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1、Chapter one一 课文重点词汇和短语pay attention to 注意 go wrong 出毛病,出错 break down 抛锚 for example 例如lose memory 失忆 become worse 变得更糟be angry with 对生气the Guinness Book of Records 吉尼斯世界记录大全 a short-term/long-term memory 长/短时记忆 a man with an injured brain 一个脑伤的男人amazing stories 令人惊叹的故事be connected to 与相连be/feel amaz

2、ed at 对感到惊讶make an excuse 找借口/借故make an apology to sb. 道歉write an article on the topic 写一篇关于这个主题的文章include a feature about sth. 增加一个关于的特写(报道)look up a word in the dictionary 在字典 里查询单词agree v. 同意agree to V We agreed to leave at once.我们同意立即走。agree to sth. 赞同;允许She agreed to my idea. 她同意我的想法。agree with

3、 sb. 同意某人的意见I agree with Jim. 我同意Jim 的意见。agree with sth. 赞同I dont agree with experiments on animals.agree on sth. 对意见一致They all agree on this case. 他们对此案件意见一致。I think its a bad idea. “I couldnt agree more”.(=I completely agree) 我认为这是一个坏主意。“我完全同意”。反义词:disagree v. 不同意everyday adj.“日常的;例行的;平凡的”相当于daily

4、.The article is written in everyday language. 这篇文章写得浅显易懂。every day 副词短语 “每一天,天天”He gets up at 6:30 every day. 他每天6:30起床。注意 death,die与dead 和dying death 是名词,意思是死亡,die 是动词,死;dead是形容词“死了的,死亡的”之意;dying是形容词,意思是即将死亡的,垂死的二 语法:由if和unless引导的条件状语从句含有if的复合句由两个分句组成;if 为连词,引导条件状语从句,另一句为主句。如果谈论的是某一个动作发生后势必会产生某个结果,

5、那么主从句都用一般现在时态。e.g. If you boil water, it becomes steam. If you drop a glass, it breaks.如果谈论的是如果某一个动作或事情发生后,很可能将会产生某种结果,那么在复句中主句的动词用一般将来时,而if从句仍然是一般 现在时。If he arrives in Hong Kong, he will call me.若 if 条件句放句首,从句后面要加逗号,和主句隔开。unless 与if 用法相似,相当于ifnot e.g. You will fail the exam if you dont prepare for

6、it. You will fail the exam unless you prepare for it.同步练习()You will miss the train _you hurry up.A. unless B as C. if D. until( ) Tom will call me if he_Shanghai. A. arrives B.will reach C arrives in D.get to Chapter 2一课文重点词汇和短语1. look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子 2. succeed in doing sth. = do sth s

7、uccessfully 成功做某事3. instead of 代替 = in place of 4. getinto trouble 使陷入麻烦中5. be in trouble with 与之间有麻烦 6.be in trouble 陷入困境7.all around the world 全世界 8. bad-tempered 脾气坏的9. a number of 许多 =many /a lot of /lots of /plenty of 10. in total 一共 11.stay up 熬夜12. the number of 的数量 13. fall asleep 睡着 go to s

8、leep 去睡觉14. come to life 有生气,活跃 15. play a trick on 捉弄16.stay in bed 卧床 17.escape from 逃离18. laugh at 嘲笑 19. be full of = be filled with 充满20. try to do sth 尽力做某事 21. in the late 1930s 20世纪30年代末22.think of 想到;想起;想出 think about 考虑 think over 仔细思考23. tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 24. a man called= a man w

9、ho is called 叫的人二语法形容词概述1.形容词 用来修饰名词,说明事物的性质,特征或状态。 Mary is a good girl. The cartoons also have a long history.2. 形容词放在连系动词之后,如:be, look, sound, taste, smell, feel, seem, turn, keep, come It looks beautiful. The cake doesnt taste sweet.3. 形容词做宾语补足语.它们能使动作完整并通常与一些特定的动词如:make, keep, want, find, think,

10、 prefer 连用。 They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever. I drank a lot of coffee to keep myself awake.4形容词与不定式连用的两个句型。(1) It is +形容词+of / for sb. + to do sth. 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.。Its very kind_you_ help me. Its clever _ you_work out the

11、 maths problem. 若形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,用for sb.这类形容词有difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible等。 Its very dangerous_children _ cross the busy street. Its difficult _ us_ finish the work.(2) n. + be + 形容词+ to do sth. Comics are wonderful_(read) The film is exciting _(see).5. 形容词修饰不定代

12、词应位于其后: I have _ (一些重要的事情) to tell you. Is there _( 有趣的事情) in todays newspaper?6. 以-ed 和-ing 结尾的形容词的比较:以-ed结尾的形容词强调人的感受:excited,interested,surprised,frightened 以-ing 结尾的形容词强调某事物本身的特征:exciting,interesting,surprising This is an _ book and I am _ in it. ( interest) We were all deeply _ by the _ story.

13、( move)7. 注意1)Good是形容词,副词是well。 但是well 也可以作为形容词,但只能指身体好的。 2)有些词既可以当形容词,又可以做副词:Long, early, late, high, low, enough, much,hard (hardly 意思为几乎不,不是hard的副词) a. He is a hard student. b.He works very hard. a. She is a fast runner. b.She runs very fast. a. Do you like late dinners? b.No,I dont like to eat l

14、ate.3)很多副词由形容词加词尾 ly 构成副词, 有些名词加ly 后可构成形容词(friend +ly -friendly友好的 love+ ly- lovely可爱的)复习:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1. 形容词副词比较级和最高级的构成单音节词加-er 和-est hard-harder-hardest辅音字母y结尾 变y为i,再加-er/ -est easy- easier- easiest重读音节并且是“辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母” 要双写辅音字母再加-er/-esthot-hotter-hottest big-bigger-biggest多音节词前加more /most bea

15、utiful-more beautiful-most beautiful2. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法 两者进行比较A=B as +形容词或副词的原级+ as I am as tall as you. Lucy sings as well as Lily.AB not so/as +形容词或副词的原级+ as He is not as/so careful as his brother. He doesnt run as/so quickly as me.AB或AB 形容词或副词的比较级+ than You are two years younger than me. He is a

16、 little stronger than his father. Nancy dances better than her classmates.三者或三者以上进行比较 使用形容词或副词的最高级 常接in 或of 表比较范围 Who is the tallest in Class Three? Shanghai is the largest of all the cities.注意:one of + 最高级+ 名词的复数 China is one of the strongest countries in the world. the + 序数词+ 最高级+名词的单数 The Yellow

17、River is the second longest river in the world.注意以下几种情况:A. 形容词或副词的比较级前可用much, a little, a bit ,even, far等程度副词或词组表示不同程度,但是注意,very 不行。Im a little/ much/far richer than you. Football is much more exciting than basketball.B. 比较级+and +比较级表“越来越”stronger and stronger more and more beautifulC.“the +比较级, the

18、 +比较级”表示“越是越是”The busier she is, the happier she is.同步练习( )1. You dont look so_as usual.Why dont you go to see a doctor? A. well B. better C. badly D. worse( )2. It is lucky _ to get such a good chance. A. for him B.with him C.of him D.to him( )3. The film is wonderful _. A. seeing B. to see C. saw

19、D. see( )4. This is _ gift I have ever received. I love it very much. A. the best B. better C. worse D. the worst( )5. The fish smells_ .A. badly B. well C. bad D. terribly( )6.Allen spent _ time on the composition, so he made _ mistakes than Tony. A. fewer, more B. less, fewer C. much, many D. more

20、, fewer( )7. They both worked for MGM in the_ 1930s.A. late B. later C. latter D. last( )8. The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a _ show. A. living B. live C. alive D. lived( )9. This bag is as _ as that one. A. better B. good C. best D.well( )10. I

21、find it _ to understand. A. easy B. easily C. to easy D. easylyChapter 3一 课文重点词汇和短语make oneself clear 阐述清楚be in danger 在危险中environmental problems 环境问题keep sb from (doing) sth 阻止某人做某事stop sb from (doing) sth 阻止某人做某事prevent sb from (doing) sth 阻止某人做某事in the form of = in the style of 以的形式 cut down tree

22、s 砍伐树木take in harmful gases = absorb harmful gases 吸入有害气体throw away 丢掉 all the way 全程;一路上mountains of = a mountain of =a number of = a lot of 大量in order to 为了 environmentally friendly 环保的damage the environment 破坏环境act as / act like 扮演,充当 greenhouse effect 温室效应cause sb/ sth to do sth 导致去做as many/ muc

23、h as 多达 reach= arrive in/ at = get to 到达lead to 导致 take action to do sth 采取行动去deal with 处理 be on fire 着火be harmful to sb =be bad for 对有害be different from= be not the same as 与.不同as a result 结果 be grateful to sb= be thankful to sb 对感激二语法A Why-questions:Why 特殊疑问词 why 用来问原因,“为什么”,回答时用because,表“因为”;注意:

24、so 表示所以,在英语中,不能和because 连用A:Why do you like Tom and Jerry? B: Because they are very funny.l Because he was ill, so he didnt come to school. l He didnt come to school because he wasill. = He was ill, so he didnt come to school. B Patterns expressions a comparison 比较句型及表达(not) asas like the same as di

25、fferent from 1. (not) as as 表示在某一点上两事物(不)相同 asas 之间必须用形容词或副词的原级 Im not as tall as my brother. Eric studies as hard as his twin sister.常用短语: as much (+n. ) as 和一样多 ,如那么多, 修饰不可数名词as many (+ n. ) as尽可能多 (修饰可数名词)as soon as尽快,一就 as fast as尽可能快例句: You can eat as much ( chicken ) as you like. You should re

26、member as many English words as you can. Finish your homework as soon as possible. After school, he ran home as fast as he could.2 like (介词)用于说明两事物在一个或更多的方面相同. like+名词或代词 as也表示像的意思, 但 as 后接 从句 The boy looks like his father. Ill do as you advise.3 the same as 用于说明某事物与另一个一样. Im not the same height as

27、my brother. We have lived in this same house for thirty years.same 前面必须有定冠词 the,后加单数名词4. different 正好相反,前面不用加the,后面 用复数名词 We study in the same school, but in different classes. There are different books on the same subject. Note: 但也可以说 a different 加单数名词 This is a different girl from the one I saw ju

28、st now. different from用于说某事物和另一个不一样. The dog is different from the other. * 很多情况下, not as as, not the same as 和 different from之间可以互换. Im not as heavy as him. =Im not the same weight as him. =My weight is different from his.同步练习1. This film is not so interesting _ that one. A. as B. than C. for D. to

29、2. -Is Tom at school today? -No, hes at home _ he has a bad cold. A. because B. if C. until D. before3. He has _ books as I. I have _ money as he. A. as much; as many B. as many; as much C. as many; so much D. more; more4. Im not sure whether Tony can sing _ Pansy! A. as well as B. as good as C. so

30、good as D. as better as5. Look! The boy in the river is _ danger. A. with B. on C. in D. above6. Mike prefers to . A. to swim; skating B. swimming; skating C. to swim; skate D. swimming; skate7. Most of my classmates dont like playing football, but I am_ them. I like it very much. A. the same as B.

31、different from C. like D. pleased with8. The park is _ beautiful that _ many people come to visit it every year. A. so; such B. such; so C. such; such D. so; so9. _ your help, I cant work out the problem. A. With B. No C. Without D. Under10. Your school uniform is different _ ours, but dont throw th

32、em _. A. away; from B. from; away C. as; from D. to; as11. The heavy rain _ us _ to school. A. keeps; going B. stops; going C. to keep; to go D. stops; to go12. The teacher asked us _ in class.A. not talk B. to not talk C. not to talk D. dont talk13. I went to school without _ anything.A. to eat B.

33、eating C. eat D. to eating14. We should read books _.A as much as possible B. as many as possible C. as many as you can D. as much as you can15. I have to do _ homework today. I am very busy.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. little16.She was sick yesterday, but she is _ to go to school today.A.

34、 enough good B. good enough C. well enough D. enough wellChapter 4一 重点单词和短语1. accept v. 接受;承认 (反义词refuse) 2. educational adj. 教育 (n. education)3. exchange n. & v. 交换;交流 4. host n. 主人(反义词guest)5. own adj. 自己的 v. 拥有( n. owner)6. simple = easy adj. 简单的(反义词difficult) 7. culture n. 文化 (adj. cultural)8. c

35、onfident adj. 自信的 (n. confidence) 9. deep adj. 深的 (adv. deeply)10. improve v. 改善,改进 ( n. improvement)短语 1. take a visit / trip to 去某处参观(旅行) 2. be able to do 能够做3. give a talk about/ on sth. to sb. 向某人做关于某事的报告 4. throughout the world= all over the world 全世界5. live/ stay with 与生活在一起6. go on sightseein

36、g (tours) 去观光 7. make friends with 与交朋友8. as well as 还;也;不及 9. since then 从那时起;打那以后10. keep/get in touch with 与保持联系 11. in case 万一12.in order that 为了 13. be confident of .对.感到有信心14. look forward to doing盼望做某事 15.apply for 申请16.go on a sightseeing tour 进行观光旅游 17. be deeply moved 被深深地打动18. win a schol

37、arship 赢得奖学金 19. improve the situation 改善情况二 语法:目的状语、结果状语、让步状语从句的用法【目的状语从句】 我们能用so that和in order that去谈论目的,他们叫做目的状语从句。在目的状语从句中我们经常用can, may, will或者shall或者could, might, would 或者should。例如:We got up early so that we could catch the first train.我们早起为了赶上早班车.He studies hard so that he could find a better

38、job in the future.他努力学习为了以后能有一份更好的工作.解释句子1. He puts on his coat so that he wont feel cold. He puts on his coat _ _ _ he wont feel cold.2. Mary often wears high heels in order that she may look taller.Mary often wears high heels _ _ _look taller.Mary often wears high heels _ _ she may look taller.【结果

39、状语从句】我们用去谈论一个行为或者状况的结果。他们叫做结果状语从句。 adjective(形容词) adverb(副词) so manyfew+可数名词复数 that muchlittle不可数名词 aan+形容词+可数名词单数 such 形容词+可数名词复数不可数名词 that用sothat 或者suchthat填空:1. It was _ hot in the cinema _ I felt very uncomfortable. 2. It was _ a funny film _ I laughed until I cried!3. _ few people came to see t

40、he film _ the manager put on another film instead.4. Tom hurt his legs _ badly _ he was not able to walk for six months.5. There were _ many people at the party _our house got too crowded.6. Joy has _ a strong love of films _ she goes to the cinema every week.解释句子1. She is so short that she cant pla

41、y basketball well.She is _ short _ _ basketball well.She is not _ enough _ play basketball well.2. The boy is so young that he can not go to school. The boy is _ young _ go to school.【让步状语从句】让步状语从句通常由单词although或者though连接. 这两个单词可以连接两个相反的或者相对照的描述.例如: Although the trip was hard work, it was a very valuable experience for me. 虽然旅行是苦差事, 对我来说却是一次难得的体验. Sam did quite will in the exam although he was unprepared.


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