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1、动人的英语版诗歌赏析【篇一】动人的英语版诗歌赏析请别哭泣 Please Dont Cry我已无诗I can write no more poems,世间也再无飞花 无细雨And the world has no more flowers nor rains fine,尘封的四季啊Oh, the dust laden seasons,请别哭泣Please, please dont cry.万般 万般的无奈Extremely, extremely helpless,爱的馀烬已熄Cause the extinguished ash of love can no longer burn bright.

2、重回人间When coming back to the world,猛然醒觉那千条百条 都是I suddenly realized the hundreds and thousands of traces all are,已知的路 已了然的轨迹The roads I know, and the courses I understand quite.跟着人群走下去吧Follow the crowds to go on,就这样微笑地走到尽头Go on till you come to the end with a smile,我柔弱的心啊Oh, my delicate heart,请试着去忘记 请

3、千万千万Please try to forget, and make sure,别再哭泣That you will never again cry.【篇二】动人的英语版诗歌赏析邂逅A Chance Meeting你把忧伤画在眼角You paint sorrow in the corner of your eyes,我将流浪抹在额头while I rub the vagrant life on my forehead.你用思念添几缕白发You grow locks of white hair for love pine,我让岁月雕刻我憔悴的手I make time to carve my thi

4、n and pillad hand.然后在街角我们擦身而过Then at the corner of a street we brush against each other,漠然地不再相识indifferent as a stranger.啊Oh!亲爱的朋友Dear friend,请别错怪那韶光改人容颜Dont blame time for making a person wrinkled and wan,我们自己才是那个化装师for we ourselves are that make-up man.【篇三】动人的英语版诗歌赏析When I was Fair and Young-当我年轻美

5、丽时Queen Elizabeth IWhen I was fair and young, and favour graced me,Of many was I sought, their mistress for to be;But I did scorn them all, and answered them therefore:Go, go, go seek some otherwhere; importune me no more!How many weeping eyes I made to pine with woe,How many sighing hearts, I have

6、no skill to show;Yet I the prouder grew, and answered them therefore:Go, go, go seek some otherwhere; importune me no more!Then spake fair Venus son, that proud victorious boy,And said: Fine dame, since that you be so coy,I will so pluck your plumes that you shall say no more:Go, go, go seek some otherwhere; importune me no more!When he had spake these words, such change grew in my breastThat neither night nor day since that, I could take any rest.Then lo! I did repent that I had said before:Go, go, go seek some otherwhere; importune me no more!


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