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1、关于解析英语句子语法【篇一】关于解析英语句子语法It 的用法It was you who had been wrong.错的是你。it 强调句子的主语,可用 who 或 that 引导句子的后面部分。用于强调的 it,能够对句子的某一处成分加以强调。例如能够强调句子的主语、宾语以及状语等。It 的用法有很多,它最基本的用法是作代词,主要代表刚提到的事物以避免重复,也能够代表某些抽象事物或代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。有时也能够不指具体的东西,例如天气、环境和时间等。先行词的it 主要作为句子的形式主语,从而使句子变得平稳。(1) It was a great surprise to me w

2、hen she did a thing like that.她做这样的事情我大为吃惊。语法分析:It代表抽象的事物。(2) Where does it hurt?哪儿疼?语法分析:it代表一个彼此都知其何所指的东西。(3) How fat is it to Beijing?到北京有多远?语法分析:it代表距离。(4) It was she who lent us the money.是她借钱给我们的。语法分析:it用于强调句中,强调句子的主语。(5) Its beyond me to say why.我无法说个究竟。语法分析:It作先行词,作句子的形式主语,有平稳句子的作用,句子谓语有这几种:

3、be +形容词或名词,介词短语+不定式,及物动词+宾语+不定式。1. _ says here there was a big fire in the city.2. “Why, _ is you!” she cried.3. _ takes two to make a quarrel.4. Why is _ that everyone thinks Im narrow-minded?5. Was _ you that broke the window?6. Does _ itch much?1. It 2. it 3. It 4. it 5. it 6. it【篇二】关于解析英语句子语法自身代

4、词和相互代词She prided herself on her cooking.她为自己的烹调技术感到骄傲。自身代词在句子中作宾语,此外自身代词还能够作表语、主语等,有时也用作宾语的同位语。在一些成语中也能够用到自身代词。相互代词其实只有两个,即:one another 和 each other,它们能够表示两个人或几个人之间的相互关系,在句子中能够作宾语或介词宾语,也能够和s一起构成定语。(1) Let me introduce myself.我来介绍我自己。语法分析:自身代词在句子中主要用作宾语。(2) Take good care of yourself.好好保重。语法分析:自身代词也常

5、用作介词宾语。(3) The president himself gave her the medal.校长亲自给她颁发了奖章。语法分析:用作主语。(4) He wanted to see Mary herself.他想见玛丽本人。语法分析:作宾语的同位语。(5) We have known each other for many years.我们相识很多年了。语法分析:相互代词作宾语。(6) We dont see much of each other.我们不常见面。语法分析:用作介词宾语。(7) Each tried to do more than the other.他们争着多干活。语法

6、分析:有时each other还能够分开。1. One should not praise _.2. They called _ weavers.3. Please help _ to some meat.4. She reproached _ for her behavior that evening.5. She didnt pay for _.6. Miss Brown was sitting by _ on a beach.7. He has a small room to _.8. We each know what the _ thinks.1. oneself 2. themse

7、lves 3. yourself 4. herself 5. herself 6. herself 7. himself 8. other【篇三】关于解析英语句子语法疑问代词和连接代词What color are the curtains?窗帘是什么颜色?疑问代词 what 在句子中作定语,此外还能够作主语、宾语或介词宾语等,which 也有这样的用法。此外,what 还能够用作表语。问候 在句子中多作主语或表语,whom 在句子中多作宾语或介词的宾语,在紧跟介词时只能用 whom。whose 能够用作定语、主语、表语或宾语等成分。连接代词与疑问代词同形,能够引导各种从句,在从句中它们能够作主

8、语、宾语、介词宾语、表语和定语等。(1) Who would like to go with me?谁愿和我一起去?语法分析:who 在句子中多作主语或表语。(2) Whom are you writing to?你在给谁写信呀?语法分析:whom 在句子中多作宾语或介词的宾语。(3) To whom did you give the parcel?你把包裹给谁了?语法分析:在紧跟介词时只能用 whom,不能用 who.(4) Whose is better, yours or hers?谁的比较好,你的还是她的?语法分析:whose 表示谁的,用作主语。(5) What is your fa

9、ther?你父亲是干什么的?语法分析:what还能够用作表语。(6) Show me what you have in your hand.把你手上的东西给我看看。语法分析:what 引导从句,表示“the thing which.”。(7) I will give you what help I can.我将尽量给你协助。语法分析:在从句中 what 有时用作定语。1. _ did you see?2. _ do you mean?3. I asked him _ came into the room.4. Do you know _ that girls mother is?5. That is _ I want to know.6. Let me know _ bus youll be arriving on.7. I must decide _ to do with her.1. Whom 2. What 3. who 4. what 5. what 6. which 7. what


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