. well enoughD. good enough4.If it isn t yours, it must be.A. somebody elseB.

2、somebody else s C. elseomebody D. else ssomebody5.I can t decide_ .A. to buy which oneB. which one to buyC. to buy whichD. which to buy one6. _ of them felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.A. Everyone; a two daysB. Every one; the two daysC. Every one; the two-dayD. None; a two-day7

3、. “ Doyou want an apple, a banana or a pear? “ ” . They all look bad. ”A. BothB. NoneC. AllD. No one8. Your son is old enough to _ himself.A. wearB. dressC. put onD. have on9. “ Will you go to Lucy sbirthdaypartythisSunday,Li lei? ”“_ I if you _. ”A. So do; goB. So will;goC. Neitherdo; willgoD. Sosh

4、all; will go10.She feels unhappy, _?A. doesn t she B. does sheC. isn t sheD. is she11.I m very sorry to keep youfor a long timeA. waitB. waitsC. waitingD. to wait12.Could you tell me what _ like?A. is itB. does itC. it doesD. it is13.Nothing is wrong with my watch, _?A. is thereB. isn t itC. is itD.

5、 are they14.Don t open the window,_ ?A. shall weB. won t youC. do youD. will you15.If you don t go to the cinema tonight,_ .A. so will I B. Neither do IC. Neither shall ID. So I will1牛津英语9A 选择题专练16._ of the twins has been there before.A. BothB. NeitherC. allD. None17.The colours of his trousers are

6、different from _ of yours.A. oneB. onesC. thatD. those18.“ What do you think of his surfing?” “ Oh, no .one” does _A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best19.Running and swimming _ good for you.A. beB. isC. areD. maybe20.Can you please spend _ explaining it _ us?A. sometimes; toB. some time; toC. some times;f

7、or D.sometime; for21.It is _ comfortable to read in a _ room.A. too, quiet B. very, quietC. quite, quietD. so, quite22.I can t get on the bus because there is on it.A. not any roomsB. no roomsC. little roomD. fewroom23.Mike never listens to _ except his uncle.A. someoneB. no oneC. everyoneD. anyone2

8、4. With tall buildings on _ of the streets, the town looks more beautiful than before.A. neither sidesB. both sideC. either side D. everysides25.Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, but somestill _ _too much.A. payB. spendC. takeD. cost26.Modest men are never _ of the progress they ha

9、ve made.A. proudB. afraidC. certainD. thinking27.The price of the coat is so _that I can t buy it.A. expensiveB. valuableC. lowD. high28._ what way did you work out the Maths _?A. In, problemB. By, problemC. In, questionD. By, question29.Mr. Wang offered _ me some books.A. giveB. to giveC. givingD.

10、given30.I don t think you are right, _?A. do youB. do IC. are youD. aren t you31.My brother _ for half a month.A. has been awayB. went awayC. has leftD. left2牛津英语9A 选择题专练32. Your school things should _.A. be looked after wellB. be looked well afterC. be taken good careD. be taken care of well33. I t

11、hink your bike _.A. needs to fixB. needs fixingC. needs to fixingD.needs fixed34. Would you mind _?A. me to smoke hereB. my smoking at hereC. me smoking hereD. if I will smoke here22.Fishing with Dad was so_ for little Sam that he almostfell asleep.A. excitedB. excitingC. boredD. boring25. I know th

12、is plan is far from perfect, but I just cant think of_ one.A. a betterB. the betterC. a bestD. the best28.If I am wanted on the telephone, ask him to leave a _.A. messageB. letterC. diaryD. sentence33. It s really _you to drive so fast on such a rainy day.Slow down!A. madforB. mad ofC. wise forD. wi

13、se of34. Which would you_, tea or coffee? Either is OK, but I prefer coffee _ milk.A. like ;withB. rather ; toC. rather ; withD. like ; to67.He _ heavilyafter he ran the boys 1500- meterrace.(take in air and send it out through their nose or mouth)68. Playing computer games too much has a bad _on yo

14、ur eyes.69. Why was he arrested? Because he did something _ the law.70. I doubt _ he will attend the meeting or not tomorrow.B) 用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下列句子safethieffarfortywe71. Though she is in her _, she still looks very young.72. With the development of China, some people who went abroad for _study have c

15、ome back.73. They seached those _ houses for their missing money.74. We enjoyed _ trip to the Science Museum very much. What great fun we had!3牛津英语9A 选择题专练75. We should do something for the foreigners _.C、用方框内所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子(每题1 分,共5 分)adviseleavebehelpexplain76. I _ you again and again not to read

16、in the sun. But you dontlisten !77. My family _in China for three weeks last year. I hope I can go there some day.78. _I_youwithyour English?Yes,please.79. How helpful Jack is! He _ Maths problems to his classmates between classes when I passed his classroom yesterday.80.When I got to the station ye

17、sterday, the train _.六、句型转换(每空0.5 分, 5 分)81.He said to me,”I will do it soon . ”(改为间接引语 )He_ me that he _do it soon.82. The shop is open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day. (划线部分提问 )_ is the shop open every day ?83. This boy is so poorthat he cantgo to school.(同义句 )This boy isn trich_ _ go to school.84.”Are you an engineer or a doctor?“He asked. (改为间接引语 )He asked _ I _ an engineer or a doctor.85. Mike draws worst of all the students in his class. (同义句 )Mike draws_ than _ other student in his class.4


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