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1、,名校名师推荐 ,Unit 5Music .单项填空 (建议用时 8 )1 The four mountain climbers at last arrived at_ they called “ Mo Tian Ling ”A thatB whatCwhateverD which2 When you come here for your holiday next time, don tgo to _ hotel ; I can findyou _ bed in my flat.( 烟台模拟)A the; aB the; /C a; theD a; /3 Tom pretended_ it ,

2、 but in fact , he knew it very well a long time ago.A not to listen toBnot to hear aboutCnot to have heard aboutD not to be listening to4 You seem to get lost.Need help? _A Yes, give me a hand,please.BHelp me find my bag , please.CI mlooking for the No.1 bus.D Yes, would you please help me with the

3、bag?5 Manyfossils ( 化石 ) of the same kind ofdinosaurs have been dug out fromoneplace.They_ when an entire group of dinosaurs got stuck all at once.(潍坊调研 )A might be formedBcould have been formedCmight have formedD should have formed6 American women usuallyidentify their best friend as someone _ they

4、 can talkfrequently.A whoB asCabout whichD with whom7_ my hometown take on a new look ,a sense of_ suddenly appeared in mymind.( 河南炎陵统考 )A Having seen;joyB Seeing; happinessCWhile I saw ; delightD When I saw ; pride8 We should_primary importance to job training.( 莱芜调研 )A concentrateB devoteCattachD

5、emphasize9 I think I can come , but don t_.A depend onB rely on itCwant itD make it10 She is very_ to me but I can tremember her name.A familiarB similarCknownD alike11 When the peace talk failed.There was a very fear that war may _ at anytime.A break offB break upCbreak outD break down12 It isn tso

6、much whether he works hard.The question is whether he works _.A above allB at allCin allD after all13 She is easy to_.A work onB work with1,名校名师推荐 ,Cwork forD work at14 Because of my_ English , I can tmake myself_.A broken; understoodBbroken ; understandCbreak; understandD breaking; understanding15

7、This is a serious accident_ by an experienced worker.( 衡水一中模拟 )A causedB having been causedCto be causedD being caused.阅读理解 ( 建议用时7 )A serious problem fortoday ssociety is who should be responsible for the old and how toimprove their lives.It is not only a financial problem but also a question of th

8、e system we want for our society.I would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem.First ,employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees.To make this possible, a percentage of profits should be set aside for this purpose.But when a company must take lifelong re

9、sponsibility for its employees ,it may suffer from a commercial disadvantage due to higher employee costs.Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual.This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement.This does not se

10、em a very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years.This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.In addition ,the government could take the responsibility for the care of the old.T

11、his could befinancedthroughgovernmenttaxes toincrease the levelofpensions.Furthermore , someinstitutions should be created for senior citizens , which can help provide a comfortable life for them.Unfortunately , as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly viableanswer.The gove

12、rnment can seldom afford to care for the old ,particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young.One further solution is that the government or social organizations establish some workplaces especially for the old where they are independent.To sum up,all these options have advantages and disa

13、dvantages.Therefore,it is reasonable to expect that some combination of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to the old generations.16 What is the passage mainly about?A The problem faced by the old in society.BWhy we should take responsibility for the old.CHow we can impr

14、ove the lives of the old.D Where the old can go to get their pensions.17According to the passage ,how can the government help to improve the lives of the retired people?A Set aside some profits to help people with problems after they retire.BIncrease saving levels of people during their working year

15、s.CIncrease the discounts for food and transport for the old.D Make available pensions for those who have retired.18 The underlined word “ viable most” probably means “ _”A impossibleB practicalCusefulD successful19 What can be concluded from the passage?A Taking care of the old is mainly an issue o

16、f money.BEmployers should allow their workers to retire at a later age.CBecoming independent should be the goal of most old people.D There is no single solution to the problem of the old.2,名校名师推荐 ,20 What is the writersmain purpose of writing this passage?A To point out the need for government suppo

17、rting for old people.BTo make general readers aware of the problems of the retired people.CTo discuss some possible solutions to an important social problem.D To instruct the retired people on how they can have a happier life. .写作 ( 建 用 25 )假如你是高三学生李 , 你的英 老 王老 写一封信, 告 他大家 他教学的感受,内容包括:1大家 他 体 价 高;2具

18、有独特的、使 堂生 活 的方法;3知 渊博,且 学生很有耐心;4就如何帮助英 基 薄弱的学生,向他提一些建 (内容自 )。注意 :1. 数 120 150;2可适当增加 。_答案 . 填空1 Bwhat 引 名 性从句,在从句中作 。2 A go to the hotel 是指去旅店住宿, find you a bed 是指 你安置一 床,引申 有你住的地方。正确答案 A 。 3 C 由后句可知,此 “假装没听 ”, hear about 生在 pretend 之前,故用其完成 ,因此 C 。 4 A5 B 表示 去事 的推 ,且 是“化石被形成 ”。故 B 。 6 Dtalk with sb

19、. 是固定搭配。7 D 句意 :当我看到家 呈 新貌的 候,一种自豪感油然而生。 a sense of.不能作 see 的 主 ,故 A 、 B 两 不 。 8 C attach importance to. 重 。 9 B 句意 :我想我能来,但是不一定。rely on 指望,相信 ,符合句意。 10A句意 :她 我所熟悉,但我不能 起她的名字。故 A 。 be familiar to sb. 某人所熟悉。known 前不用 very 修 ,而用well 。11.C12B由句意 “, 是他是否真的工作了。”可知 at all ,“到底,究竟 ”,以加 气。 13B 在句型 “主 形容 不定式

20、” 构中, 不定式的 作与句子主 能构成 上的 关系,用主 形式表被 意 。句意 :她很容易共事。14 A broken 作形容 ,意 “ 巴巴的;不流利的 ”; make oneself done 使自己被 。 15 A此句 去分 作定 。得分策略得分点 9: whatever 与 what引 名 性从句 的正确运用 典例 It is very hard for Mary to work there, for _ she does can tsatisfy herboss.A whatB whateverCwhichD whichever 因分析 有些考生 后面的主 从句缺少 , 并且也没有

21、范 要求, 于是 A 。其 ,根据句子 “It is very hard for Mary to work there ”可知,老板是不管什么事都 Mary 不 意,于是 B 。得分笔 what 与 whatever 都可引 名 性从句, 既是高考中的一个重要考点,也3,名校名师推荐 ,是英语学习中的一个难点。 what 引导名词性从句时,意为“ , 做的事情”,暗含一次性的、具体的事情;而 whatever 相当于 anything that ,意为“ , 做的任何事情”,强调各种不同的情况。如:I malways ready to do whatever the Party demands

22、.I have tried my best to do what I can to help her. .阅读理解16C主旨大意题。 根据第一段中的“I would like to suggest several possible solutions tothis problem. ”和下文中提到的四个方面的内容可知C 项正确。 17D 细节理解题。 根据第四段中的“This could be financed through government taxes toincrease the level of pensions. ”可知,政府通过税收增加老人的抚恤金,以改善他们的生活。故答案为

23、D 项。 18B词义猜测题。不幸的是,我们国家目前的状况表明,这不是一种真正可实行的解决方法。根据语境可知,该词的意思是“实际的,可行的”。因此 B 项正确。 19 D推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,上文介绍的各种方法都有优缺点,所以单独一种方法并不能奏效,采用结合起来的方法会更好,这和D 项一致。 20C作者意图题。 文章讨论了关注老人及其生活的问题,并提出了一系列的解决措施。由此可知,作者的写作目的是讨论一个重要社会问题的一些可能的解决方法。得分策略在阅读理解中遇到词义猜测题,如何进行猜测?( 一)阅读理解中经常出现一定量的生词,并且几乎每份高考试卷中都有考查猜测词义的试题。阅读理解中所

24、设置的猜测词义题多是对生词、短语、指示代词的猜测。一方面,所猜测的单词或短语往往是已学过的或熟悉的,但高考所考查的是不太常见的意思;另一方面所猜测的单词或短语往往是没有学过的或陌生的。所考查的单词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据语境来判断。 我们也可以通过构词法分析生词词义,或通过上下文猜测,尤其是本句话以及其前后两句话。还可以通过联想进行推测,即回想已知词汇中是否存在拼写方法与该生词类似的词。常用的猜词技巧有:1利用副词或连词的并列、对比、因果等关系副词或连词的关系可以在句内词与词之间,在段内句与句之间的关系上起着互为线索的作用。如在词或短语之间有并列连词and 或 or,这些词或短语

25、在句中作相同的成分,并且and 或 or 连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的或递进的,因此确定同等关系中的某个生词所属的义域,甚至推知它的大致词义。在but, however ,yet, otherwise 这些表示转折意义的连词出现的句子中,其前后的词有明显的对比关系。根据已知的内容,通过这种对比关系,就很容易猜出生词的词义了。because,since 与 as 是连接原因状语从句的从属连词,so 是连接表示结果的并列句的连词,so.that 与 such.that 中的 that 是连接结果状语从句的。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中, 通过因果关系和已知部分, 就能猜测出生词的词义; 还有通

26、过近义词或反义词提供的信息猜出生词的词义。经典例题 Honesty comes in many forms.Firstthere sself-honesty.Is what people see the real article ordo you appear_through_smoke_and_mirrors ? I find that if I try to be somethingI m not , I feelunsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA(personal bank account)I love how singer

27、JudyGarland put it,“ Always be a first- class version(版本 ) of yourself , instead of a second-classversion of somebody else. ”49 The underlined part“ appear through smoke and mirrors in the first” paragraph means“ _”A to be honestBto be unrealCto become clearD to come from an imagined world答案解析B由于句中的

28、 “real”和 “or”可知此处形成了一种对比。整个句子的大意是:人们看到的都是真实的吗?或者你所展示的是真实的自己吗?4,名校名师推荐 , .写作Dear Mr.Wang ,I am writing to tell you how we feel about your teaching in our class.All of us students think highly of your way of teaching, as you can always make your class lively and interesting.In addition , you are such

29、a learned man that we can learn a lot from you and most important of all ,you are patient with us.Frankly , you have built up our confidence in learning English well. Some of us are still poor at English and need your help.We hope you will speak a little bitslowly so that we can understand you better.Besides , would you please spend more time with us , joining in our after-school activities so that we can have more chances to practice our oral English?I believe we can make great progress with your help.Yours,Li Hua5


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