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1、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.世上无难事,只要肯登攀.荔湾区九年级下册100句Unit 1 Great explorations1. In 1405, he set off from China on the first of seven great voyages. 在1405年,他从中国出发,开始了七次伟大航行的第一次。2. This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America.

2、 这是在克里斯托弗.哥伦布第一次起航发现美洲之旅的近一个世纪以前。3. His travels were so important that they are still studied today.他的旅行如此重要以致于今天仍被人们研究。4. He rose to become a trusted official of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.他升为明朝永乐皇帝一名值得信赖的官员。5. His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign count

3、ries. 他的任务是发展与外国的关系,并与之建立贸易路线。6. The ships were known as treasure ships.那些船被称为宝船。7. They were big enough to carry 25,000 people as well as very large quantities of goods.它们足够大,能承载25000人以及大量的货物。8. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit.似乎对他来说没有什么地方是遥不可及的。9. At the end of each voyage, Zhe

4、ng He returned with many things that were seen in China for the first time, such as a giraffe from Africa. 每次航行结束,郑和带回了许多在中国第一次见到的东西,如一只非洲长颈鹿。10. Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and technologies.除了增强贸易之外,航行也促进了文化与科技的交流。11. However, his voyages were such

5、 a huge achievement that people still remember him as a pioneer in opening up cultural contacts between different peoples around the world. 然而,他的航行是一项如此巨大的成就,以至于人们仍将他作为开辟世界各地不同民族间文化联系的先驱而铭记。12. His journeys helped lead to the development of the Silk Road. (Page 6)他的旅行导致丝绸之路的发展。13. I often compare th

6、eir cultures with my own. (Page 11)我经常将他们的文化与我自己的(文化)进行对比。14. In 1271, when he was 17 years old, he set off on a journey to Asia with his father and uncle, and did not return home until 24 years later. 1271年当他17岁的时候,他与父亲、叔叔启航前往亚洲,直到24年后才回家。15. He loved Hangzhou so much that he described it as “the f

7、inest city in the world”.他非常喜欢杭州,所以他把杭州称为”世界上最好的城市“。16. Because of the interesting descriptions of Asian life in the book, Polos travels soon became well known in Europe.由于书中对亚洲生活的有趣描述,波罗的旅行很快在欧洲出名。17. His book made Europeans more and more interested in the East.他的书令欧洲人对东方越来越感兴趣。Unit2 Culture shock1

8、. Im here today to tell you about my experience as an exchange student in the United States last year. 今天在这儿我要告诉你们去年我作为一名交换生在美国的经历。2. They organized a lot of activities for me in my spare time so that I wouldnt miss home or feel lonely. 在业余时间,他们为我组织了很多活动,所以我不会想家也不会感到孤单。3. However, to a certain degre

9、e, life in the US was hard to get used to. 但是,在某种程度上,美国的生活很难适应。4. I failed to understand much in the first few weeks because everyone spoke so fast. 在开始几周里,我很多都不懂因为每个人讲话都很快。5. Though I soon managed to get used to it, I still had problems because they used a lot of idioms. 尽管我很快想办法适应了,我仍然遇到很多问题因为他们使用

10、了很多习语。6. Their everyday English is very different from what we learn in China. 他们的日常英语跟我们在中国学习到的很不一样。7. They do not require students to wear uniforms, so students can wear almost whatever they like. 他们并不要求学生穿校服,所以学生几乎可以穿任何他们喜欢的衣服。8. Anyway, I have many great memories of that year, especially playing

11、 in the snow in winter, and playing baseball. At Halloween, I went to a party dressed as Harry Potter. 不管怎么说,我对那一年有很多美好的回忆,尤其是冬天在雪里玩耍,打篮球。在万圣节,我打扮成哈利波特参加晚会。9. It was an exciting year, and it was a valuable education for me. 这是令人兴奋的一年,对我来说也是很有价值的教育。10. Every child in the UK must receive a full-time e

12、ducation until the age of 16. 英国的每个孩子必须接受全日制的教育直到16岁。11. Parents can choose to send their children either to a state school which is free or a private school, where a fee is required. 家长们可以选择送他们的孩子去免学费的公立学校也可以去收学费的私立学校。12. The school year is generally divided into three terms. 一个学年大概分为三个学期。13. The s

13、ummer holiday is the longest and usually lasts from the middle of July to the beginning of September. 夏季假期是最长的,通常从七月中持续到九月初。14. Primary schools are for students from the age of 5-11. 小学是面对5到11岁的学生的。15. The same subjects are taught there, as well as other subjects such as foreign languages, Technolog

14、y and Computer Studies. 那儿(中学)也教相同的科目,还有其他科目比如外语、科技和电脑。16. After the age of 16, students can either find a job or continue their studies at a school or college until 18. 16岁以后,学生们可以找工作或者继续在学校或学院学习到18岁。17. At the end of the two years, they must take some important exams. 到这两年结束的时候,他们必须参加一些重要的考试。Unit

15、3 The environment1. We must do something to protect the environment.我们必须要做一些事情去保护环境。2. It is like the glass of a green house, letting sunlight in and keeping heat from getting out.这就像玻璃的温室,让阳光照进来并使热量不能出去。3. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the Earths temperature is increasing.温室效应的结果使得地球的温度上升。4

16、. Cutting down trees also destroys the homes of the animals that live in our forests, and causes the surface of the soil to be easily destroyed by rain.砍伐树木同样破坏住在森林里动物的家园,并引至地表土壤容易被雨水破坏。5. This can result in floods and even more damage to the environment.这样会引发洪水甚至对环境更大破坏的事情。6. In order to protect th

17、e environment, we need to take proper action.为了保护环境,我们需要采取适当的行动。7. We should be different from many consumers and become “green consumers”我们应该和多数的消费者不一样,我们要成为“环保消费者”。8. This means that we should only buy and use products friendly to the environment.这就意味着我们应该只购买和使用对环境有利的产品。9. If we just learn to live

18、 in new and different ways, we can make a difference.如果大家都学习以新的不同的方式生活,我们就可以不一样。10. We should recycle as many things as possible.我们应该尽可能循环使用更多的东西。11. I had a normal life, the same as all my brothers and sisters. 我有一个普通的生活,和我全部的兄弟姐妹一样。12. Then a tall woman picked me up and put me in her basket! 然后,一个

19、高个子女士把我捡起来并放在蓝子里。13. I cannot believe how thin I became. 我真的难以置信我变得这么薄。14. I kept hoping that I would be moved somewhere else.我不断地希望我可以搬到别的地方去。15. Then huge trucks came and covered us with a layer of soil. 然后巨型的卡车过来把我们覆盖在一层土下面。16. Why cant they reuse or recycle us? 为什么他们不循环重复使用我们呢?17. You can use pu

20、blic transport instead of a car, or you can walk or cycle. 你可以用公共交通工具取代小汽车,或者你可以步行和骑自行车。Unit 4 Natural disasters1. Last week in Geography class, we learn that if all the ice in the North and South Poles melted, sea level around the world would rise, and many cities would be flooded and disappear.上周在

21、地理课上,我们了解到如果南北两极的冰川全部融化,世界上的海平面就会上升,那么很多城市就会被淹没而消失。2. Would anyone remain alive?还有人会活着吗?3. Last night, I dreamt about a great flood.昨晚,我梦到了一场特大水灾。4. Large objects, such as coaches and boats, passed by my window.大件的物品,例如汽车和船,在我的窗前漂过。5. Its important to stick with it.坚持做完工作很重要。6. I cant afford to sit

22、around and worry about the flood.我可没有时间就这么闲坐着为水灾干着急。7. But my cries fell on deaf ears. 但我的呼喊没人理睬。8. It seemed that they did not want to leave.他们似乎不想离开。9. In surprise, people finally started to notice the flood, but it was too late. 人们终于惊讶地开始注意到洪水,但太迟了。10. It made my hair stand on end.它让我毛骨悚然。11. The

23、 typhoon has made about 2000 people homeless.台风已经造成大约2000人无家可归。12. It was a dark day in Canada in 1998 when rain began to fall from the sky.当雨开始从天空飘下来的时候,1998年的加拿大迎来了一个黑暗的日子13. It rained for six days, and as much as ten centimeters of ice collected on roads, trees and power lines.雨下了六天,十厘米高的冰雪堆积在路上,

24、树上和电线上。14. As the ice started to melt, it fell from the roofs of buildings and trees like knives.当雪开始融化的时候,它像刀子一样从屋顶和树上落下来。15. Most of the power lines were so badly damaged that they could not be repaired.大部分的电线遭到如此严重的损坏,以至不能被修复。16. Many homes were damaged and many people, especially farmers, lost t

25、heir business.很多家庭遭到破坏,很多人特别是农民失去了他们的生计。17. Everyone hopes that there will never be another ice storm like the one in 1998.每一个人希望永远不要再发生像1998年那样的冰暴灾难了。Unit 5 Sport1. My dream was to see some real snow. 我的梦想是去看真雪。2. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the thick snow on the trees. 当车在山里开过

26、的时候,我们看到树上厚厚的雪。3. I was dying to get out and play with it! 我渴望出去玩雪!4. We were like little childrenwe made snowballs, and threw them at one another! 我们就像小孩子我们堆雪球,并相互扔。5. We could not wait to get out and ski. 我们迫不及待地要出去滑雪。6. Wearing skis for the first time made me feel strange. 第一次穿滑雪服让我感觉很奇怪。7. To be

27、 honest, the first lesson was not a great success. 说实在的,第一节课并不是很成功。8. I kept on falling over, and I had to hold on to a rope to keep my balance. 我一直摔倒,并且我需要紧紧握住绳子去保持平衡。9. I wish my parents would take me back for another wonderful skiing holiday this year. 我希望今年我的父母会带我去到另外一次奇妙的滑雪之旅。10. The ancient Ol

28、ympic Games were very different from the Olympics we have today. 古代奥运会跟我们现在的奥运会非常不同。11. Every four years, athletes from all over the world take part in different sports at the Olympics. 每四年,来自世界各地的运动员参加奥运会的不同项目。12. A large group of athletes at the Olympics takes part in track and field events. 在奥运会中

29、,许多运动员参加田径项目的比赛。13. One of the most exciting events in the Olympics is the 100-metre race. 奥运会其中一个最刺激的项目就是100米跑比赛。14. Athletes have run faster and faster over the years. 经过那么多年,运动员们跑步越来越快。15. The Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger” is what the Olympics are all about. 奥林匹克格言“更快、更高、更强”是奥运会的全部精神。1

30、6. “Kung fu” is the popular name given to Chinese martial arts in the West. “Kung fu”是中国武术在西方的流行名称。17. It refers to a number of different styles of fighting that have developed over hundreds of years in China. “Kung fu”指的是在中国经过几百年发展而成的不同形式的格斗风格。Unit 6 Caring for your health1. Many students suffer fr

31、om stress in their daily lives. They are under stress because their lives are not balanced. 很多学生都在日常生活中承受着压力。这都因为他们生活中各方面的关系没平衡好。2. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think, and not enough on other things. 他们往往把注意力都集中在学习上、处理与同龄人相处的压力上和过于在意别人的看法

32、,反而在其他方面没给予足够的留意。3. One way to cancel out stress is through positive thinking. 消除压力的一个方法是要思考看待问题要朝积极的方向。4. Force yourself to take a break from studies and worries about the exams. 强迫你自己一定要从繁重的学习与对学习的忧虑中脱离,休息一下。5. When you are busy with a hobby, you leave all your worries behind. 当你把注意力都集中在一个爱好上,你就会把

33、所有压力抛诸脑后了。6. I dont know who will teach us English next term. 我不知道下学期谁教我们英语。7. I have a really bad stomachache. I feel terrible. 我胃很疼,感觉很糟糕。8. Take these pills three times a day, and get some rest. Youll feel better soon. 这些药一天吃三次,然后休息好。很快你就会感觉好多的了。9. I will take notes for you and help you with your

34、 studies when you come back to school. 我会帮你记笔记,在你回来学校时候也会帮你把落下的课程补上。10. It is a difficult process for teenagers because it has an effect on both their minds and bodies. 青春叛逆期对青少年来说是一个艰难的时期因为他对他们的思想和身体都会有不同程度的影响。11. They are no longer certain about their own feelings. 他们不再对自己的直觉感到肯定。12. For this reas

35、on, teenage girls should be encouraged to discuss things with trusted adults. 基于这原因,我们应鼓励这些少女们跟他们信赖的成年人去商讨问题。13. It is everyones responsibility to make sure that young people grow into healthy adults. 每人都有责任确保年轻一代能健康顺利长大成人。14. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. 你应该意识到压力对健康十分不利

36、。15. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age. 如果你想长寿、健康,你需要在年轻的时候开始防御压力的侵袭了。16. Seeing a funny film or telling jokes with friends will often cheer you up when you are low. 看看搞笑的电影或者与朋友说说笑话都会给在情绪低谷的你重获开心。17. What seems to be the problem? 这大概是什么问题呢?10


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