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1、Module 8 Choosing presentsUnit 2 She often goes to concerts. I Analysis of teaching material: The topic for this module is choosing presents. The passage describes basic rules for choosing presents clearly: we should choose presents according to ones hobbies. Teachers can teach students how to expre

2、ss what they like or dislike. At the same time, we can design some activities to help them use the expressions correctly. II Analysis of students: The students in Grade Seven are active and curious. They love to show their different ideas and opinions. Teachers should use various teaching methods to

3、 attract their attention as well as their enthusiasm for class.III Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge aimsKey vocabulary: choose, wear, shoe, spend, money, film, song, weekend, ect. Key structures: She likes/ She often goes to the cinema.2. Ability aims Learn to use different reading skills: pred

4、icting and reading for the main ideas.Enable students to write and talk about choosing presents according ones hobbies.3. Emotional aims: Educate students to learn to thank others and care more about others need and hobbies.IV Teaching mode Reading and writing Important and difficult pointsHelp the

5、students understand the usage of the third person singularUse different reading skills to understand the text.Learn to describe ones hobbies and choose presents for others. VI Teaching aidsMulti-media, a blackboard, hand-outs Teaching methods Interactive approach; Task-based approach; Group-work app

6、roach Teaching procedures and waysEnjoy the English song-“If you are happy” before class 设计意图:吸引学生的注意力,使学生迅速进入英语课堂状态。Step 1 Warm up1. Enjoy a video of mummy pigs birthday2. Ask students to give out three kinds of presents( Transcription)设计意图:欣赏视频,导入礼物的话题,并为词汇学习做铺垫。Step 2 PresentationVocabulary learn

7、ing1. Stand up and speak out the presents2. Work in pairsA: What presents do you always/usually/often/never get on your birthday?B: I always/ usually/often/never get.3. Choose presents for others and give out the reasons for it.设计意图:运用旧知识来学习新的词汇;同时引导学生根据其喜好为身边的人选取礼物.Step 3 Reading1. Predicting: Try

8、to predict what they like doing.设计意图:在阅读之前让学生预测文中人物的喜好,培养学生的预测能力;同时练习She likes sth./ doing sth. 的重点句型。2. Fast reading Read the passage in fixed time and match the right answers设计意图:本环节有助于帮助学生更好地掌握和理解英文文章的写作习惯,引导学生速读文本并掌握每个人物的基本喜好。3. Intensive reading 1) Read with the video and check T or F 2) Read p

9、aragraph 3-4 in roles and fill in the table (Girls-3rd Para.; Boys-4th Para.)3) Invite one student to read paragraph 5 and choose presents for Linglings aunt.设计意图:通过跟读、女生读、男生读、单人读等形式巩固学生的朗读;并以判断正误、填表格和为他人选礼物等反馈形式丰富整个阅读环节。在快速阅读这个环节后加入精读环节,能更好地调动学生参与阅读的积极性,从而培养学生抓住细节的能力。 Step 4 Choosing presents for s

10、tars设计意图:给明星挑选礼物环节意于缓解阅读后的疲劳度,再次调动起学生的学习热情;并以给英语老师送礼物为make a survey 环节埋下伏笔。Step 5 Make a survey (Play the music “Shining friends” at the same time)设计意图:让学生自由下位采访自己的好朋友或者老师,为下边的写作环节积累素材。Step 6 Give a report设计意图:展示学生的采访成果,为写作环节做更好的铺垫。 Step 7 Learn to write 1. Give out the writing sampleChristmas is co

11、ming soon , I want to give some presents. He/She So I want to choose a for him/her2. Give students about three minutes to write a small passage3. Share their passage设计意图:通过调查、展示等环节的铺垫,使学生自然地输出本课的目标语言;引导学生学会关注他人,学会为他人挑选合适的礼物等。Step 8 Homework Write a small passage of your family members, and choose some presents for them.设计意图:引导学生学会感恩:感谢周围人之余,更要感谢自己的父母。Blackboard design: Module 8 Choosing presents Unit 2 She often goes to concerts. What do you always/usually/ get on your birthday? - I always/usually/get She likes sth./ doing sth.


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