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1、优美英语励志段落摘抄及翻译【篇一】优美英语励志段落摘抄及翻译If you start with one small, positive thing and repeat it during the course of your day, you will begin to move into a more positive situation: positive thoughts, feelings, opportunities and people will start showing up in your life. With practice, you will find that ov

2、er time, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, irregardless of the events around you.从一件积极的小事情开始,并且一整天就一直重复想着,你将进入一个更加积极的状态:积极的思想、情感、机遇、人们开始装扮你的人生。这样练下去,很快你会发现你将改变你的观点,选择快乐的生活,而不在意周围那些琐事。Here are a few examples for you to practice. Say them out loud and with feeling! 下面有一些方法供你选择练习。要有感

3、情的把它们大声说出来。1. Begin and end each day with a Thank you for this wonderful, glorious day! 在每一天开始和结束的时候,说一句“感谢这么一个愉快的一天”。2. When you see the gas prices hiking, say I am so glad that I am blessed to have a vehicle in which to get around.燃气价格高涨的时候,说“我很高兴我至少还有着这辆车能够到处兜风。”3. When you are late for work, say

4、 I am so happy and grateful for my job as I know that many dont have one.上班迟到时,说“我很幸福并感激我的工作,因为我知道很多人还没有工作。”4. If you are having health problems, be grateful for what does work: I really do appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my mouth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my

5、 hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tongue that talks. The possibilities here are endless: insert what does work for you and feel good about it!如果你的健康出了问题,对当前所拥有的要心存感激:“我真的感激我的眼睛还能看,我的耳朵还能听,我的嘴还能品味,我的双腿还能行走,我的双臂还能抬起,我的双手还能写字,我还能思考,我的双膝还能弯曲,我还能说话”。这儿有无穷尽的种种可能:珍惜你所拥有的,并善待

6、它们!5. Write down what youre grateful for each day. In moments when youre feeling really down, read what you wrote previously. This will help uplift your spirits. If you practice this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer. 记下每天让你感激的事,每当你失落的时候,读一读你以前写下的心情,这会让你从新振作起来。经常这样练习

7、去,你会发现你所感激的东西越来越多。The key is to move yourself into a positive thought and keep it there long enough to make it a moment of blissful peace. The more you practice, the happier youll be. 转为积极情绪并长久保持着这种状态的关键在于为自己创造幸福、宁静的一刻。练的越多,你就越幸福。【篇二】优美英语励志段落摘抄及翻译Some regular travelers take their own belongings: lik

8、e bed sheets, pillowcases and family photos to make them feel like home no matter where they are; some stay for long periods in the same hotel and as a result become very familiar with service and attendants; others may simply put some flowers by the hotel window to make things more homely. Furtherm

9、ore, driving a camping car during ones travels and sleeping in the vehicle at night is just like home - only mobile!有些经常出门的旅者会随身携带些属于自己的日用品,像床单、枕套或全家福相片等,无论走到哪里,这些东西都能带给他们家的感觉;有些人在长驻时会待在同一家旅馆里,使他们对店里的服务和人员都非常熟稔;再有的就可能仅仅在旅馆的窗边摆些花,使房间更像个家。此外,一路开着露营车旅行,晚上就住在车里,这就更像是真正的家了只不过能移动而已!And how about maintaini

10、ng relationships while in transit? Some keep contact with their friends via internet; some send letters and postcards, or even photos; others may just call and say hi, just to let their friends know that theyre still alive and well. People find ways to keep in touch. Making friends on the way helps

11、travelers feel more or less at home. Backpackers in youth hostels may become very good friends, even closer than siblings.那人们在旅程穿梭时,又是如何维系关系的呢?有些人通过互联网跟朋友联络;有些人寄信、明信片,甚至照片;还有些人可能仅仅打个电话问声好,目的仅是让朋友们知道他们还活着,而且活得不错。人们发现了各种各样的联络方式。在旅途中交朋友能帮旅者或多或少地找到一点家的感觉。青年旅店里的背包客也许会成为非常要好的朋友,甚至比手足还要亲! Nowadays, fewer p

12、eople are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging? Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another home waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay home.【篇三】优美英语励志段落摘抄及翻译

13、Facing the Sea With Spring BlossomsHaiZi面朝大海,春暖花开海子From tomorrow on,I will be a happy man.从明天起,做一个幸福的人Grooming,chopping and traveling all over the world.喂马,劈柴,周游世界From tomorrow on,I will care foodstuff and vegetable.从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜Living in a house towards the sea, with spring blossoms.我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开

14、From tomorrow on,write to each of my dear ones.从明天起,和每一个人通信Telling them of my happiness.告诉他们我的幸福What the lightening of happiness has told me. 那幸福的闪电告诉我的I will spread it to each of them.我将告诉每一个人Give a warm name for every river and every mountain. 给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字Strangers,I will also wish you happy.陌生人,我也为你祝福May you have a brilliant future!愿你有一个灿烂的前程May you lovers eventually become spouses!愿有情人终成眷属May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world! 愿你们在尘世获得幸福I only wish to face the sea, with spring blossoms. 我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开Remembering why we are doing something记住我们为什么做某事


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