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1、Module 7 My school dayUnit 2 Lessons start at nine oclockThe analysis of contents: This unit is about “my school day”. The contents is close related to the studentsreal studying life .The students are quite familiar with the topic, so it is easy for both teacher and students to do activities and exe

2、rcises. Therefore, during teaching, teacher should be based on the textbook, let the students talk about the topic freely according to their actual situation.Teaching aim: 1.knowledge aim: (1).By learning this lesson ,try to make students be able to talk about their routine.(2).By learning this less

3、on, make students grasp action verb(subject I, they, we, you) used in present tense. Practise the positive sentence of the present tense. Learn the usage of different preposition used ahead of time .2. ability aim: (1). Listening: Be able to understand the time expression and distinguish school curr

4、iculum.(2). Speaking: Be able to make a brief introduction about school subjects and time for having lessons.(3).Reading: Be able to read a passage about the normal school life.(4).Writing: Learn the usage of and , have students be able to connect two sentences with and. Be able to make a brief desc

5、ription of ones school life.3.moral teaching aim: By learning this lesson, have students talk about their school life voluntarily cultivate their good learning will and interests. Type of lesson: Reading and writing Teaching method: Interactive approachImportant points: 1.key vocabulary: get up, go

6、to school, have breakfast, have lessons, have a break, talk to my friends, play football2.key structure: This is my school day.(1). I get up at (2).Lessons starts at (3).We have a break and talk to our friends.3.key grammer: 实义动词(主语为I, they, we, you)一般现在时的陈述句形式。时间前不同介词(at, in, on)的使用。Teaching tools:

7、 Tape recorder, a clock, pictures, computerTeaching procesure:Step1. Review time expressions (real object) and subjects (pictures). 1.Operation: Bring a clock to the class, point to different time, ask students to practise telling different time in English. Prepare for the reading . e.g. Whats the t

8、ime ? (What time is it?) Its six oclock. What do you do at eight? We have Chinese lesson at eight. 2.Definition:本单元围绕“我的一天学校生活”这个话题展开,此话题包含了学生在不同时间所做的事情。在复习这一环节,通过对时间表达法和谈论学校课程的操练,有意识地为新课作了铺垫,学生可以将旧 和新课内容自然结合起来,由此可以顺利过渡到新课。 Step 2. New lesson: .Warming-up: 让学生根据书上的六幅图,大胆随意预测文中将涉及到什么内容,目的不是要求找出正确答案,而

9、是通过图片猜测,使学生熟悉相关话题,更好地理解阅读材料。 Operation: divide the class into six groups,each group win talk about one picture, since they may be restricted by the tense, some other grammor, allow them to describe the pictures with phrases, such as picture a: have lunch picture b: sleep /go to bed picture c: go hom

10、e / leave school picture d: play football / play sports picture e: have lessons picture f: have dinner / read newspaper .Reading (Activity1,2,3)() Read and match (Activity 1) 1.Definition: 本活动为信息辨认。要求学生把每一段落与图片匹配。学生没有必要对文中每句都了解得很清楚,该活动主要目的是让学生理解课文大意。 2.Operation: Ask the students to read through the

11、 passage and order it individually, then check with a parter.() Read, match and check the true sentences.1.Definition: 让学生进一步阅读短文,通过对细节内容的把握,进一步加深对阅读材料的了解。2.Operation: (1).Ask them to match the times with the pictures and check the answers. (2).Finish activity 3,asking students to read sentences the

12、n say whether it is true or not, rewrite the wrong sentences.() Read aloud (ask students to read the passage fluntly, pay attention to the pronunciation and information)() Fill in the blank.1.Definition:该活动通过完成表格,练习有关“学校生活”的相关句型。2.Operation:为学生提供下列表格:whenwhat to doin the morning7:30get up8:30lessons

13、 start11:00go home10:00根据阅读材料,对表格展开问答练习,例如:A: When do your lessons start ?B: Our lessons start at nine in the morning.A: What do you do at half past twelve?B: I have lunch at half past twelve.学生将表格完成,答案如下:whenwhat to doin the morning7:30get up8:30go to school9:00lessons start11:00have a breakin the

14、afternoon12:30have lunch1:30lessons start3:30go homein the evening10:00go to bed() Talk about the pictures. 1.Definition: 看图要求学生结合表格内容,用自己的语言谈论图片中的人物活动。2.Operation: (1) Divide class into several groups, six students will be a group, each student will talk about one picture. (2) Every student will ta

15、ke turns to talk about Alexs school day. (3)Encourage several groups to show their retelling.() Work in pairs, talk about your school day.Definition:为学生提供一幅完整的教学挂图,让学生根据挂图,完整讲述自己一天的生活。. Learn to use “and”. (Activity 6) 1.definition:本模块的一个语法内容是学习连词and的用法。and为并列连词,可以用来连接单词或短语,提示学生:and往往连接两个对等成分。例如:He

16、and I like English.(连接主语) Were interested in singing and dancing.(连接宾语) I have dinner and watch TV.(连接谓语)2.Operation: Ask students to follow the model, finish Activity 6 exercises.Step 3: Have a short break sing an English song about a school day. Definition: 此教学步骤旨在缓解疲劳,增加课堂气氛,提高学生兴趣,同时紧密围绕本单元内容,也达

17、到巩固复习的目的。Step 4: Exercise1.We go to school _ the morning.2.We dont go to school _ Sunday.3.I get up _ seven oclock.4. We dont have a chemistry lesson _ Wednesday.5.We go home _ the afternoon.6.We have dinner _ half past six. Step 5:Extension. 1.Definition: 此教学环节旨在巩固所学知识,将所学内容进一步提炼升华,让学生以采访的形式能对“在校生活

18、”这一话题,流利表达,并能连贯使用一般现在时的各种句式(主语第一人称),为本单元写作做铺垫。 为学生提供下列表格,学生完成表格内容,以采访的形式对“在校生活”这一话题展开讨论。ActivitysTimeget upgo to schoollessons startstudy English/science/arthave a breakhave lunchstudy English/science/artgo homedo your homeworkhave dinnergo to bed ( Backgroud:天津电视台记者想了解在津藏族学生的日常生活,因此走访了天津红光中学,并采访了一些

19、藏族学生。) 2.Operation: (1) divide class into several groups, each groups will choose a student to be a reporter, the reporter will interview other students ask them to tell their every day life. (2) choose several groups to come to the front and act out.Step 6: Homework: (1) Write a paragraph, called my school day. (2) Finish exercises in workbook. (3) Read the passage and talk about school life with partner. 9


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