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1、职称英语考试理工类新增文章 料 供参考职称英语考试理工类新增文章阅读理解( 6 篇) 3 页第六篇Making Light of1 Sleep第十九篇Graphenes Superstrength1* 第三八篇 Life FormFound on Saturns Titan* 第四十篇 Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety+第四五篇Teaching Math, Teaching Anxiety+第四十六篇 Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as Ecosystem Engineers完形填空( 6 篇) 20 页第三篇Germs

2、on Banknotes第十篇ChickenSoup forthe Soul :ComfortFood Fights Loneliness* 第十一篇 Climate Change Poses Major Risks for Unprepared Cities* 第十二篇 Free Statins With Fast Food Could Neutralize Heart Risk+第十三篇Solar Power without Solar Cells资料仅供参考+ 第 十 五 篇 “Liquefaction ” Key to Much of Japanese Earthquake Damag

3、e注:1 、+ 表示 A 级文章; * 表示 B 即文章;其它为C 级文章;2 、阅读理解,请参见第3 页;完形填空,请参见第20 页;3 、 词汇部分与教材相比未作任何变化。资料仅供参考阅读理解第六篇Making Light of1 SleepAllwe have a clocklocatedinsideour brains.Similartoyour bedside alarm clock ,yourinternalclock 2runson a 24-hourcycle.Thiscycle ,called a circadian rhythm,helps controlwhenyou w

4、ake ,when you eat and when you sleep.Somewhere around puberty ,something happensin the timing of the biological clock. Theclockpushesforward, soadolescentsandteenagers are unable to fall asleep as early asthey used to.Whenyourmother tellsyou itstimefor bed ,your body may be pushing you to stay up3fo

5、r severalhours more. And thelightcoming fromyour computer screen or TV could be pushing youto stay up even later.This shift 4is natural for teenagers.Butstaying up very late and sleeping late can getyour bodys clock out of sync with the cycle oflight and dark5. It can also make it hard to get资料仅供参考o

6、ut of bed in the morning and may bring other problems ,too. Teenagers are put in a kind of a 6says Mary Carskadon,a sleep researcherat Brown7mood and their ability to think and learn.But justlikeyour alarm clock ,your internalclock can be reset. In fact, it automaticallyresetsitselfevery day. How?By

7、 using the lightitgetsthrough your eyes.Scientistshave known fora long time thatthelightof day and the dark of nightplay importantroles in setting our internal clocks. For years,researchersthoughtthatthesignalsthat8synchronizethebodysclockwerehandledthrough the same pathways that we use to see. But

8、recent discoveries show that the humaneye has two separate light-sensing systems. One system allows us to see. The second system tells our body whether its day or night.资料仅供参考词汇:circadian/s3:keidi?n/ adj.昼夜节奏的,生理节奏的adolescent/?d?ules?nt/ n青少年;adj青少年的puberty/ pju:b?ti/ n发育;青春期sync/si ? k/ n.synchroni

9、ze/si(口语)同步;和谐,协调? kr ?naiz / V.(使)同时发生;(使)同步注释:1.make lightof:轻视,不在乎。例如:We shouldnot make light of their achievements我们不应当低估她们的成就。2. your internalclocklocated inside our brains中的 the biological clock:指的是第一句中的a clock,也即是第二段第一句(生物钟)。3. stay up :不睡觉,熬夜4. This shift :这种调整。指上文所描述的由于生理时间的变化青少年上床时间越来越晚的现象。


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