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1、名校名 推荐高二英语拓展卷阅读I am reading a novel at the moment, a story set in Britain and India in the 19thcentury It was written by an Indian author who now lives in Denmark,but neitherin the languageofHindinor Danish Althoughthe paperbackeditionI m holdingwaspublishedin NewDelhi ,India , fouryears ago, I(anAm

2、erican)purchaseditrecentlyfrom a second-hand bookshop in Tokyo, JapanThat s quite a history alreadyBut there s more The novel isa taleof variousmysteries , allexpertlyput intoa well-structuredstoryby a very , skillfulauthor Yet my particularcopy presentseven more mysteriesthan the taleOne summer mor

3、ning in the year of my paperbacks publicationon July 15,2012someone else was reading it while eating breakfast in a restaurant in Mumbai,India I know this because I found a receipt(收据 )of coffee and bread inside I alsoknow that this person was not the owner of the paperback immediately before meIn f

4、act, the owner before me was not Indian at all,but JapaneseIknowthisbecauseinthebooktherearehandwrittennotesinJapanese translations of English words which the reader was unfamiliar Japanesebeing a language of characters, not letter, it is not easy to determine if the notewriter was a man or a womanB

5、ut the care taken to write the translations neatly inthe limited spaces available on each page bespeaks a womans hand So letus agree thatitis a womanWhat can we say of her? Well educated ,obviously,and probablya universitystudent , who would keep a dictionaryat hand whilereadinga novel - 1 -名校名 推荐Bu

6、t why did she suddenlystop reading?The lasttranslationin my paperback appearson Page 83 , less than a third of the way through the novelDid she give up becausethe book was proving too difficult? Or was there some other reason?Many a novel presentsmysteries, allof which are solvedby the end of the ta

7、le Themysteriespresentedby my littlepaperback , however ,remain mysteries, allexpertlyput into a well-structured story, not by a skillful writer, but this time by thenumberless vagaries(变幻莫测 )of life itself32 What can we learn about the novel?A It is well writtenBIt is about a world tripC It was wri

8、tten in an American restaurant D It was first published in the19th century33 The author assumes the Japanese owner of the book was a woman based on_.A the pretty handwritingBthe food written on the receiptC the good condition of the bookD the effort taken in writing the notes34 Which of the followin

9、g can best describe the author?A He is a great reader of historical fictionB Heisahard-workinguniversity studentC He is a productive writer with sensibilityDHe is a carefulobserverwithimagination35Whats the best title of thetext?A The Tale of a PaperbackBDifferent Life ExperiencesC Unsolved Mysterie

10、s of LifeDA Books Exciting Adventure- 2 -名校名 推荐七选五How to avoid a boring conversationWhat excuses should you use to avoid talking to people you dont want to talkto? Here are tips and non-offensive ways to get out of unwanted conversations.来源 :Z.xx.k.Com1. Go for a refill.It is natural for anyone at a

11、 party to be excused to gel a refill.1_Andonce you excuse yourself, make a move fast beforethe person requests you to get arefill for him as well.2. Pretend bad mood.Cutoffthe conversationbeforeitstartsby sayingsomethingalong the linesof “I m not in a good mood. Can I talk to you later if you dont m

12、ind? ”2 Say itfirmly so that people get the message loud and clear.3. Ask your friend to save you.3Simply textyour friendimportant.You willbe abletoskip4.4and ask him or her to come forapparentlysomethinga boringchatwitha seeminglyreasonableexcuse.You are advised to look away from that person and do

13、nt make eye contact, sothat you can give powerful hints(暗示) that you find the conversation extremelyboring.5Be sure to tune in to the conversation every now and then so you dontcome across as rude.A. Behave in an obviously careless way.B. Just be sure that the person you are talking to does not offe

14、r to accompany youto do so.C. Dont act too polite in an attempt to draw sympathy.D. Use body language to indicate boredom.E. Your friend is bound to perform brilliantly in coping with the dull one.F.Look elsewhere and pretend that something else has caught your attention.G. Stuck in an unwanted conv

15、ersation, how do you get out of it?- 3 -名校名 推荐完形I may be a bitold school but I think thatpeople who store all oftheir pictureson their smart phones are missing out on something. There is 1 like seeing a lovedones smiling face looking downon you from a picture frame on your wall. It isboth 2 and assu

16、ring, almost like they are watching 3 you while you work at yourdesk.As I work at my owndesk I can see my Mom s picture smiling down on me. She leftus toosoon. She was only 55 years oldwhen cancer 4her. Ifones years here were5 onvirtue then she should have lived to be over 100. My Dads kind smile is

17、6hers. It has only been a few years since he passed. Sometimes I still 7thetelephone wanting to call him and tell him something that has just happened to meonly to remember that he is gone. My Nanas picture is there too,8the 90 yearsyoung sign at her birthday party 16 years ago. How I wish I 9walk i

18、nto her kitchenagain, have a talk, and 10a big slice of homemade Italian bread with her.Sometimes lookingat these picturesgivesme a(an)11 ofsadness.I stillmissthem all and I dont feel12 to be the oldest generation yet. Most of the time,13 , I only feel the warmth and joy that comes from a million lo

19、ving memories 14these pictures bring back. Itmakes me feel15 knowing that I had them all in mylife for the years that I did. It makes me want to follow their loving example 16in my own life as well.A lotofpeoplesay thatyou have to have a 17 hearttoget throughlife.Otherssay a soft heart is better. I

20、myself think that a strong heart is best. We need aheart that loves through the18 . We need a heart that keeps loving19 when we losethe people we love the most.We need aheart that knows that“Anyone who lives in love lives inGod, andGod livesin him. ” May your heartbe strongthen.May your love 20 from

21、your picturesand from your life.- 4 -名校名 推荐1.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing2.A. confusingB. disgustingC. comfortingD.frustrating3.A. outB. overC. forD. on4.A. claimedB. attackedC. sacrificedD. took5.A. basedB. dependentC. keenD. reliable6.A. second toB. next toC. related toD.inferior

22、 to7. A. put upB. pick upC. bring upD.hangup8. A. celebratingB. catchingC. arrangingD.holding9. A. couldB. shallC. mightD. should10.A. shareB. prepareC. bakeD.purchase11.A. rateB. emotionC. logicD. touch12.A. satisfiedB. readyC. happyD. thrilled13.A. butB. thereforeC. thoughD.instead14.A. thatB. wha

23、tC. whereD. when15.A. gracefulB. blessedC. cheerfulD.despaired16.A. purposelyB. naturallyC. desperatelyD.- 5 -名校名 推荐frequently17. A. rigidB. solidC. toughD. stubborn18. A. harvestB. futureC. painD.happiness19. A. sinceB. evenC. everD. only20. A. spreadB. grantC. ripenD. shine 法填空Have you ever notice

24、dhow hard itcan be to findthe rightwords? I have , frequently.And there are times 61 I am certain the right words do not even existMore than once I 62 (call)to a hospital emergency room or to be with a familyaround the bed of a dying relative And more than once I ve been at a lossforwordsA wise doct

25、or at 63 university teaching hospital once made a comment aboutcomforting those who suffer Someone asked the doctor what advice he offered hisstudents , thefuturedoctorsand nurses ,when 64 (care)formothers who gave birthto stillborn babies The doctor paused 65 a moment in thought Then he said,“I tel

26、l them that they need two eyesWith one eye they have to check the drip(滴注器 ) And with the other eye they have to weepThat s what I tell them”That may be some of the 66(wise)advice Ive ever heardWe may not alwaysneed to figureout what to say ; we reallyonlyneed two eyes The words 67 (write)byEmily Di

27、ckinson read,“ Saying nothingsometimes says the most” It says I wantto be 68(full)presentwith them and walk alongsidethem,difficult 69 itmay beMypresence is something they can draw real 70 (strong)and hope from改 - 6 -名校名 推荐Dear Manager ,This is a letter ofcomplaint concerned the actions of one of yo

28、ur onlinestore Last Sunday, October 29th, I buy a dress from a store on your website ButI was notsatisfiedwiththe dresswhen Ireceivedit ,so Idecidedto returnit Butthesalesmanrefused my request ina rudelytone I explainedthe reason thatIwantedtoreturnit,buthe saidhe was busy and didn thave timeto dealit Now he isn treplying to us at a11I feelthatthe salesman was impoliteI hope thatyou can lookintoforthe matter Ihave bought lots of things on your website and I look forward to a much pleasurableshopping experience next timeYours ,Li Hua- 7 -


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